Thursday, February 14, 2008

I am a Ninja, Apparently

The author of the D-Log blog has called me a Ninja Blogger. I don't know what that means. Should I be flattered or upset. Still, makes a change from Tory tosser - or worse - I suppose.


  1. Sounds ok Ian - does he mean you're a fighter? Wouldn't argue with that.


    If people like Verity had their way, you'd never get to see films like this as they don't appeal to a wide range enough of people i.e. populist tosh appealing to the hard of thinking..

  3. NINJA is surely a reference to No Income No Job ? A sort of self-certified blogger ?

  4. Sub Prime Blooger

  5. D'Log sounds like a right on tosser!

  6. No knickers? Kerry Katona? Fanciable journalists? Ninjas?

    Have you gone Hyperglycemic or has the blog been hacked by Alex Hilton?

  7. Tell him you're a lover, not a fighter :)

  8. Are you sure it wasn't Binger Blogger? :)

  9. From D'log .... It's a compliment, Iain. Fast, super-skilled, deadly. As in Japanese ninja: "someone specially trained in a variety of unorthodox arts of war".

  10. Iain,

    I know political news might be a bit short on the ground on this half-term week, but its only a week off! Has political news dried-up and this has become Heat Magazine?

    Perhaps tomorrow we can discuss the upcoming story lines in East Enders, and discuss the state of Jordan and Peter Andre's marriage?

    Have you decided that the 40%(ish)of the population who dont vote mighthave the right idea as underpants; etc are so much more interesting?

  11. Presumably anybody wounded by your words might then be said to have suffered a ninjary?

  12. Ian.

    When are you going to share with us what you learned in Washington?

    For example, what does McCain actually stand for?

    The Speccie endorsed McCain and I cancelled my subscription. To me McCain is an arsehole, and the Spectator has lost the plot

    What do you think?

  13. "If people like Verity had their way, you'd never get to see films like this as they don't appeal to a wide range enough of people i.e. populist tosh appealing to the hard of thinking.."

    You get your 'thinking' from films? That explains a lot.
