2. Paul Waugh is highly cynical about the timing of the release of the Baby P report.
3. Danny Finkelstein lists his Ten Worst Political Gaffes. Well, not his own, you understand!
4. Tory Diary exposes the EPP's lying, cheating ways. Again.
5. Labour blogger Peter Kenyon reckons the Tories should be charged with treason for "talking down Sterling" I kid you not. I wonder what he thinks Gordon Brown should be charged with for causing it to plummet in the first place.
6. Matt Wardman on Obama's turnout and fundraising myths.
7. Martin Bright finds himself getting angry at the Progress conference ... about Damian Green.
8. Andrew Porter thinks DD is about to take on the Speaker.
9. Cicero's Songs says the Speaker should apologise and then depart.
10. LibDem Voice has an astonishing revelation about Haringey's Chief Executive.
11. Red Box on the Chris Galley press conference and what constitutes inducement.
12. Nadine isn't feeling much love for Jacqui Smith.
6 of your stories today, and 4 of the 12 blogs, all on, or related to, Damian Green. He's never had it so good, and at a political conference today, he was absent only in body as speakers as diverse as George Galloway, Tony Benn, Nick Clegg and William Hague leapt to his defence. Hell hath no fury like a parliament scorned, and I'd hate to be in Speaker Martin's nice shiny buckles on Wednesday!
what's this about bloggers being asked to turn our pages green and post a ribbon in support of Damien Green.
See Dylan Jones-Evans Blog
I'd add Robert Peston's piece on why the Chancellor needs to be explicit. See here.
Political Betting is reporting a ComRes poll which shows the Tory lead down to one percentage point.
I would be inclined to ask WTF, but given Dangerous "questions must be asked" Dave's invertebrate performance, I am not surprised.He has no cojones, and no spine. It's a miracle he's not been mistaken for a whelk.
Imagine how it would be if David Davis hadn't crapped out with his terrible leadership bid speech? What if DD had clinched it. Apparently, DD isn't always Mr Serene. It's at times like this, Mr Angry needs to take a trip to the Dispatch Box and get a bit un-Parliamentary.
Wrinkled Weasel wrote:
It's a miracle he's not been mistaken for a whelk.
This was often the fate of Cameroceras, one of the largest invertebrates the world has seen (ask Ordovicius, it's his period). Despite its spiral shell up to 20 ft long it was, in fact a cephalopod and there was something like a squid installed at the wide end.
Even in a Daley dozen we get transparent Economic 101 failure muddle. Takes some doing, but hey, well done.
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