Thursday, February 14, 2008

MPs to Undergo SAS Training for Reality TV Show

A TV production company called Sweet Pictures is emailing MPs inviting them to take part in some sort of reality TV programme.
Good afternoon,I am writing to you with a view to recruiting political personalities to partake in a potential television series.We are developing a series that will involve Politicians competing against each other in an environment that will develop mental and physical strength under the tuition of the SAS. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you feel this is something you may like to discuss, our Producer would be more than happy to run through the idea in more detail with you.

Sounds like one for DD... Mind you, I'd never trust anyone who uses the word 'partake'.


  1. £50 says this is a spoof by C4.

  2. My guess is that if George Osborne is threatened with torture, he'll spill his guts in less than one nanosecond.


  3. Or who don't know the proper use of the comma. Grr.

  4. True democracy - this is how politics should work - we the public can vote out the worst, albeit at the cost of the phone call.

  5. I had a similar idea last December:

  6. Apparently David once used his SAS moves on your mate Bruce Anderson, and that's the real reason he hates him. And now Anderson, having praised Cameron so effusively in order to denigrate Davis, is trapped into cheerleading for someone whose views he doesn't actually share at all.

  7. It's got to be a spoof. Given the punctuation errors and the inappropriate use of capitalisation, maybe it's even a new generation of 419 scam?

  8. How about a few MP's undergoing training and heading out to Iraq or Afghanistan to experience life in the armed forces first hand like Ross Kemp or the camera guy from the series commando??
    Now that really would be reality programme!

  9. Spoof or not, it has all the makings of a good comedy sketch, esp Gary Eslby's suggestion.

  10. But surely MPs would run the risk of the public losing respect for them...

  11. Clearly "media studies" do/does not entail learning the distinction twixt partake and participate. Idiots who wrongly use partake invariably think they are being sooo clever. Now, having participated in this discussion, I shall go and partake of a slice of ginger cake and a cup of Darjeeling.

  12. The SAS will have to change their motto. "Who bottles wins!"

    Like Anonymous, I think it would be a great programme if they sent them out to Iraq or Afghanistan. I always dreamed that they'd do that to Blair when he turned up in Basra for those awful photo-calls. "Right Prime Minister, here's a gun, here's the rest of your patrol..." He'd have to say no, which would show him up as a coward who is happy to send others to die.

    I haven't a lot of time for the royal family, but at least Harry was willing to go and fight.
