Monday, August 14, 2006

Belgian Government Accused of Intimidating Blogger

A few years ago I was proud to publish a book called Blowing the Whistle by Paul van Buitenen. It was van Buitenen who blew the whistle on all the fraud at the heart of the European Commission. If you have read his book you will know the lengths the Belgian Police and the EU Security Police went to to try to shut him up. The same treatment is now being experienced by the Brussels Journal Blog. See HERE and HERE. The Blogosphere is beginning a fightback against the Belgian authorities and it's started HERE on the National Review Corner Blog. If the Belgian government is allowed to harrass bloggers in this way, God alone knows what is in store for Mr G Fawkes.


towcestarian said...

I'm trying to think of a funny joke about Belgians, but when I think I've found one it actually turns out to be about the French.

Anonymous said...

If Guido's blog keeps going the way it is, it will die a natural death anyway. Natural Selection is already pushing Iain Dale's up.

Scary about the bloody EU 'masonic mafia' getting their paws on people trying to expose corruption though. They will be swimming with the fishes if they're not careful, or end up like that guy under Blackfriars Bridge who 'committed suicide'.

Anonymous said...

Iain, eek..I am just reading on that chap's blog about a Russian who is saying that the EU is a monster who must be stopped before it becomes a 'fully fledged totalitarian state'. One hates to say it, but the gentleman may just have a point..

Anonymous said...

towcestarian - the best Belgian jokes come from the French. Actually, they're rather funny delivered in French.

Anonymous said...

The grey banner is way smart! Personally, two shades darker for definition. But very fine.

Anonymous said...

towcestarian said...
I'm trying to think of a funny joke about Belgians, but when I think I've found one it actually turns out to be about the French.

11:30 PM

This is humorous but not a joke!
'Special forces' training involves ways to overcome deprivation.

They are taught that if they are completely alone in a desert, on an ice floe, in a jungle, anywhere at all, they should find some material and erect a doorway. Immediately, two Belgians will appear and stand in the doorway holding a conversation!

Tapestry said...

The Belgians have a lot to keep secret - including an understanding with terrorist groups not to attack Brussels, as long as they can get passports and visas as required.

All over Belgium you see 'missing children' photos at tram stops and so on like we have signs for missing cats and dogs. Kids are kidnapped, raped and murdered and no onse does a thing about it. Marc Dutroux is the tip oif a very large iceberg.

If the truth came out about Belgium, I think we'd be at war. No wonder the internet has to be suppressed there, as well as Roger Helmer.

Lobster Blogster said...

anonymous at 11.41 refers to Natural Selection taking its course. There's a good example of it to be found here.

Anonymous said...

The Belgian government aren't the only ones who try to intimidate others into silence, look what's happening to a poster on Conservative Home:

Anonymous said...

Ahh.. The irony of wanting the 'establishment' to fire Orla Guerin at the same time as wanting 'the establishment' to lay off a 'Belgian Blogger'...

towcestarian said...

I found a very unselltling article on the Brussels Journal blog about the hassle Paul Belien is getting for home-schooling his children. He is apparently in conflict wih the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child requirement that the homeschooling should be done "respecting the respect for the fundamental human rights and the cultural values of the child itself and of others".

If this nonsense was not bad enough, it seems that there is something called "customary international law" that means that any old rubbish like this put out by the UN applies everywhere in the world (even if not specifically adopted in local legislation) provided a most other countries countries have adopted it.

Its official, the Nanny State has gone global. Social controllers seem to be winning and social liberals are in retreat. Someone please tell me I'm wrong and am just having a paranoid morning.

Theo Spark said...

The Belgian Government is famous for two things. Their treacherous gutlessness and their propensity for fondling small children. Belgium is only there so we have somewhere to fight our battles!

Anonymous said...

Belgium is a strange place. I'm sure many will love to attack it because it is hosts the EU bureaucracy but it is important to leave the EU-institutions for another day here, no matter how much the Conservative Party STILL gets whipped into a froth on the matter.

Belgium is a place full of vested interests and where the establishment is slow to change. When the police come knocking, imagine a "Twin Peaks" soundtrack playing.

Also the Dutch like to make jokes about the Belgians:

Geography Lesson, Dutch curriculum:
Teacher: "How were the Valkenburg Caves in Limburg caves formed?"
Pupil: "Sir! By millions the process of years of erosion of soft rock?"
Teacher: "No! Two Belgians were camping on holiday there and one lost a guilder near his tent. He started digging..."

Anonymous said...

"The Belgians have a lot to keep secret - including an understanding with terrorist groups not to attack Brussels, as long as they can get passports and visas as required."

Britain did this for years (see how Daddy Hamza was tolerated here), the so-called Londonistan phenomenon. Until 9-11 and then the CIA told Blair enough is enough.

Jeff said...

Several years ago I read soe books by David Icke, a lot of his comments and ideas I took as entertaining.

But one The New World Order has come to be talked about more and more. I am not saying Mr Icke is right in everything he says about it, but the fact that the man who once said he was the son of god hit this nail on the head makes me hope it was just a lucky shot with the hammer.

Anonymous said...

Sehr geEhrte Iain

Ich liebe die Gray

Alles Gute

G Adler

Anonymous said...

anonymous 11.53

please read the history of the EU (NOT the tripe written by the EU but The great deception)

I am afraid that unless the tories have a get out policy we, as a nation, are finished. We will be regions 1 - 9. Any 'insurrection' will be put down by EU troops (NOT our army and police) and what happened within the Soviet Union will happen here. We have grown too soft. Book your holidays now for the archipellego's.

AnyonebutBlair said...

Belgium is a very strange country, I lived in Antwerp for nearly two years and still couldn't figure the place out. A bizarre mix of institutionalised lefty libralism and authoritarianism. Try leaving your rubbish out on the wrong day (punishable by death!), or putting your rubbish in the wrong bag...they'll open it up and come and fine you. Hang on we're doing that here now...
Great beer, women with "different" moral standards than in the UK ;-) but dodgy food, 59% tax so funnily enough intitutionalised tax avoidance - everyone I worked with was a self-emplyed contractor invoicing from a holding company in Luxembourg to avoid tax, virtually all large purchases are in cash to avoid tax (including house purchases, typically the cash being driven into Belgium from Luxembourg!). Strange place but it looks like that what's coming to the UK if we continue with the dreadful NuLab (but without the tax avoidance under the tyrannical regime of Mr. Brown and Mr. Darling to come)

Johnny Norfolk said...

I am not suprised by this having lived in Germany and France it is just the way thay act over there. They think the politiacl elite are beyond examimation. They are not like us and their attitudes are different. The EU does not work for the people only the politicians.

Anonymous said...

I see that the intimidation if Inigo Wilson continues, Orange has now suspended him:

Anonymous said...

Well, Belgium may be a ridiculous country, and the police probably should have better things to do, but let's not pretend that this blog is anything other than a sort of BNP-er on holiday. Its hardly in the class of any of the EU whistle-blowers mentioned. It seems to be mainly simplistic gripes about too many immigrants, blah, blah. The racist pub bore online, in other words.

Anonymous said...

Ahh.. The irony of wanting the 'establishment' to fire Orla Guerin at the same time as wanting 'the establishment' to lay off a 'Belgian Blogger'...

No irony. I don't think Iain wants to have Orla Guerin silenced by agents of the state - he just doesn't want to pay her wages, because she's crap.