Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Jodie Marsh Eats Phil Willis MP for Breakfast

It's amazing what you discover from the world of blogdom. Take this, for example. Did you know Jodie Marsh has a blog? Who's Jodie Marsh, you ask. Go to the bottom of the class. You'll never make the 'A' List if you can't answer questions like that! Jodie is best known for her, er, well, large chest appendages. There, you thought I was going to say 'knockers' didn't you? just because I come from Essex... Anyway, Jodie was on Celebrity Big Brother and took against George Galloway. She was rather ahead of her fellow housemates in that respect. She's now taken against LibDem MP Phil Willis who's been saying unkind things about her. Phil, Phil, what were you thinking of? Anyway, Jodie's hit back at some length. Should you wish to read her rantings in full, do visit her Blog HERE - it's well worth it. You do have to register though. I mean, who ever has heard of a blog you have to register for to look at? If you don't want to grace Jodie's Blog with your presence, Recess Monkey has reprinted the whole transcript HERE. I promise you it's worth it.


Andrew said...

You link to RM seems very broken.

Anonymous said...

They're called "Breasts" Iain.


Recess Monkey

Guido Fawkes said...

Recess Monkey - clever chap that he is - has a system which accuses links of being spam.

Bizarre blogger.

Iain Dale said...

perhaps that is why he remains a monkey...

Edward said...

That is actually genuinely touching! Good for Ms March I say...

Anonymous said...

I think, maybe, that my overenthusiastic spam blocker issue has been resolved thangu ver much

aidanrad said...

Yep - Jodie wins by a nose... (sorry...)

Rigger Mortice said...

"Jodie Marsh Eats Phil Willis MP for Breakfast"
I bet he's sat there wishing that was true.