I've written this week's diary for The Spectator, which you can read HERE. Due to the postal strike, I suspect the paper version won't land on your doormat until Saturday. It contains items about...
- Being stalked by Michael Ancram
- Incontinence sheets
- Life as a blogger at party conference
- Making enemies with the Top 100 list
- Making a speech on the floor of the conference
i think i've had enough self promotion from dale. anyone else?
What are incontinence sheets?I've heard of pads and wipe clean mattresses but sheets?That's for when you have company and a nappy ain't snappy?
incontinence sheets are what Dale writes on when he blathers on about westham
Political commentary, analysis and gossip from the heart of westminister... I say NO. I say the secret diary of Iain Dale aged....
It just seems to be look at me aint I great. That attitude wont get Iain a space on HIGNFY.
I am surprised Ancram bothered to turn up after trashing his own reputation in the party.
All the true blue senior tories on our Exec regard him as little better than traitorous pond life after his attack on Cameron.
They see all their unpaid work and donations squandered by that scottish carpet bagger.
The Hague attack on tv was well deserved.
Why do we all zero in on incontinence sheets? Are we that close to the time?
After that item, it is fair to say they won't be offering you the key to the city any time soon, I fear...
OK, bugger the rest of the comments, I'm wanting to hear more.
And my vote will follow, if I hear the right thing...
O.K. read your diary now. Why were you laughing at Zoya Phan?
Clothilde Simon
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