political commentator * author * publisher * bookseller * radio presenter * blogger * Conservative candidate * former lobbyist * Jack Russell owner * West Ham United fanatic * Email iain AT iaindale DOT com
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tuesday/Wednesday Open Thread
I won't be blogging today as I will be attending and delivering the eulogy at my Godmother's funeral. Please use this thread to discuss the news issues of the day. I will be back later on Wednesday.
Ed Balls took a £100K bung from Sith under the guise of rersearch. He needed some cash flow in between leaving Govt and being elected as MP. Of course Brown's private 'Charity' was the ideal conduit to solve this smarmy snout in trough prof politician's problem. And Sith funds. Not from street collections but from Diageo and the like. Want to meet the Chancellor. It helps to bang a few quid into Sith. Charity Commissioners meanwhile sit on their hands.
that smokey view on the Beeb World news last night looked like somebody trying to burn down West Ham's stadium. Chelsea or Spurs fans been playing with matches again?
David Cameron is troubled about the low conviction rate in rape cases. Two thoughts:
1. It's not just a rape problem. It is difficult to secure a conviction in any case which turns on one person's word against another, with no independent witnesses. How could it be otherwise, given the requirement to prove a case beyond reasonable doubt?
2. It is generally agreed, in legal circles, that the CPS prosecute some rape cases in which there is not, and never was, any reasonable prospect of a conviction. But the practice varies from one area to another. In those areas where the CPS is more cautious the conviction rates are much higher.
Jacqui Smith showing her (lack of) quality. She must go.
Many on the Left are far more comfortable with a certain profile of political opponent - ones they believe (rightly or wrongly) that they can beat without resorting to proper debate. A Tory of advanced years is at best a duffer and should the occasion demand it, is of course, a reactionary bigot. Similarly, palpably posher politicians can be painted as out of touch relics of a distant age or, failing that (e.g. Dave Cameron) maligned as part of a ruling class with an arrogant born to rule attitude.
So it shouldn’t be surprising that any attractive, youthful and street-wise Conservative supporter whose head appears above the parapet seems to draw particularly nasty fire. Bob Piper’s reaction to Frank Lampard is quintessential. And on the basis of this theory, Nadine Dorries’ trajectory towards becoming a left wing hate figure had the predictability of a Johnny Wilkinson penalty right in front of the posts.
Not only does Nadine’s background as an NHS nurse hailing from Merseyside make those attempting those usual anti-Tory jibes look ridiculous, but it adds massive credibility to her criticisms about Labour’s record in Liverpool and in running the NHS. Moreover, someone who has been a board member of BUPA and ran a successful business can hardly be dismissed as stupid. The clichéd smears won’t wash, so, as we shall see, in the scramble to discredit Nadine, fevered barrel-scraping is a must.
When Nadine’s forthright blog writing style immediately engaged her electorate and wowed the Westminster village. Of course, it didn’t take long for her political enemies to admit that the campaign to stop her at all costs had begun. Not long after, she won the Conservative Home vote for best blogging MP and has been a contributor to the Spectator. Beyond doubt, another unalloyed success in Britain’s right-wing blogosphere.
Before I move to the next exciting instalment, I need to give the reader a quick briefing outlining some important context. Within the Labour Party there is a significant strain of unthinking best described by Robin Aitken* as ”aggressively feministic, militantly atheistic and conspicuously compassionate towards favoured victim groups”. The kind of people who view street muggings as an economic redistribution policy and for whom abortion liberalisation is a litmus test issue. Labour loyalists – these are the people who voted in the execrable Harriet Harman. Let’s call them Harpeople.
* in his book “Can We Trust The BBC?” – he was referring to the BBC’s former Social Affairs Editor Polly Toynbee
It causes me no sadness to report that the Harpeople must be a pretty disheartened bunch since Gordon Brown assumed control. After all, the most discernable movement in Labour’s policy direction (or vision!) can best be described as towards social conservatism. Examples include the binning of the Supercasino, the belated prison building programmes, the likely reclassification of cannabis and the welcome extended to Tory careerist Quentin Davis MP. In policy terms, the sort of stuff any right-thinking Cornerstoner would welcome and the polar opposite of any Harperson’s wet dreams.
A recipe for recriminations? Certainly not during Gordon’s honeymoon when internal discontent was drowned out by the overwhelming public support for his conservative measures. In Labour circles, these U turns were excused as being driven by the leader’s Presbyterian roots and the much more uncomfortable (and far more realistic) explanation that this new agenda was driven by his present-day populism was ignored. Gordon must appreciate the Harpeople’s hatred for the dreaded Tories and the application of the lesser of two evils principle, but with his meetings with Thatcher, Tory-lite inheritance tax cuts and “British jobs for British workers” mantra he is pushing the envelope.
Enough on context. Let’s return to Nadine. If you respect human life, then, as a politician you have a duty to take an interest in abortion laws. At its heart the abortion debate is of course about competing human rights, but a logical position in the abortion debate is to support laws that protect human life as soon as it becomes sustainable. Nadine takes this view, has noted that the UK’s current abortion laws fail to protect unborn babies who can survive and is, therefore, naturally a supporter of a proposal to prevent late abortions on babies that could survive outside the womb.
To say this is a hot issue amongst the Harpeople may be an under-exaggeration. No matter what the scientific evidence, it appears that they would take even the slightest deliberalisation of current abortion laws as a hammer blow. Gordon has resolved not to involve himself, but to countenance a female Conservative MP taking the lead on such issues is clearly too much to bear. It seems that such a person must be silenced or put completely beyond the pale.
To illustrate, check out Labour bloggers making the most vicious personal attacks on Nadine or consider the pond-life spamming her blog with frightening abuse through the night – which I have seen happen before to female Conservative bloggers. She is entitled to protect herself against ad hominem abuse and given her other commitments, I fully understand Nadine’s decision to suspend comments on her blog.
My call to fellow Tories is to support Nadine and other Tories who don’t fit the template against mud-slinging. Labourites are scared of their potency and openly admit that they target these people. My message to the unengaged is simple. This IS New Labour’s modus operandi. Are you comfortable with that? And whilst some of the contributors to the left wing blogosphere can’t be reasoned with, I invite the thoughtful to reflect on the above.
The Jon Snow propaganda Hour was gloating. Seems the quango created to advise on the need for migration (of skilled workers) wants to flood the country with unskilled workers. Apparently we 'need' them to build the Olmpics and the three million homes required to house immigrants and a couple of English people.
Like I said before, whenever nulab say they will do something about immigration, they legalise more of it.
Interesting how the Tories seem to be driving the news agenda so much in the past month. I'm assuming that Andy Coulson is behind what must be a new 'headline' initiative, but whoever is driving the thing deserves great praise.
Virtually ever day now, the headlines include a major news item which starts with the words 'Conservative Leader, David Cameron...' and a story which shows - to a greater or lesser degree - that considered thought has been given to a hitherto neglected area of social or economic policy.
My only worry is that with two years (probably) to go before a General Election, we might be out of ammo when the big battle starts...
So more academics claiming that drinking habits will be changed by higher taxes. Don't these people realise you can't change behaviour by tax, tax, tax ( otherwise the roads would be empty).
And these types perpetuate the man made global warming myth, whilst (surprise, surprise) claiming the solution is higher taxation.
Let's not forget that there's a difference between moderation and stopping all comment. My personal view is that she should have gone for mederation - at least that would have allowed a shred of apparent integrity.
@ jeremy,
Why do you think the Conservatives will run out of ammunition? The way things are going this government will continue to provide plenty of opportunity for criticism and attack. In fact it's increasingly difficult to keep up with things right now, what with the sheer numbers of cock-ups and blunders being exposed.
Rape is apparently a nasty sinister crime. Thanks Camera On for informing us of this fact. Using a Women’s conference to bring up the issue of Rape in such a fashion, I believe is spin at it most insidious. Trying to get the female vote via a speech on Rape, how appalling. SHAME
Now that I get skynews and hence the paper reviews, it is indeed clear that the Tories are setting the agenda of late. Labour don't seem to know where the latest attack is coming from to the point where they are going into their shells. This is all good stuff, but we need to make sure we win over the public on the economy as well as in departmental competence.
Driving the agenda… are you having a laugh Jeremy. Don’t you mean Cambo goes on about the EU and Migrants AGAIN?
I don’t think you get it, you are having the agenda set for you and are following it blindly.
Cambo is being led down the Europe, Migrant, Tax cut lane. Cambos criers for discipline in his party are the give away. Ie, “Shut the hell up”, because the right wing nutters are getting what they want, and invariably cannot help themselves. The bloke rambling about Enoch being the prime example, the Tory lurch to the extreme right made him see that he could make such comments free from rebuke.
Labour's principal problem (apart from Brown's lack of voter friendly attributes )is that after ten years they have run out of steam.The Tories ,as their title as conservatives proclaims,are comfortable with simply governing without constant change or reform.Labour feel they must always be "doing something" and,at the moment,Brown can think of little for them worthwhile to do.
I bet David Davis is sharpening his knife for the hopeless Smith
she deliberately covered up a major scandal for the sole reasion it would be bad press for Labour.
She has allowed illegal immigrants to guard public buildings and done nothing but try and conceal the risk. it would still be secret if the story hadnt leaked.
she should be sacked by gordon....if not she should be forced to resign by the opposition.
Just been reading The Taxpayers Alliance rich list for the public sector and their post about the rewards for failure. Such a shame that we don't throw enough money at the FA, otherwise Steve McClaren's name might feature!
The useless, over-promoted Home Scretary Jacqui Smith will be in the firing line at 3.30pm in the Commons today.
