A pensioner's election campaign got off to a spicy start when he printed a pile of leaflets containing the phrase Vote For Sex. Tory candidate Henry Forse is standing for a seat on New Forest District Council in Hampshire. But his campaign leaflets carried the phrase Vote Forse, followed by an X. The retired sea captain said: "I didn't notice it myself, and as soon as we had them printed, I set off with a pile under my arm."I was walking past a building site when a workman spotted it and burst out laughing and shouted, 'Vote for sex! I don't believe it!' "My wife posted one at a house where there was a tree surgeon working and he almost fell out of his tree laughing." At first, a horrified Mr Forse thought the blunder could damage his campaign and stopped posting the leaflets through doors. But when he consulted the local Conservative agent, she was quick to see the funny side and it was decided the naughty message was as likely to win him votes as lose them. The June 14 poll - delayed from the May 3 elections elsewhere in the council because of the death of another candidate - is the first that Mr Forse has stood in. New Forest East's Tory MP Julian Lewis joked: "With a promise like that, we are expecting a massive turnout."
I bet they are
"he almost fell out of his tree laughing" - life in the Tory Heartlands must be even duller than I imagined...
Sounds like the Tories are counting on many more male voters turning UP at the election . . .
Does he have any stiff opposition?
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