Monday, November 12, 2007

Huhne and Clegg Want Your Questions

Yes, I know I promised not to drone on and on about the LibDem leadership contest, but I wanted to urge you to respond to the latest LibDem e-initiative, explained by the good Lord Rennard on this YouTube video. Actually, it's rather a good idea, but who on earth thought it a good idea for Lord Rennard to market it? It's clear he had idiot boards above the camera lens and the whole thing just reeks, well, it reeks of naffness. It's a shame as the concept isn't a bad one.


  1. what's the human slug doing on this?

  2. It's a bit like the Conservatives having the Rt Hon Nicholas Soames MP do something similar.

  3. Only question I can think of is "Why do you bother ?"

    Alan Douglas

  4. Which one of you is 118 - and which is 118?

  5. If you don’t turn on the speaker on… it just looks like some fat git wheezing.

    Can’t the libdems find someone willing to support their party that is neither Corpulent, a Commie, a Closet, a Coprophiliac nor al Coholic?

  6. To LibDems, Lord Rennard is godlike and capable of doing no wrong (see terms and conditions).

  7. You need to get Olly Kendall back on Doughty Street to analyse the concept.

    I promise to blog an embarassing university story for you to humiliate him with this time.....

  8. Is 'moobs' a word?

  9. Hopefully the first thing the new leader will do for us is send 'his lordship' to the House and get a new chief executive. If only Rennard was as good as he says he is we would have been in government by now!

  10. Its just a bloke announcing the initiative. Yes, fat people can do that too, chaps. Don't be so personal and unpleasant. Don't see what's wrong with the video.

  11. Someone should ask him why other parties support nuclear when it could kill us all in terror attack.