It seems she's been caught trying to cover up the fact that thousands of illegal immigrants have been given security jobs, many in public buildings, and some involving naional security.
Leaked emails put her firmly in the frame.
She was increasingly useless anyway and Brown may seize this opportunity to get rid of her.
I think an investigation into who the leaker was is should put an end to this. A disgruntled little tory boy in the civil service leaking data to the press. 5 years for breaking the data protection act….oh dear.
Not rattled by any means…. 2 years of rambling on about migrants and immigrants, while the fruit cakes UKIP and BNP do likewise. You are being pushed, oh so easily, on to old nasty Tory territory and you just don’t get it.
Brown will work away at Hospitals, Schools, the Economy etc etc, and you will be moaning about migrates until 2010.
Note how all your ears prick up when the M word is mentioned, never mind the E word.
As a regular on this blog I also note hardly any mention of Cambos Rape nonsense, or Co Op schools or Council Tax referendums, only Migrants migrants migrants. The electorate are smarter than you think.
Watch in wonder as more Enoch Haslows crawl from under their rocks
anon 1.43 watch in wonder as poor, hopeless, Jacqui Smith is torn limb from limb this afternoon over her dishonest and incompetent attempt at a cover up.
What a useless, dying, fag-end government this lot are.
When they are miles behind in the polls next year I expect Brown to bottle it and resign on health grounds.
When they are miles behind in the polls next year I expect Brown to bottle it and resign on health grounds.
Aarrh yes, wishful thinking the last bastion of the truly rattled.
I must admit spinner Andy Caulsons decision to advise all blue noses to use the term “rattled” on any occasion does seem to have struck a cord with those tories complaining about the use of spin.. funny that
Ok, I won't use the word "rattled"; "desperate" will do just as well. It shows how desperate NuLab have become when all they can do is yak on about how the "nasty" Tories are obsessed with immigration.
You'd think that a party that had been in government for over 10 years might have some achievements or policy triumphs to trumpet about. Oh no, not Labour - just 10 years of complete and utter failure. Labour must be the only government in history that poured a record amount of cash into the public sector only to produced record levels of illiteracy and a national health system that almost declared itself bankrupt.
Historians won't care about how "nasty" the Conservatives were when they record the total waste and uselessness of the Blair/Brown years.
Go Now and Brown's Dying Days - I agree that Brown won't last until the next election. He's weak and crippled further by touchiness and arrogance.
I agree, he'll resign on health grounds. My preference would be for him to have a nervous breakdown and be televised being led away, but I think that may be too much to ask.
The Gordon troll infesting this thread seems to lack finesse. In fact, to have a clunking fist.
Verity, it's a bit early to be hitting the Sanatogen isn't it? Wishing illness on others only brings meaningless insulk=ts on yourself, so go and get back under the hairdrier and roast your cell a bit more.
Sensible Tories - you've been banging on about "spin not substanc" for years, yet now you can only express your rejection of Labour in terms of negative reactions to a lack of performance skills. Hypocrisy.
I've seen a few streams of horrendous abuse temporarily appear on this blog, so idiots about everywhere - and not all can spell as well as Verity.
The abortion debate is not particularly party political - more a question of morals meeting reality and trying to come up with the least worst outcome. The only proper solution is fail-safe contraception (including the word "no" in some cases)
Verity, it's a bit early to be hitting the Sanatogen isn't it? Wishing illness on others only brings meaningless insults on yourself, so go and get back under the hairdrier and roast your cell a bit more.
Sensible Tories - you've been banging on about "spin not substanc" for years, yet now you can only express your rejection of Labour in terms of negative reactions to a lack of performance skills. Hypocrisy.
I've seen a few streams of horrendous abuse temporarily appear on this blog, so idiots about everywhere - and not all can spell as well as Verity.
The abortion debate is not particularly party political - more a question of morals meeting reality and trying to come up with the least worst outcome. The only proper solution is fail-safe contraception (including the word "no" in some cases)
Brown is not the sort of person who will resign, nor will he have a nervous breakdown. He’s the type who believes he is always right and is enraged when people don’t see it. Cameron will be able to trap him into political stupidity time and time again. It has happened twice already. Over the election that never was and the Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax opportunism. It is clear that Brown gravely underestimates the intelligence of the British public.
""""Historians won't care about how "nasty" the Conservatives were""""
WHAT !!!!.
Delusional as ever. Not only are you historically nasty, having ditched all the commissions it does seem that Cameron is going to try and win the election on the back of migrant and EU bashing, good luck you are gonna need it.
The Romans offered Bread and Circuses, and that was just about as relevant to to-day as that Nazi reference. The regular anti-Muslim and anti immigrants rants on this site is more reminiscent. "White-Flight", "the Indians are better looking than ...". Nastiness. Ugh!
Maybe that could be the British motto that Brown is looking for. Maybe he could have embroidered onto all those union flags he demands are flown from public buildings (apart from Scotland of course).
m.hrisotv [3.41 PM]You say, "It is clear that Brown gravely underestimates the intelligence of the British public."
Maybe. Certainly the commentariat has gravely overestimated Brown's intelligence. We can see now that his mind runs on tramlines, and they lead straight into the buffers.
The minimum wage has worked. Independence of the Bank of England worked. Staying out of the Euro worked. London is the European financial capital not Frankfurt. The creation of 500000 jobs in public services worked (whhatever the effect of those jobs on the services!)
It really is better to recognise Brown's achievements - otherwise you'll get lost amid the mud-slinging neanderthals that comprise the far right that Cameron needs to quieten.
Historians will look on New Labour with bewilderment. They will see it first as an acceptance that the Left had lost all of the ideological battles of the 70s and 80s but then ask what New Labour was ultimately for. That question will arise because this Labour government has not in fact achieved anything of any substance. It has instead created chaos everywhere, whether at home in the NHS, schools, constitutional reform, the Union and criminally underfunded armed forces, or abroad in Iraq and its increasing abandonment of sovereignty to the EU.
You can rant and rave about Cameron's supposed "migrant and EU bashing" as much as you like, but as mentioned on this blog passim you can't run away from NuLab's abject incompetence and dismal failure. Unless of course you live in a parallel universe and think that this country is having its best ever years, to paraphrase that arch-fantasist Patricia Hewitt.
Tedious anonymous 3:41 - I hazily recall that Sanogen is some sort of health wine. I'm more of a whisky girl myself, and yes indeed, where I am it would be the wrong time to be hitting the bottle. You must try to stop being such a provincial Little Englander.
Anonymous 1:17 - "Mention Migrants and you all come out chomping at the bit,". No, no, we want to address the immigrant issue. Migrant is a different definition, although the socialists are now trying to blur the two meanings into Newspeak.
And anyone who doesn't think islamic immigration isn't a grave problem for Britain and Europe has not read the koran. Come back with your chuntering One Worlder drivel when you've read it.
Verity I'm not English and I'm not little. I don't care where you are your brain is addled. Drink or drugs, I care not, but you shgould have someone with you to control the rubbish spewing out.
Extreme Islamism is the problem, not Islam, however you read the Koran. Mohammed's message from God was the same as Christ's, and John the Baptist's for that matter : For God's sake, be good to one another.
Trumpeter Lanfried - "Worked" in the sense that those 500000 were economically active, bought houses, paid tax etc. All of which have improved life for all of us whether or not their jobs had any validity. It's the effect of their efforts that is contentious, not their gainful employment. The money made and taxed (in London's financial district largely) has paid for it.
At the heart of the philosophical difference between "statists" and "individualists" is whether state employment can ever be valid, or whether private sector employment can ever be "invalid".
It would be an interesting discussion for a political blog site - unfortunately this is not a seriouys site, and proper thinkers tend to be put off by the fingers- in-ears playground yelling that goes on. (Including mine!)
People like Verity can only ever consider as "one-worlders" anyone who doesn't subscribe to the belief that the welfare state should be abolished. Such small-mindedness renders decent exchanges futile.
anonymous [6.51 PM] You evidently subscribe to the Keynsian notion that failing all else we should pay some people to bury £10 notes and then pay other people to dig them up. Few economists now subscribe to this theory.
I saw Fat Jacqui Smith aka Five-Bellies and Six-Chins.
She was dismal, blustering, lying, and stonewalling. If she thinks that inept performance has got her off the hook then she's even thicker than she looks.
I give her until Xmas then it's the backbenches for her.
Oh Dear! The trolls really are about today, thrashing around in their death throes, making wild and unsubstantiated statements and simply … going mad! What is it with you lot?
Anonymous 1.17 shrieked; “David Davis sharpening his knives, don’t you mean polishing his jack boots.”
Oh, go away you silly little twerp. Statements like this only go to prove your own intolerance, childish opinion and deliberate fabrication of what he has ever said, or written.
Anonymous 1.26 shouted, New Tory manifesto.
Migrants’ blar blar Migrants’ blar blar etc etc.
Did you rather mean: Migrants´ Blair Blair Migrants´ Blair Blair Migrants´ Blair Blair
After all, he did let them in, all 18,000 of them, sorry 680,000, sorry 1,100,000, sorry 1,500,000
Anonymous 1.43 wrote,
Brown will work away at Hospitals, Schools, the Economy etc etc, and you will be moaning about migrates until 2010.
The idiot has been working away (or so he says) at this for the last ten years without any result, so tell us all about his “vision” and how he’s going to reverse this disaster and accomplish his dream within the next three years. On second thoughts, why didn’t the clown come clean in the first place and tell us he has no bloody idea where to begin!
Thanks, Charlie Clarke, and when she gets the sack, it couldn't happen to a fatter person. Five bellies, six chins and fat globules for brain matter. Mmmmm ... pie ....
