On 5 January 2005 on the Today Programme, Mr Kennedy said: "[A]s I said in an interview before Christmas - if there's a perception of anxiety on that score there needn't be"
TRANSLATION: "Actually, I'm lieing. There should be."
On 18 December 05 his office issued a statement rebutting Paul Marsden story in the Mail on Sunday."Paul Marsden is claiming that Charles Kennedy had a drink problem, which Charles Kennedy strenuously denies. The Mail on Sunday made clear that we dispute his 'facts' and his allegations."
TRANSLATION: "We are lieing but we can't admit it."
On Dimbleby, on ITV1, 18 December 05 Jonathan Dimbleby asked: "Has it been a battle to stay off the booze, have you had to have medical support in any way at all?""No, no, no, that is not the case, it is a matter on all fronts - if there's something my doctor really wants me to do over this holiday period as a matter of fact, is give up smoking and I think he's right," said Mr Kennedy."
TRANSLATION: "Well, actually, the last bit's true, but the first bit's a lie. I just can't stop lieing, can I?"
To Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight, July 2002: "How much do you drink?" Mr Paxman asked. "Moderately, socially, as you well know", was the reply."You don't drink privately?""What do you mean, privately?" "By yourself, a bottle of whisky late at night?" "No, I do not, no."
TRANSLATION: "Well if you had to lead this rag bag of a party, wouldn't you want to get bladdered of an evening?"
Glad that's cleared that up then.
PS Sorry about the picture. It seems I got the wrong Kennedy...
Politician tells lies,shock!!!Perhaps before we get too sanctimonious we might like to remember Westland,Matrix Churchill or the 'dodgy dossiers' that made the case for the Iraq war.
I wish Charles Kennedy the best of luck.
Tom, you're living in dreamland. I am amzed that CK's colleagues have tolerated his behaviour for so long. Of course on a human level I feel sorry for him - who wouldn't - but the fact is if he had come forward voluntarily and told the truth I think he might possibly have been able to survive it. But not now.
"lieing" - standards really are slipping
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