Smart, sexy, and sassy, both the press and other staffers know not to mess with Claudia Jean. A natural at her job, the press secretary is sensitive toward women's issues and stands up for 'the Sisterhood.' Her wit and one-liners along with her lip synching ability are known across the land.
:: Which West Wing character are you? ::
Sam Seaborn. Kinda hoped I'd get Josh, but not too disappointed.
I've just tried this test through the link on Guido's site despite never ever watching the program. Apparently I "am" Sam Seaborn.
Since I posted there I have looked his character up on the net.
If the test is accurate then I may shoot myself.
Toby - damn my natural cynicism!
Yeah, I got Sam too, and was kinda hoping for Bartlet, but hey that's OK - which sorta proves the point. I guess.
Iain - have you REALLY got the legs for CJ?
Ooops looks like I'm in charge!!!
Be afraid, very afraid...
If nominated, I will not run; if elected I will not serve. Probably...
Donna Moss - "Known as the only one who can control Josh Lyman, she answers to his every bellow. She has a thing for Yo-Yo Ma, philately, and Josh... but won't act on it. Like CJ, Dooonnnnnaaatella doesn't take crap from anyone, and has proven herself to be a valuable member of the 'team.' "
I'm Toby.
Did this last year. I'm Sam Seaborn
Another Sam... Iain, looks like your aidoence are all idealistic with a predeliction for unknown hookers :-D
I was Sam last year, now Toby which is so much better
Wayhey I'm the chief of staff!
POTUS. I think it's the intercom thing that swung it.
Sam Seaborn and I was convinced I would be Toby.
Anyone who got Sam is just lying to themselves, idealist! We're in politics!
Leo McGarry. I should have guessed from the time I said I love the noise an ice cube makes when it's dropped from just the right height into a glass.
You too? CJ's UNITE!
Now can I have George Stephanopoulos? Please??? Just once???
Aaron Sorkin..............the rest of you work inside my script
Following GEOFF SAID's example I followed Guido's
I have never watched a single programme but find,
correctly I believe,
That I am
JED BARTLET the Presidento
So I expect a little more respect now please!
I may change my username to President Strapper now!
Never watched West Wing. But never miss Bad Girls.
I'm yet another Sam, but again was hoping for Josh
Anyone else looking forward to "Studio 60 on the sunset strip"? Aaron Sorkin's new production with Bradley Whitford and Matt looked great from the trailers. More work politics than world politics though...
Toby. Unsurprisingly.
Leo McGarry - without even liking the sound of the ice cubes, and being married (although that was a tough category to pick in)
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