Anonymous 5:36 - The phrase Little Englander stung, didn't it?
You write: "Islamism is the problem,". No it isn't, because there is no such thing. It was invented by the British left to excuse the violent behaviour of some of the more hotheaded sons of the prophet. This way, they can pretend they are "a small minority" and "the vast majority" don't want to force islam on the British and Europeans.
This is a lie devised by the Labour government. Kind of a surprise when a survey demonstrated that 42% of them agreed that their sharia crap should be imposed in Britain. And that was just the one's who didn't think quickly enough to respond "Don't know."
You are ignorant and proud of it, but here is a little fact for you to ponder: allah commanded that the entire world be muslim. This has to be done by persuasion (including taqqiya and kitman) OR at the point of a sword. This violence is the holy duty of every adherent of the Religion of Peace.
Here's another little contiguous fact: You may not realise it, but you were born a muslim. Everyone in the world is born a muslim, because that is the natural order of things.
Now you, and just about everyone in the advanced, enlightened West and Latin America, committed the sin of leaving islam. So, here's the logic: you're not innocent. The people who died in the WTC were not innocents. They had left islam. (I watched as a rather robust TV interviewer forced Iqbal Sacranie to finally admit that the of the people who died in terrorist attacks, only muslim victims were innocent.) As we have committed the sin of leaving islam and are showing a stubborn reluctance to go back, they are free to lie to us and cheat us. This is an integral part of the religion.
The above fact is why people who are daft enough to take up the religion are referred to as "reverts" rather than "converts". Muslims believe they "reverted" to the religion they were when they were born.
Now, you continue with rosy little multi-culti dreams of "they're just like us", but don't try to correct people who know better than you because you are talking nonsense on stilts.
And your friend Bari (of the criminal hairpiece) said on TV the other day, when asked whether he thought stoning should be allowed in Britain, replied, "It depends what kind of stoning." (Or words to that effect.)
You shouldn't be running off at the mouth on a subject of which you are so embarrassingly misinformed.
Mohammad's message was absolutely not similar to Christ's or John the Baptist's. Fortunately, people are seeing through the leftwing made-up claptrap. Your words have absolutely no tether to the facts.
anonymous [6.51 PM] You say, "At the heart of the philosophical difference between 'statists' and 'individualists' is whether state employment can ever be valid, or whether private sector employment can ever be 'invalid.'"
What are you on about? And what do you mean by the word 'valid'?
Was the work of Spitfire pilots 'valid' meaning worthwhile? Yes.
Was the work of real nappy advisers 'valid' meaning worthwhile? No, it was a waste of time, which is why the real nappy campaign has been wound up.
So some public sector jobs are 'valid' and some are a waste of time. The time wasters are funded by the private sector. And there are too many of them.
I’m starting a new campaign Called “Where’s Boris”. Does anyone know? Even during Ian Blair’s bad week auld Bozzer was no where to be seen. I think we should be told.
Or could Bozzer be obeying Camera Ons request for party discipline, ie Keep your mouth shut and for gods sake stay off the telly.
Anon November 13, 2007 4:25 PM, claims that there are 500,000 too many public service jobs in the economy. Will The Tories go into the next election vowing to cut 500,000 jobs, should be intresting.
I'm looking forward to PMQs, I really enjoy Dave putting on his false serious face, its the funniest thing on telly
I see Ms Smith is off the hook; pretty poor effort by Jack Boot Boy Davis.
I also noted that the migrate story was hardly mentioned on the evening news bulletins, even ITV, who are fully blown Cameron cock suckers only mentioned it in passing.
None story and you were expecting a resignation. Arrh bless
Go back to insulting her about her weight…still the nasty party
I think Jacqui Smith's weight is largely irrelevant. Personally I quite enjoy a bit of lard - more to get hold of, if you see what I mean. But it's her face that gets to me. She looks like she's been Botoxed to hell. No movement there at all - above and behind the eyes. In repose she seems to be in a sort of catatonic state.
Is it possible that she's had a frontal lobotomy that's somehow gone wrong?
And anyway, so what does one talk about afterwards? She's got all the conversational attributes of a speak-your-weight machine.
Verity, I have never read such unadulterated crap as your 8.08 post in my life. Why don't you wake up and accept the fact that there is no god or Allah or anything similar.Islam, like christianity is based on the false premise of a supreme being invented by first millennium thinkers to explain what they couldn't understand. A time remember when it was thought that the earth was flat and before they had even got round to thinking that the sun revolved round the earth. The peddling of myths amd legends form the first or eighth century, depending on your point of view is poisoning man's development. There is no after-life and there are no 24 or 72 (or whatever number you like)virgins waiting for you. Get real, enjoy the time you have left and let those of us who wish to do so live our lives free from your nonsensical fairy tales.
9:20. How on earth did you infer that I was claiming allah really exists? I took some pains to inform you of how muslims think and what they believe (in very broad terms). How you inferred from this that I was promoting religious beliefs is baffling.
In any event, if you're the same anonymous as the anonymous before, you are only promoting islam pour épater les bourgois, because you appear in this post to be a fundamentalist atheist, of which there is nothing more tiresome.
Can anyone else figure out how my post, which was written with some lucidity, could be misunderstood as a promotion of islam?
9:20 - I was cataloguing what the muslims believe that makes them so dangerous, not my own beliefs about anything. Didn't you understand a word of it? Were you really that busy panting to reveal your fundamentalist atheist side that your reading comprehension failed you?
I'm afraid that Jacqui Smith's nightmare has only just started. The tabloid press has hardly got going on her yet. There's going to be a glut of stories about illegal immigrants working as security guards in sensitive posts.
Poor Jacqui is dead woman walking.
And as for that lie about not telling Gordon Brown, well she's toast when it gets revealed that she did. I hear the Sun and Mail are both onto it already.
"So, academic achievement is a measure of practical ability and moral integrity? And academic achievement is the definition of 'intelligence'?
Oh really? Since when?"
My comment was in response to Hierophant who said that the claim that Brown is "highly intelligent" has never been shown to have any basis in fact.
Most people accept that there is a highly significant correlation between intelligence and academic achievement. Brown's academic achievements are beyond dispute.
I said nothing about it correlating with practical ability or moral integrity.
I think Brown's is severely limited in many respects.
Another example is John Redwood. He is obviously highly intelligent but as a human being is an absolute freak.
I think Brown's an autist. He's obsessive, emotionally curdled and has no social skills to operate comfortably with fellow humans because he doesn't think he should have. He's above having to explain himself to people.
I think he probably has average, or slightly above average, intelligence,and on the minus side is obsessive and fearful and can't deal with it.
Just another day in the Labour Party.
I think he's too much of a feartie to do any real damage. He'll go rather than stand and fight. He'll plead yhe kid with the disability.
At least one commentator seems to think that David Davis failed to deliver the killer blow against Jacqui Smith yesterday. Michael Howard had to nail her.
A pity to see DD missing a penalty shot like that.
No, Verity, I very much doubt anyone else misunderstood it. Anon (9.20) sounds like a very confused little thing - possibly s/he has just completed GCSE 'A bit of this and that as you ought to believe it'.
Verity, I understood perfectly that you are a pusillanimous nitwit.
"You write: "Islamism is the problem,". No it isn't, because there is no such thing. It was invented by the British left "
That is a lie. Islamism is a false interpretation of the Koran, and has been going for around fifty years. I can;'t be bothered to look up the name of its founder, because you are not worth it.
There are similar mis-interpretations of the Bible which give rise to extremism in far-right "christian" circles.
Both mis-interpretations belie the fact that the message from above was consistent - be good to pne another. That's perfectly sound advice, and followed by atheists around the world.
YOur wilful woodenheaded nonsense should really be moderated out because its factual inaccuracy, but that would be against Iain's policy of free speech for all, including the ignorant, unpleasant, poisonous spewers of hate like you.
Please take the time to read Verity’s comments at November 14, 2007 2:22 AM.
This is why you will not win the election; you and your hard core supporters are simply nasty. Scratch the surface and the venomous spiteful, malicious, malevolent side of the Tories is continually being exposed.
Cambo may call for discipline, but I’m afraid this will fall on deaf ears.
I see Hastilow has decided to put up a fight….Oh Dear.
"Will The Tories go into the next election vowing to cut 500,000 jobs, should be intresting."
Damn right. Public sector workers are largely ingrained socialist parasites who will vote Labour until the sky falls on their head. So sod 'em. They are dead people walking and them and their votes are of no concern to the productive side of the nation. Put them and their "I'm going to take 12 months' paid stress leave because my 10-4 job is so demanding" out to pasture. Or better still send them off to Poland where they can actually do some real work for a living and replace all the hard working Europeans who are putting them to shame.
Wasn't it good to see Gordon Brown sitting on the Government benches, smiling as Jacqui Smith made her courageous speech in defence of her intrepid effort to root out the malignerers at the Home Office?
Response to migrant prague Tory, November 14, 2007 10:31 AM
Wasn’t the Czech Republic one of those countries that entered the EU recently? And correct me if I’m wrong didn’t ex tory leader Dracula and the new one Camera On have a dicky fit regarding migrant workers from that country.
And here we have a Tory in Prague as a migrant into the Czech Republic, the hypocrisy is typical.
I wonder PragueTory, were you strip searched, probbed and prodded when entered the Czech Republic, but you and that shower that you support expect indigenous Czech’s to be treated so, when entering the UK
10:56- Do me a favour. Look up "malingerer" in the dictionary.
We are discussing criminals who are in our country illegally - that means without permission - who are working in one of our offices of state as "security". People committing criminal deeds are the opposite of malingerers.
