Anyway, just though I'd display the ad for free. I'm nice like that.
political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
Iain, perhaps it is because we are not bacnkrolled by Lord Ashcroft and have to target our ads ?
No, Iain, you're not being 'nice like that' at all. You're having a quick shot at the Lib Dems to satisfy your Tory chums. If you were being nice, you'd make sure the click-through worked :P But then again, I guess you have to pay for the privilege?
What advert?
Thanks for the free advert Iain :-)
I'd like to claim this was a cunning plan to sucker you into giving our adverts some free publicity, but the reality is that you're on the list; the ads just haven't quite got to you yet.
Aren't they supposed to be saving up to pay back £2.4 million of illegal campaign donations ? Perhaps they should blog for free and see if anyone wants to read what they have to say.
Hello People - I am in desperate need of votes in the Blogpower wards -where I am being crushed by the forces of socialism. Follow the link on the right hand side of my blog and vote for me in cats 1 and 14!!
This was posted at 8.32 pm and at 12.40 am, there is nothing showing on the comments section.
Whilst we all applaud your stance re:gratuitous swearing and weirdo posters, don't you think that imposing comment moderation and then going off for the evening kinda kills the dynamic of your blog, Iain?
Anonymous, my fault entirely. I had intended to switch off comment moderation when I went to do Sky, but forgot. Many apologies.
Mark, anything to oblige!
Apology accepted Iain.
Anyone would think that you owned this blog!
but they don't do humour, these LibDems, do they?!
Oh yes they do, they just don't know when they're doing it!
LibbyDems are the masters of unintentional humour! Readers of LDV can contrast the humourless Rob Fenwick ( but it's not all bad- he's an alright bit of totty) to Stephen Tall ( but don't mention bins)- who actually has a sense of humour- and a good sense of when to skedaddle from a looming disaster ( ie) Oxford City's Budgets)!
You haven't posted for 14 1/2 hours! Kick Nadine out and get to work there is loads of stuff to pontificate on ... so get to it!!
apologies Iain , I will one day learn how to spell your complex name.
Pack-rat is here he.Can`t you invite some more attractive guest .Like the bubonic plague for example?
Petty, malignant frustrated nit Mark Pack ...This is you life...
Norfolk , you have considerable nerve to mention Party funding.
O/T: I've just been reading the profile of Gordon Brown in "The Telegraph." Apparently his nursery school teacher was a "Miss Bogie" -you couldn't make it up.
Many of us link to you Iain, so we must have a sense of humour.
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