Gays on the political centre-right - and there are indeed many - will without doubt be making their way to the Soho Theatre in London over the next few weeks. On Friday 15th, a new play, Tory Boyz, opens there and is billing itself as 'a bold and acerbic political comedy that shines a light on the hidden faces behind the Conservative Party' - i.e., the gay ones.A reader suggests that Norman Tebbit should be asked to review it. Naughty.
Written by the award-winning young playwright James Graham, the play features a portrayal of Edward Heath (possibly his first such stage recreation) and offers an examination of 'the young, exciting men and women who don’t exactly fit with the stereotype.' The play claims to confront questions over the Conservatives' traditionally perceived intolerance and prejudice against gays, and will ask the question of whether it is possible that the party which passed Section 28 maybe also elected Britain’s first ever gay Prime Minister.
You can book tickets HERE.
I notice that in explaining why he's chosen to write about the right Graham says that "Writers can either carry on congratulating ourselves and seeing our world view as unchallenged, or we can go out and challenge ourselves on these things", with the "our" and "we" suggesting that he also belongs to the left.
Iain, you should definitely see this play and post a review of it. It would be very interesting to see how an outsider's view of "Gays on the political centre-right" compares to an insider's view. Will it just be a leftie hatchet job or something more interesting?
Andrew, I am hoping to go on Monday week.
Justin Hinchcliffe was the original Tory Boy I believe and he is about as out a gay as I can think of
I once went to a gay club with him (I was lied to....don`t ask). I was suprised at the rightish atmosphere which included having a none to subtle go at single mothers .
Should he be getting paid for this ?
There was a quite about the (Brighton) Tory party last week in the Standard, "more gays than Monday night at Heaven."
Peter Tatchell is in the unedifying position of having won the war (for gay rights) but not realised it and will look a bit of tit now claiming he won the war whilst everybody else has moved on and forgoten who he was!
At times, this blog seems to be about nothing apart from Michael Portillo.
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