If you don't understand English, please post somewhere else and don't bore us.
To everyone falling for the Labour scam of changing the word 'immigration' to 'migration' because it sounds less serious, do not fall for Labour Nedwspeak. Immigration and migration are not synonyms. Prague Tory is an emigrant and an immigrant. He is not a migrant.
Pretend Serious Face wrote: "Please take the time to read Verity’s comments ..."
I'm sorry my comments were too mild to cause you apoplexy. Must try harder.
"This is why you will not win the election; you and your hard core supporters are simply nasty. Scratch the surface and the venomous spiteful, malicious... " Etc. Etc.
Sorry, little one, but Labour is the One Worlder State Fascism Party. If everyone voted Labour, there'd be no jobs, except in the public sector and the government would have to apply to N Korea for a loan to stay afloat.
As you little commie trolls all post the same few comments over and over again, why not give them a number? Then, instead of your sub-literate drivel, you could save time and space by writing Comment No. 5.
9:57 - Wrong.
Trumpeter - I too was surprised that David Davis failed to go in for the kill. (God knows, the target's large enough.) I wonder why.
Anonymous 1:29 - A migrant is basically an itinerant.
New Labour is trying to change the definition of words - certainly nothing new for this vat of sleaze and tricky dealing - but they are not getting away with it. Immigrant, emigrant and migrant are three different words. Migrant is easier, I can see, because it only has too syllables, and it's easier for subliterates like yourself to remember.
Don’t you just love Verity. All the hallmarks of a Young Conservative. Vile, obnoxious, ill mannered, paranoid and continually wrong.
Rambling on about semantics, but completely missing the point. This is known as the defection strategy, I’m sure Andy Caulson has given you a full briefing on this tactic.
OK Verity let me make it very simply for you:
Prague Tory is a UK citizen living in a foreign country known as the Czech Republic. But Prague Tory supports a party that believes that a citizen from the Czech Republic should not be allowed to live in the UK.
[3:06] Incorrect. You have reading comprehension problems. Perhaps you're fashionably dyslexic?
"Rambling on about semantics, but completely missing the point." No, I got the point, which is erroneous.
Meanwhile, if we have no semantics, we only have sign language, and people who seek to confuse with false definitions are destructive. Do not try to wreck the structure and definitions of our language in the service of your One Worlder grand design. The English language is bigger than you are, sweetie.
Where did the Tories say that they don't believe Czechs should be allowed into Britain? I must have missed that. Or perhaps it's something you wilfully infer? Perhaps you could kindly point us to where an upper echelon Tory said/wrote the Czechs should not be allowed into Britain?
Verity said ...."Prague Tory is an emigrant and an immigrant. He is not a migrant."
The United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families defines migrant worker as follows:
“The term "migrant worker" refers to a person who is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national."
Anyone who quotes the UN is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
“The term "migrant worker" refers to a person who is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national."
This is incorrect.
The term "migrant worker" refers to someone in a country who goes to another part of the country to take seasonal work, and then returns to his home area of that country.
The UN thinks Zimbabwe should chair the Human Rights Commission, so I think they can be safely ignored. They have no legitimacy making defintions for countries with elected national legislatures.
Why do the ignorant louts who work in the UN think he word 'state' is capitalised? This is the calibre of person dreaming up these fanciful New World Order definitions.
Migrant. Emigrant. Immigrant. Three words, three very precise definition.
The Czech Republic has a right wing politician called Enoch Powelleski. Over the years he has been warning the citizens of The republic that migrants from the old Europe would swamp their country and there will be rivers of chilled lager flowing down the streets and boulevards of his sacred land. And those alcoholic beverages will be spilt be Migrants Tory sympathisers from the UK.
EVIDENCE you want verity. Pick any Tory MP at Random, and I will find you a derogatory comment about migrant workers.
Verity said ... "The term "migrant worker" refers to someone in a country who goes to another part of the country to take seasonal work, and then returns to his home area of that country."
That is the American usage of the term. You should get out more.
Bloody foreigners, bloody migrants, etc etc etc, get em out !!!!.
Start with Solano West Hams midfield maestro.Then Camara West Hams Senegalese striker; then chuck out Lyunjberg that Swedish person stealing a midfield position from a UK footballer, then of course that bloody frog Faubert should be sent packing from East London
verity said... "Why do the ignorant louts who work in the UN think he word 'state' is capitalised? This is the calibre of person dreaming up these fanciful New World Order definitions."
[4:08] In Britain it has recently become common practice to capitalise certain words to improve readability.
No, it hasn't. Capitalising random words makes comprehension slower and more difficult. When you write "academics", I assume you mean people teaching sociology and courses for Real Nappy Outreach Coordinators? La crême de la crême of the academic world?
Second, whatever the illiterate "academic" practice in Britain, which I don't credit, anyway, the UN isn't in Britain. It's in the United States.
[4:32] Why have you capitalised 'new world order'?
Because it's a proper noun. Are you an "academic"?
[4:02] That is the American usage of the term.... You should get out more. Migrant may well also be a term used in the US, but we have had migrant workers for a long time. People who travel to various areas to pick fruit, for instance, are called migrants. You should get out more. Pick some fruit! Live a little!
Verity said ...."When you write "academics", I assume you mean people teaching sociology and courses for Real Nappy Outreach Coordinators? La crême de la crême of the academic world?"
I am an academic. My field is electronics.
I see that you have decided that 'state' cannot be a proper but 'real nappy outreach coordinators".
Your use of English is quaint and very old-fashioned. Did you leave school in the 1940s?
anonymous [5.53 PM] Be careful! In my experience the grammar, punctuation and syntax of those who left school in the 1940s and 1950s is head and shoulders above those who came later.
[5:53] Did I leave school in the 1940s!! No, my use of English is standard English, not Estuary or Loutish or Reality TV English. You may not have had much contact with this sector. I'm guessing that you became an adult, so to speak, during the Labour Newspeak era?
Frankly, I find Blair/Brown Labour Newspeak rather quaint and Orwellian. It's from 40 or 50 years ago and is very dated, although effective with people who can't recognise it.
BTW, how would know how people spoke 50 or 60 years ago? I think I'm right in assuming that you don't read books?
Am I also right in assuming you don't have a second language?
Verity and I may not be the best of ideological mates (and god knows I have wept at her hurtful comment that I was an "arrogant little prig") but at least she has the guts to put a name to her posts. Something like 80% of the posts on this free thread are "anonymous" (and badly written). I almost admire the old girl. And I am sure she doesn't care if I do.
verity said... "Did I leave school in the 1940s!!"
Why have you put 2 exclamation marks at the end of the sentence? I think you must have been off school the afternoon they did punctuation.
"No, my use of English is standard English, not Estuary or Loutish or Reality TV English."
Your English is certainly not standard English. It is generally quite slipshod. Also, you are again doing what you accuse other people of doing; i.e. misusing capitals (e.g. Reality).
"BTW, how would know how people spoke 50 or 60 years ago?"
There are films and radio recordings from that period.
"I think I'm right in assuming that you don't read books?"
That is an idiotic assumption.
"Am I also right in assuming you don't have a second language?"
You mean you speak some words and the Germans say, "I pass."
My guess that you don't read books is not "an idiotic assumption". It is based on observation. Language seeps into the minds unnoticed, on little cat feet, of people who read books. You have demonstrated an uncertain grasp of English. Ergo, you don't read much. When I wrote "books", I meant books with a spine down the back, not staples in the middle.
Iain, speaking of German, who was that blonde woman on Doughty Street that evening when you all started speaking German? I'd like to check the schedule to see when she'll be guesting again. Do you know? That was a good show.
She'd be good to have on a show with Brian Micklethwaite.
Verity - there's nothing wrong with Estuary English love. It's got me by when I've needed it. So, stop being derogatory about people who don't speak RP - which IS a made up accent.
As for the UN, I've got a mate who works there and she's a lovely warm and considerate human being, so again, stop with the derogatory comments...
And did you REALLY mean to use the word "commie"? I haven't heard that one since, ooh, must've been not long after the end of the Vietnam war and the beginning of "First Blood II"
Carl Eve - It's you who are backward looking. The term commie has been revived and has been around as a term of contempt for members of the British government for a while now. I picked it up off blogs.
[8:58] - Vietnam? Just shows you how disconnected from history batty old Anonymi are.
Good Luck with the interviews Iain, everybody who thinks they are somebody thinks that somebody is you.
ReplyDeleteEd Balls took a £100K bung from Sith under the guise of rersearch. He needed some cash flow in between leaving Govt and being elected as MP. Of course Brown's private 'Charity' was the ideal conduit to solve this smarmy snout in trough prof politician's problem. And Sith funds. Not from street collections but from Diageo and the like. Want to meet the Chancellor. It helps to bang a few quid into Sith. Charity Commissioners meanwhile sit on their hands.
ReplyDeletethat smokey view on the Beeb World news last night looked like somebody trying to burn down West Ham's stadium. Chelsea or Spurs fans been playing with matches again?
ReplyDeleteSehr geEhrter Iain
ReplyDeleteToday, the thoughts of all your Friends will be with you and all the family & friends of this wonderful Lady
Your obedient servant etc
G Eagle
David Cameron is troubled about the low conviction rate in rape cases. Two thoughts:
ReplyDelete1. It's not just a rape problem. It is difficult to secure a conviction in any case which turns on one person's word against another, with no independent witnesses. How could it be otherwise, given the requirement to prove a case beyond reasonable doubt?
2. It is generally agreed, in legal circles, that the CPS prosecute some rape cases in which there is not, and never was, any reasonable prospect of a conviction. But the practice varies from one area to another. In those areas where the CPS is more cautious the conviction rates are much higher.
