Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Mother of all Mothers

Courtesy of Popbitch...
What's wrong with Britain? The publicly voted short-list for "Celebrity Mum
of the Year" includes Mel B, Posh, Heather Mills, Katie Price and Kate

Quite. Last year's winner was Kerry Katona. Not that I am doubting the wisdom of the Great British Public, you understand.

PS Actually, I exclude Kate Garraway from any sarcy humour. She seems quite normal.


  1. Heather McCartney is such a publicity-seeking liar that she probably really still has both legs and it's just a publicity stunt.

    A mad list.

  2. she's married to Derek Draper and you call her normal?

    I'd suggest she's had a frontal lobotomy at some point to marry that vile little man.

  3. link is wrong, should be

  4. other than the two spice women (girls shouldn't be mums) and Heather Mills, I have never heard of any of the others. What can this mean?

  5. Andy C hits that particular nail squarely on the head... if the Great British Public all knew what anyone around new labour in the mid/late 90's knows about her slackjawed, sniffy, 2nd hand car salesman of a lobbyist 'husband' and by natural progression her 'showbiz / non-celebrity ilk' self too then I would wager she would come bottom of anyone's pole... especially as a role model for mothers (except perhaps the daytime Chav-TV watchers of the world) and for someone who is supposedly apolitical due to her job - its amazing how distinctly pro Labour the she-devil-shyster is on TV and her facial expressions say it all sometimes... one would hate to see her '****-face', probably one reason Dolly doesn't do missionary one might guess...(and thank goodness there's no chance of most of us ever seeing such a sight!)

    Her and her snakeoil seller of a husband are welcome to each other, please don't make us have to suffer either of them anymore than we already have done... although DD has to be thanked for disastrously advising Mandy Mandelson on everything from visas for lovers, mortgages and loans, and visas for Labour Party donors...that's before we get onto his links with Blair's other euro supremo married to a big noise at the BBC... Note the pattern: New Labour and the BBC/Media, all tarts taking the taxpayer for a ride together...

    Now if there was a similar prize to the 'Rear of the Year' say for instance 'Arsehole of the Year' I'd vote for Mr Kate Garroway, AKA Mr. Derek 'Dolly' Draper, although other NewLab wasters would vie for the title...

  6. That's why mums go to iceland.

  7. The only surprise about this list is that Britney Spears isn't on it too.

  8. On a positive note, Jordan is a good mum. And she's well made.