I've just had a row with my wife .
ReplyDeleteThe list of my failures is more extensive even than I had susupected . It seems I am not up to expectations .
Evidently , I will not receive an eulogy at my funeral
which could be quite soon .
Anon 9.43:
ReplyDeleteIs that you, Gordon?
Jacqui Smith showing her (lack of) quality. She must go.
ReplyDeleteMany on the Left are far more comfortable with a certain profile of political opponent - ones they believe (rightly or wrongly) that they can beat without resorting to proper debate. A Tory of advanced years is at best a duffer and should the occasion demand it, is of course, a reactionary bigot. Similarly, palpably posher politicians can be painted as out of touch relics of a distant age or, failing that (e.g. Dave Cameron) maligned as part of a ruling class with an arrogant born to rule attitude.
So it shouldn’t be surprising that any attractive, youthful and street-wise Conservative supporter whose head appears above the parapet seems to draw particularly nasty fire. Bob Piper’s reaction to Frank Lampard is quintessential. And on the basis of this theory, Nadine Dorries’ trajectory towards becoming a left wing hate figure had the predictability of a Johnny Wilkinson penalty right in front of the posts.
Not only does Nadine’s background as an NHS nurse hailing from Merseyside make those attempting those usual anti-Tory jibes look ridiculous, but it adds massive credibility to her criticisms about Labour’s record in Liverpool and in running the NHS. Moreover, someone who has been a board member of BUPA and ran a successful business can hardly be dismissed as stupid. The clichéd smears won’t wash, so, as we shall see, in the scramble to discredit Nadine, fevered barrel-scraping is a must.
When Nadine’s forthright blog writing style immediately engaged her electorate and wowed the Westminster village. Of course, it didn’t take long for her political enemies to admit that the campaign to stop her at all costs had begun. Not long after, she won the Conservative Home vote for best blogging MP and has been a contributor to the Spectator. Beyond doubt, another unalloyed success in Britain’s right-wing blogosphere.
Before I move to the next exciting instalment, I need to give the reader a quick briefing outlining some important context. Within the Labour Party there is a significant strain of unthinking best described by Robin Aitken* as ”aggressively feministic, militantly atheistic and conspicuously compassionate towards favoured victim groups”. The kind of people who view street muggings as an economic redistribution policy and for whom abortion liberalisation is a litmus test issue. Labour loyalists – these are the people who voted in the execrable Harriet Harman. Let’s call them Harpeople.
* in his book “Can We Trust The BBC?” – he was referring to the BBC’s former Social Affairs Editor Polly Toynbee
It causes me no sadness to report that the Harpeople must be a pretty disheartened bunch since Gordon Brown assumed control. After all, the most discernable movement in Labour’s policy direction (or vision!) can best be described as towards social conservatism. Examples include the binning of the Supercasino, the belated prison building programmes, the likely reclassification of cannabis and the welcome extended to Tory careerist Quentin Davis MP. In policy terms, the sort of stuff any right-thinking Cornerstoner would welcome and the polar opposite of any Harperson’s wet dreams.
A recipe for recriminations? Certainly not during Gordon’s honeymoon when internal discontent was drowned out by the overwhelming public support for his conservative measures. In Labour circles, these U turns were excused as being driven by the leader’s Presbyterian roots and the much more uncomfortable (and far more realistic) explanation that this new agenda was driven by his present-day populism was ignored. Gordon must appreciate the Harpeople’s hatred for the dreaded Tories and the application of the lesser of two evils principle, but with his meetings with Thatcher, Tory-lite inheritance tax cuts and “British jobs for British workers” mantra he is pushing the envelope.
Enough on context. Let’s return to Nadine. If you respect human life, then, as a politician you have a duty to take an interest in abortion laws. At its heart the abortion debate is of course about competing human rights, but a logical position in the abortion debate is to support laws that protect human life as soon as it becomes sustainable. Nadine takes this view, has noted that the UK’s current abortion laws fail to protect unborn babies who can survive and is, therefore, naturally a supporter of a proposal to prevent late abortions on babies that could survive outside the womb.
To say this is a hot issue amongst the Harpeople may be an under-exaggeration. No matter what the scientific evidence, it appears that they would take even the slightest deliberalisation of current abortion laws as a hammer blow. Gordon has resolved not to involve himself, but to countenance a female Conservative MP taking the lead on such issues is clearly too much to bear. It seems that such a person must be silenced or put completely beyond the pale.
To illustrate, check out Labour bloggers making the most vicious personal attacks on Nadine or consider the pond-life spamming her blog with frightening abuse through the night – which I have seen happen before to female Conservative bloggers. She is entitled to protect herself against ad hominem abuse and given her other commitments, I fully understand Nadine’s decision to suspend comments on her blog.
My call to fellow Tories is to support Nadine and other Tories who don’t fit the template against mud-slinging. Labourites are scared of their potency and openly admit that they target these people. My message to the unengaged is simple. This IS New Labour’s modus operandi. Are you comfortable with that? And whilst some of the contributors to the left wing blogosphere can’t be reasoned with, I invite the thoughtful to reflect on the above.
Did anyone see the interview on stirrer re Hastilow
ReplyDeleteAnybody else see last night's Channel 4 news?
ReplyDeleteThe Jon Snow propaganda Hour was gloating. Seems the quango created to advise on the need for migration (of skilled workers) wants to flood the country with unskilled workers. Apparently we 'need' them to build the Olmpics and the three million homes required to house immigrants and a couple of English people.
Like I said before, whenever nulab say they will do something about immigration, they legalise more of it.
Interesting how the Tories seem to be driving the news agenda so much in the past month. I'm assuming that Andy Coulson is behind what must be a new 'headline' initiative, but whoever is driving the thing deserves great praise.
ReplyDeleteVirtually ever day now, the headlines include a major news item which starts with the words 'Conservative Leader, David Cameron...' and a story which shows - to a greater or lesser degree - that considered thought has been given to a hitherto neglected area of social or economic policy.
My only worry is that with two years (probably) to go before a General Election, we might be out of ammo when the big battle starts...
So more academics claiming that drinking habits will be changed by higher taxes. Don't these people realise you can't change behaviour by tax, tax, tax ( otherwise the roads would be empty).
ReplyDeleteAnd these types perpetuate the man made global warming myth, whilst (surprise, surprise) claiming the solution is higher taxation.
She sounds a nice lady Iain - hope the day goes ok
ReplyDelete@ praguetory,
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget that there's a difference between moderation and stopping all comment. My personal view is that she should have gone for mederation - at least that would have allowed a shred of apparent integrity.
@ jeremy,
Why do you think the Conservatives will run out of ammunition? The way things are going this government will continue to provide plenty of opportunity for criticism and attack. In fact it's increasingly difficult to keep up with things right now, what with the sheer numbers of cock-ups and blunders being exposed.
Rape is apparently a nasty sinister crime. Thanks Camera On for informing us of this fact. Using a Women’s conference to bring up the issue of Rape in such a fashion, I believe is spin at it most insidious. Trying to get the female vote via a speech on Rape, how appalling. SHAME
ReplyDeleteNow that I get skynews and hence the paper reviews, it is indeed clear that the Tories are setting the agenda of late. Labour don't seem to know where the latest attack is coming from to the point where they are going into their shells. This is all good stuff, but we need to make sure we win over the public on the economy as well as in departmental competence.
ReplyDeleteDriving the agenda… are you having a laugh Jeremy. Don’t you mean Cambo goes on about the EU and Migrants AGAIN?
ReplyDeleteI don’t think you get it, you are having the agenda set for you and are following it blindly.
Cambo is being led down the Europe, Migrant, Tax cut lane. Cambos criers for discipline in his party are the give away. Ie, “Shut the hell up”, because the right wing nutters are getting what they want, and invariably cannot help themselves. The bloke rambling about Enoch being the prime example, the Tory lurch to the extreme right made him see that he could make such comments free from rebuke.
Labour's principal problem (apart from Brown's lack of voter friendly attributes )is that after ten years they have run out of steam.The Tories ,as their title as conservatives proclaims,are comfortable with simply governing without constant change or reform.Labour feel they must always be "doing something" and,at the moment,Brown can think of little for them worthwhile to do.
ReplyDeleteI bet David Davis is sharpening his knife for the hopeless Smith
ReplyDeleteshe deliberately covered up a major scandal for the sole reasion it would be bad press for Labour.
She has allowed illegal immigrants to guard public buildings and done nothing but try and conceal the risk. it would still be secret if the story hadnt leaked.
she should be sacked by gordon....if not she should be forced to resign by the opposition.
im not holding my breath
Just been reading The Taxpayers Alliance rich list for the public sector and their post about the rewards for failure. Such a shame that we don't throw enough money at the FA, otherwise Steve McClaren's name might feature!
ReplyDeleteMention Migrants and you all come out chomping at the bit, foaming at the mouth…The nasty party is still very much with us.
ReplyDeleteDavid Davis sharpening his knives, don’t you mean polishing his jack boots.
I wonder if you would be so upset if the 5000 illegal’s were white Australians white Americans, white Canadians or white south Africans. Probably not.
Your party is now in tune with UKIP, and the BNP.....NICE
The useless, over-promoted Home Scretary Jacqui Smith will be in the firing line at 3.30pm in the Commons today.
ReplyDeleteIt seems she's been caught trying to cover up the fact that thousands of illegal immigrants have been given security jobs, many in public buildings, and some involving naional security.
Leaked emails put her firmly in the frame.
She was increasingly useless anyway and Brown may seize this opportunity to get rid of her.
She'll be gone by Xmas, if not sooner.
It's becoming increasingly obvious that this a dying, fag-end of a government with a lame duck, incompetent, visionless Prime Minister.
ReplyDeleteWill they really try to limp on for another 2 or 3 years?
Surely not?
I think an investigation into who the leaker was is should put an end to this. A disgruntled little tory boy in the civil service leaking data to the press. 5 years for breaking the data protection act….oh dear.
ReplyDeleteNew Tory manifesto.
Migrants’ blar blar
Migrants’ blar blar
Migrants’ blar blar
Migrants’ blar blar
Migrants’ blar blar
Migrants’ blar blar
Cambo is such a Transparency politician that he is of course going to name the leaker.
ReplyDeleteI see the Brownite trolls are back, and even more rattled than before. (snigger)
ReplyDeleteanon 1.26
ReplyDeletewhy not have a show trial for treason and have the leaker shot, I'm sure your Stalinist leader Comrade Brown would prefer that.
Not rattled by any means…. 2 years of rambling on about migrants and immigrants, while the fruit cakes UKIP and BNP do likewise. You are being pushed, oh so easily, on to old nasty Tory territory and you just don’t get it.
ReplyDeleteBrown will work away at Hospitals, Schools, the Economy etc etc, and you will be moaning about migrates until 2010.
Note how all your ears prick up when the M word is mentioned, never mind the E word.
As a regular on this blog I also note hardly any mention of Cambos Rape nonsense, or Co Op schools or Council Tax referendums, only Migrants migrants migrants. The electorate are smarter than you think.
Watch in wonder as more Enoch Haslows crawl from under their rocks
anon 1.43
ReplyDeletewatch in wonder as poor, hopeless, Jacqui Smith is torn limb from limb this afternoon over her dishonest and incompetent attempt at a cover up.
What a useless, dying, fag-end government this lot are.
When they are miles behind in the polls next year I expect Brown to bottle it and resign on health grounds.
Brown Dying Days stated:-
ReplyDeleteWhen they are miles behind in the polls next year I expect Brown to bottle it and resign on health grounds.
Aarrh yes, wishful thinking the last bastion of the truly rattled.
I must admit spinner Andy Caulsons decision to advise all blue noses to use the term “rattled” on any occasion does seem to have struck a cord with those tories complaining about the use of spin.. funny that
The Brown troll on here is truly RATTLED, no wonder with Jacqui "five bellies" Smith about to be sacrificed this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it fun to watch this vile lot drown in a sea of spin, sleaze, and incompetence!!
ReplyDeleteshouldn't you be watching your missus rehearsing for the next sham Strictly Come Dancing vote?
Ok, I won't use the word "rattled"; "desperate" will do just as well. It shows how desperate NuLab have become when all they can do is yak on about how the "nasty" Tories are obsessed with immigration.
ReplyDeleteYou'd think that a party that had been in government for over 10 years might have some achievements or policy triumphs to trumpet about. Oh no, not Labour - just 10 years of complete and utter failure. Labour must be the only government in history that poured a record amount of cash into the public sector only to produced record levels of illiteracy and a national health system that almost declared itself bankrupt.
Historians won't care about how "nasty" the Conservatives were when they record the total waste and uselessness of the Blair/Brown years.
Go Now and Brown's Dying Days - I agree that Brown won't last until the next election. He's weak and crippled further by touchiness and arrogance.
ReplyDeleteI agree, he'll resign on health grounds. My preference would be for him to have a nervous breakdown and be televised being led away, but I think that may be too much to ask.
The Gordon troll infesting this thread seems to lack finesse. In fact, to have a clunking fist.
Verity, it's a bit early to be hitting the Sanatogen isn't it?
ReplyDeleteWishing illness on others only brings meaningless insulk=ts on yourself, so go and get back under the hairdrier and roast your cell a bit more.
Sensible Tories - you've been banging on about "spin not substanc" for years, yet now you can only express your rejection of Labour in terms of negative reactions to a lack of performance skills. Hypocrisy.
I've seen a few streams of horrendous abuse temporarily appear on this blog, so idiots about everywhere - and not all can spell as well as Verity.
The abortion debate is not particularly party political - more a question of morals meeting reality and trying to come up with the least worst outcome. The only proper solution is fail-safe contraception (including the word "no" in some cases)
Verity, it's a bit early to be hitting the Sanatogen isn't it?
ReplyDeleteWishing illness on others only brings meaningless insults on yourself, so go and get back under the hairdrier and roast your cell a bit more.
Sensible Tories - you've been banging on about "spin not substanc" for years, yet now you can only express your rejection of Labour in terms of negative reactions to a lack of performance skills. Hypocrisy.
I've seen a few streams of horrendous abuse temporarily appear on this blog, so idiots about everywhere - and not all can spell as well as Verity.
The abortion debate is not particularly party political - more a question of morals meeting reality and trying to come up with the least worst outcome. The only proper solution is fail-safe contraception (including the word "no" in some cases)
Brown is not the sort of person who will resign, nor will he have a nervous breakdown. He’s the type who believes he is always right and is enraged when people don’t see it. Cameron will be able to trap him into political stupidity time and time again. It has happened twice already. Over the election that never was and the Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax opportunism. It is clear that Brown gravely underestimates the intelligence of the British public.
ReplyDelete""""Historians won't care about how "nasty" the Conservatives were""""
ReplyDeleteWHAT !!!!.
Delusional as ever. Not only are you historically nasty, having ditched all the commissions it does seem that Cameron is going to try and win the election on the back of migrant and EU bashing, good luck you are gonna need it.
Anon Trolls,
ReplyDeleteThe National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) under the leadership of Hitler promised the German people Jobs and Bread.
Does "British jobs for British workers" sound similar?
The Romans offered Bread and Circuses, and that was just about as relevant to to-day as that Nazi reference. The regular anti-Muslim and anti immigrants rants on this site is more reminiscent. "White-Flight", "the Indians are better looking than ...". Nastiness. Ugh!
ReplyDelete"British jobs for British workers"
ReplyDeleteMaybe that could be the British motto that Brown is looking for. Maybe he could have embroidered onto all those union flags he demands are flown from public buildings (apart from Scotland of course).
m.hrisotv [3.41 PM]You say, "It is clear that Brown gravely underestimates the intelligence of the British public."
ReplyDeleteMaybe. Certainly the commentariat has gravely overestimated Brown's intelligence. We can see now that his mind runs on tramlines, and they lead straight into the buffers.
The minimum wage has worked.
ReplyDeleteIndependence of the Bank of England worked.
Staying out of the Euro worked.
London is the European financial capital not Frankfurt.
The creation of 500000 jobs in public services worked (whhatever the effect of those jobs on the services!)
It really is better to recognise Brown's achievements - otherwise you'll get lost amid the mud-slinging neanderthals that comprise the far right that Cameron needs to quieten.
The much hyped claim that Brown is "highly intelligent" has never been shown to have any basis in fact.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, the evidence suggests that he is simply a dull, but cynical and over-ambitious, oaf with an extremely thin skin.
Gideon for Chancellor,
ReplyDeleteHistorians will look on New Labour with bewilderment. They will see it first as an acceptance that the Left had lost all of the ideological battles of the 70s and 80s but then ask what New Labour was ultimately for. That question will arise because this Labour government has not in fact achieved anything of any substance. It has instead created chaos everywhere, whether at home in the NHS, schools, constitutional reform, the Union and criminally underfunded armed forces, or abroad in Iraq and its increasing abandonment of sovereignty to the EU.
You can rant and rave about Cameron's supposed "migrant and EU bashing" as much as you like, but as mentioned on this blog passim you can't run away from NuLab's abject incompetence and dismal failure. Unless of course you live in a parallel universe and think that this country is having its best ever years, to paraphrase that arch-fantasist Patricia Hewitt.
Tedious anonymous 3:41 - I hazily recall that Sanogen is some sort of health wine. I'm more of a whisky girl myself, and yes indeed, where I am it would be the wrong time to be hitting the bottle. You must try to stop being such a provincial Little Englander.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 1:17 - "Mention Migrants and you all come out chomping at the bit,". No, no, we want to address the immigrant issue. Migrant is a different definition, although the socialists are now trying to blur the two meanings into Newspeak.
And anyone who doesn't think islamic immigration isn't a grave problem for Britain and Europe has not read the koran. Come back with your chuntering One Worlder drivel when you've read it.
PS - No mention of Fat Jacqui and her probable farewell tour of the Commons as Home Secretary. Did anyone watch it?
ReplyDeleteI'm not English and I'm not little. I don't care where you are your brain is addled. Drink or drugs, I care not, but you shgould have someone with you to control the rubbish spewing out.
Extreme Islamism is the problem, not Islam, however you read the Koran. Mohammed's message from God was the same as Christ's, and John the Baptist's for that matter : For God's sake, be good to one another.
anonymous [4.25 PM] You say, "The creation of 500,000 jobs in public services worked..."
ReplyDeleteEr ... how do you mean, 'worked'? Worked to benefit the economy? Or burdened the economy but boosted the payroll vote?
hierophant said...
ReplyDelete"The much hyped claim that Brown is "highly intelligent" has never been shown to have any basis in fact."
How about:
1. He was accepted by the University of Edinburgh to study history at the age of only 16.
2. He graduated from Edinburgh with First Class Honours M.A.
3. He was awarded a PhD by the same university.
He couldn't do that without being highly intelligent.
Trumpeter Lanfried -
ReplyDelete"Worked" in the sense that those 500000 were economically active, bought houses, paid tax etc. All of which have improved life for all of us whether or not their jobs had any validity. It's the effect of their efforts that is contentious, not their gainful employment. The money made and taxed (in London's financial district largely) has paid for it.
At the heart of the philosophical difference between "statists" and "individualists" is whether state employment can ever be valid, or whether private sector employment can ever be "invalid".
It would be an interesting discussion for a political blog site - unfortunately this is not a seriouys site, and proper thinkers tend to be put off by the fingers- in-ears playground yelling that goes on. (Including mine!)
People like Verity can only ever consider as "one-worlders" anyone who doesn't subscribe to the belief that the welfare state should be abolished. Such small-mindedness renders decent exchanges futile.
@ Anon 6:16,
ReplyDeleteSo, academic achievement is a measure of practical ability and moral integrity? And academic achievement is the definition of 'intelligence'?
Oh really? Since when?
And you honestly believe his (not unprecedented) university career makes him fit to lead this nation?
Remind us, what was Churchill's school history?
anonymous [6.51 PM] You evidently subscribe to the Keynsian notion that failing all else we should pay some people to bury £10 notes and then pay other people to dig them up. Few economists now subscribe to this theory.
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting for an update on the conservative womens conference. Is there any chance of a few words.....was it indeed all knitting.
Do tell me if what you said was well recieved, and WHAT did you say?
Yours in anticipation,
Daisy x
verity 5.25
ReplyDeleteI saw Fat Jacqui Smith aka Five-Bellies and Six-Chins.
She was dismal, blustering, lying, and stonewalling. If she thinks that inept performance has got her off the hook then she's even thicker than she looks.
I give her until Xmas then it's the backbenches for her.
Oh Dear! The trolls really are about today, thrashing around in their death throes, making wild and unsubstantiated statements and simply … going mad! What is it with you lot?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 1.17 shrieked; “David Davis sharpening his knives, don’t you mean polishing his jack boots.”
Oh, go away you silly little twerp. Statements like this only go to prove your own intolerance, childish opinion and deliberate fabrication of what he has ever said, or written.
Anonymous 1.26 shouted,
New Tory manifesto.
Migrants’ blar blar
Migrants’ blar blar etc etc.
Did you rather mean:
Migrants´ Blair Blair
Migrants´ Blair Blair
Migrants´ Blair Blair
After all, he did let them in, all 18,000 of them, sorry 680,000, sorry 1,100,000, sorry 1,500,000
Anonymous 1.43 wrote,
Brown will work away at Hospitals, Schools, the Economy etc etc, and you will be moaning about migrates until 2010.
The idiot has been working away (or so he says) at this for the last ten years without any result, so tell us all about his “vision” and how he’s going to reverse this disaster and accomplish his dream within the next three years. On second thoughts, why didn’t the clown come clean in the first place and tell us he has no bloody idea where to begin!
Thanks, Charlie Clarke, and when she gets the sack, it couldn't happen to a fatter person. Five bellies, six chins and fat globules for brain matter. Mmmmm ... pie ....
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 5:36 - The phrase Little Englander stung, didn't it?
You write: "Islamism is the problem,". No it isn't, because there is no such thing. It was invented by the British left to excuse the violent behaviour of some of the more hotheaded sons of the prophet. This way, they can pretend they are "a small minority" and "the vast majority" don't want to force islam on the British and Europeans.
This is a lie devised by the Labour government. Kind of a surprise when a survey demonstrated that 42% of them agreed that their sharia crap should be imposed in Britain. And that was just the one's who didn't think quickly enough to respond "Don't know."
You are ignorant and proud of it, but here is a little fact for you to ponder: allah commanded that the entire world be muslim. This has to be done by persuasion (including taqqiya and kitman) OR at the point of a sword. This violence is the holy duty of every adherent of the Religion of Peace.
Here's another little contiguous fact: You may not realise it, but you were born a muslim. Everyone in the world is born a muslim, because that is the natural order of things.
Now you, and just about everyone in the advanced, enlightened West and Latin America, committed the sin of leaving islam. So, here's the logic: you're not innocent. The people who died in the WTC were not innocents. They had left islam. (I watched as a rather robust TV interviewer forced Iqbal Sacranie to finally admit that the of the people who died in terrorist attacks, only muslim victims were innocent.) As we have committed the sin of leaving islam and are showing a stubborn reluctance to go back, they are free to lie to us and cheat us. This is an integral part of the religion.
The above fact is why people who are daft enough to take up the religion are referred to as "reverts" rather than "converts". Muslims believe they "reverted" to the religion they were when they were born.
Now, you continue with rosy little multi-culti dreams of "they're just like us", but don't try to correct people who know better than you because you are talking nonsense on stilts.
And your friend Bari (of the criminal hairpiece) said on TV the other day, when asked whether he thought stoning should be allowed in Britain, replied, "It depends what kind of stoning." (Or words to that effect.)
You shouldn't be running off at the mouth on a subject of which you are so embarrassingly misinformed.
Mohammad's message was absolutely not similar to Christ's or John the Baptist's. Fortunately, people are seeing through the leftwing made-up claptrap. Your words have absolutely no tether to the facts.
anonymous [6.51 PM] You say, "At the heart of the philosophical difference between 'statists' and 'individualists' is whether state employment can ever be valid, or whether private sector employment can ever be 'invalid.'"
ReplyDeleteWhat are you on about? And what do you mean by the word 'valid'?
Was the work of Spitfire pilots 'valid' meaning worthwhile? Yes.
Was the work of real nappy advisers 'valid' meaning worthwhile? No, it was a waste of time, which is why the real nappy campaign has been wound up.
So some public sector jobs are 'valid' and some are a waste of time. The time wasters are funded by the private sector. And there are too many of them.
I’m starting a new campaign Called “Where’s Boris”. Does anyone know? Even during Ian Blair’s bad week auld Bozzer was no where to be seen. I think we should be told.
ReplyDeleteOr could Bozzer be obeying Camera Ons request for party discipline, ie Keep your mouth shut and for gods sake stay off the telly.
Anon November 13, 2007 4:25 PM, claims that there are 500,000 too many public service jobs in the economy. Will The Tories go into the next election vowing to cut 500,000 jobs, should be intresting.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to PMQs, I really enjoy Dave putting on his false serious face, its the funniest thing on telly
I see Ms Smith is off the hook; pretty poor effort by Jack Boot Boy Davis.
ReplyDeleteI also noted that the migrate story was hardly mentioned on the evening news bulletins, even ITV, who are fully blown Cameron cock suckers only mentioned it in passing.
None story and you were expecting a resignation. Arrh bless
Go back to insulting her about her weight…still the nasty party
@ Anon 8:34
ReplyDeleteI think Jacqui Smith's weight is largely irrelevant. Personally I quite enjoy a bit of lard - more to get hold of, if you see what I mean. But it's her face that gets to me. She looks like she's been Botoxed to hell. No movement there at all - above and behind the eyes. In repose she seems to be in a sort of catatonic state.
Is it possible that she's had a frontal lobotomy that's somehow gone wrong?
And anyway, so what does one talk about afterwards? She's got all the conversational attributes of a speak-your-weight machine.
ReplyDeleteI have never read such unadulterated crap as your 8.08 post in my life.
Why don't you wake up and accept the fact that there is no god or Allah or anything similar.Islam, like christianity is based on the false premise of a supreme being invented by first millennium thinkers to explain what they couldn't understand. A time remember when it was thought that the earth was flat and before they had even got round to thinking that the sun revolved round the earth.
The peddling of myths amd legends form the first or eighth century, depending on your point of view is poisoning man's development. There is no after-life and there are no 24 or 72 (or whatever number you like)virgins waiting for you.
Get real, enjoy the time you have left and let those of us who wish to do so live our lives free from your nonsensical fairy tales.
9:20. How on earth did you infer that I was claiming allah really exists? I took some pains to inform you of how muslims think and what they believe (in very broad terms). How you inferred from this that I was promoting religious beliefs is baffling.
ReplyDeleteIn any event, if you're the same anonymous as the anonymous before, you are only promoting islam pour épater les bourgois, because you appear in this post to be a fundamentalist atheist, of which there is nothing more tiresome.
Can anyone else figure out how my post, which was written with some lucidity, could be misunderstood as a promotion of islam?
9:20 - I was cataloguing what the muslims believe that makes them so dangerous, not my own beliefs about anything. Didn't you understand a word of it? Were you really that busy panting to reveal your fundamentalist atheist side that your reading comprehension failed you?
Did anyone else misunderstand what I wrote?
I'm afraid that Jacqui Smith's nightmare has only just started. The tabloid press has hardly got going on her yet. There's going to be a glut of stories about illegal immigrants working as security guards in sensitive posts.
ReplyDeletePoor Jacqui is dead woman walking.
And as for that lie about not telling Gordon Brown, well she's toast when it gets revealed that she did. I hear the Sun and Mail are both onto it already.
Chuck Unsworth said...
ReplyDelete"So, academic achievement is a measure of practical ability and moral integrity? And academic achievement is the definition of 'intelligence'?
Oh really? Since when?"
My comment was in response to Hierophant who said that the claim that Brown is "highly intelligent" has never been shown to have any basis in fact.
Most people accept that there is a highly significant correlation between intelligence and academic achievement. Brown's academic achievements are beyond dispute.
I said nothing about it correlating with practical ability or moral integrity.
I think Brown's is severely limited in many respects.
Another example is John Redwood. He is obviously highly intelligent but as a human being is an absolute freak.
ANON 6.16 PM
Brown has only slightly above average intelligence but has the cunning of a fox.
ReplyDeleteAnd an extremely machiavellian fox at that.
Sadly for him, he is let down by his cowardice, incompetence, jealousy, and an inability to keep his finger out of his nose.
He's also a bit dodgy in the old trouser department if you know what I mean.
Des Browne being tipped as replacement Home Secretary
ReplyDeleteAnon - it's a sad sign of the quality in the Cabinet if Browne is actually deemed worthy of a promotion.
ReplyDeleteI think Brown's an autist. He's obsessive, emotionally curdled and has no social skills to operate comfortably with fellow humans because he doesn't think he should have. He's above having to explain himself to people.
ReplyDeleteI think he probably has average, or slightly above average, intelligence,and on the minus side is obsessive and fearful and can't deal with it.
Just another day in the Labour Party.
I think he's too much of a feartie to do any real damage. He'll go rather than stand and fight. He'll plead yhe kid with the disability.
At least one commentator seems to think that David Davis failed to deliver the killer blow against Jacqui Smith yesterday. Michael Howard had to nail her.
ReplyDeleteA pity to see DD missing a penalty shot like that.
Whatver Brown's IQ, his EQ is almost nil. That's why his fist shakes before it clunks.
ReplyDelete"Did anyone else misunderstand what I wrote?"
ReplyDeleteNo, Verity, I very much doubt anyone else misunderstood it. Anon (9.20) sounds like a very confused little thing - possibly s/he has just completed GCSE 'A bit of this and that as you ought to believe it'.
@ Anon 10:42
ReplyDelete"Most people accept"
Actually, no. Evidence please? Possibly you meant 'many' people accept.
Your definition of 'intelligence' is?
And how is that quantified?
Is this a comparative or absolute?
I'll take your word for John Redwood's faults or otherwise. You're speaking from personal experience, then?
Amazed by the comments by “””Praguetory””” at November 13, 2007 10:42 AM.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutory fascinating. He/She is a migrant …Yes a Tory migrant. How typically Tory two faced.
Better buckle on your' 'Sword of truth' to defend your mate Ashcroft the Guardian are having a go at him again.
Verity, I understood perfectly that you are a pusillanimous nitwit.
ReplyDelete"You write: "Islamism is the problem,". No it isn't, because there is no such thing. It was invented by the British left "
That is a lie. Islamism is a false interpretation of the Koran, and has been going for around fifty years. I can;'t be bothered to look up the name of its founder, because you are not worth it.
There are similar mis-interpretations of the Bible which give rise to extremism in far-right "christian" circles.
Both mis-interpretations belie the fact that the message from above was consistent - be good to pne another. That's perfectly sound advice, and followed by atheists around the world.
YOur wilful woodenheaded nonsense should really be moderated out because its factual inaccuracy, but that would be against Iain's policy of free speech for all, including the ignorant, unpleasant, poisonous spewers of hate like you.
Please take the time to read Verity’s comments at November 14, 2007 2:22 AM.
ReplyDeleteThis is why you will not win the election; you and your hard core supporters are simply nasty. Scratch the surface and the venomous spiteful, malicious, malevolent side of the Tories is continually being exposed.
Cambo may call for discipline, but I’m afraid this will fall on deaf ears.
I see Hastilow has decided to put up a fight….Oh Dear.
Ian Blair for mayor:
ReplyDelete"Will The Tories go into the next election vowing to cut 500,000 jobs, should be intresting."
Damn right. Public sector workers are largely ingrained socialist parasites who will vote Labour until the sky falls on their head. So sod 'em. They are dead people walking and them and their votes are of no concern to the productive side of the nation. Put them and their "I'm going to take 12 months' paid stress leave because my 10-4 job is so demanding" out to pasture. Or better still send them off to Poland where they can actually do some real work for a living and replace all the hard working Europeans who are putting them to shame.
Anon said about my comment on Labour smearing.
ReplyDelete"Absolutory fascinating. Praguetory is a migrant …Yes a Tory migrant. How typically Tory two faced."
and yet the post had nothing to do with migration, which rather corroborates the basic point about Labour smearing tactics.
Wasn't it good to see Gordon Brown sitting on the Government benches, smiling as Jacqui Smith made her courageous speech in defence of her intrepid effort to root out the malignerers at the Home Office?
ReplyDeleteanonymous [10.56 AM] You say: "Wasn't it good to see Gordon Brown sitting on the Government benches, smiling ...?"
ReplyDeleteGordon Brown smiling, "is like a dog walking on his hinder legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all."
Response to migrant prague Tory, November 14, 2007 10:31 AM
ReplyDeleteWasn’t the Czech Republic one of those countries that entered the EU recently?
And correct me if I’m wrong didn’t ex tory leader Dracula and the new one Camera On have a dicky fit regarding migrant workers from that country.
And here we have a Tory in Prague as a migrant into the Czech Republic, the hypocrisy is typical.
I wonder PragueTory, were you strip searched, probbed and prodded when entered the Czech Republic, but you and that shower that you support expect indigenous Czech’s to be treated so, when entering the UK
You just used the word indigenous - all bets are off.
ReplyDelete10:56- Do me a favour. Look up "malingerer" in the dictionary.
ReplyDeleteWe are discussing criminals who are in our country illegally - that means without permission - who are working in one of our offices of state as "security". People committing criminal deeds are the opposite of malingerers.
If you don't understand English, please post somewhere else and don't bore us.
To everyone falling for the Labour scam of changing the word 'immigration' to 'migration' because it sounds less serious, do not fall for Labour Nedwspeak. Immigration and migration are not synonyms. Prague Tory is an emigrant and an immigrant. He is not a migrant.
Pretend Serious Face wrote: "Please take the time to read Verity’s comments ..."
I'm sorry my comments were too mild to cause you apoplexy. Must try harder.
"This is why you will not win the election; you and your hard core supporters are simply nasty. Scratch the surface and the venomous spiteful, malicious...
" Etc. Etc.
Sorry, little one, but Labour is the One Worlder State Fascism Party. If everyone voted Labour, there'd be no jobs, except in the public sector and the government would have to apply to N Korea for a loan to stay afloat.
As you little commie trolls all post the same few comments over and over again, why not give them a number? Then, instead of your sub-literate drivel, you could save time and space by writing Comment No. 5.
9:57 - Wrong.
Trumpeter - I too was surprised that David Davis failed to go in for the kill. (God knows, the target's large enough.) I wonder why.
Anonymous 1:29 - A migrant is basically an itinerant.
ReplyDeleteNew Labour is trying to change the definition of words - certainly nothing new for this vat of sleaze and tricky dealing - but they are not getting away with it. Immigrant, emigrant and migrant are three different words. Migrant is easier, I can see, because it only has too syllables, and it's easier for subliterates like yourself to remember.
Don’t you just love Verity. All the hallmarks of a Young Conservative. Vile, obnoxious, ill mannered, paranoid and continually wrong.
ReplyDeleteRambling on about semantics, but completely missing the point. This is known as the defection strategy, I’m sure Andy Caulson has given you a full briefing on this tactic.
OK Verity let me make it very simply for you:
Prague Tory is a UK citizen living in a foreign country known as the Czech Republic.
But Prague Tory supports a party that believes that a citizen from the Czech Republic should not be allowed to live in the UK.
[3:06] Incorrect. You have reading comprehension problems. Perhaps you're fashionably dyslexic?
ReplyDelete"Rambling on about semantics, but completely missing the point." No, I got the point, which is erroneous.
Meanwhile, if we have no semantics, we only have sign language, and people who seek to confuse with false definitions are destructive. Do not try to wreck the structure and definitions of our language in the service of your One Worlder grand design. The English language is bigger than you are, sweetie.
Where did the Tories say that they don't believe Czechs should be allowed into Britain? I must have missed that. Or perhaps it's something you wilfully infer? Perhaps you could kindly point us to where an upper echelon Tory said/wrote the Czechs should not be allowed into Britain?
[3:06] PS - You're sure that Prague Tory is British, are you?
ReplyDeleteVerity said ...."Prague Tory is an emigrant and an immigrant. He is not a migrant."
ReplyDeleteThe United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families defines migrant worker as follows:
“The term "migrant worker" refers to a person who is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national."
Hence Praguetory is a migrant worker.
Anyone who quotes the UN is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
ReplyDelete“The term "migrant worker" refers to a person who is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national."
This is incorrect.
The term "migrant worker" refers to someone in a country who goes to another part of the country to take seasonal work, and then returns to his home area of that country.
The UN thinks Zimbabwe should chair the Human Rights Commission, so I think they can be safely ignored. They have no legitimacy making defintions for countries with elected national legislatures.
Why do the ignorant louts who work in the UN think he word 'state' is capitalised? This is the calibre of person dreaming up these fanciful New World Order definitions.
ReplyDeleteMigrant. Emigrant. Immigrant. Three words, three very precise definition.
ReplyDeleteHave you run out of valium again?
The Czech Republic has a right wing politician called Enoch Powelleski. Over the years he has been warning the citizens of The republic that migrants from the old Europe would swamp their country and there will be rivers of chilled lager flowing down the streets and boulevards of his sacred land. And those alcoholic beverages will be spilt be Migrants Tory sympathisers from the UK.
ReplyDeleteEVIDENCE you want verity. Pick any Tory MP at Random, and I will find you a derogatory comment about migrant workers.
Verity said ... "The term "migrant worker" refers to someone in a country who goes to another part of the country to take seasonal work, and then returns to his home area of that country."
ReplyDeleteThat is the American usage of the term. You should get out more.
verity said...
ReplyDelete"Why do the ignorant louts who work in the UN think he word 'state' is capitalised?"
In Britain it has recently become common practice to capitalise certain words to improve readability. It is particularly common in academic circles.
Pretty poor performance from Camera On today at PMQ’s. Three questions.
ReplyDelete1.blar blar immigrants
2.blar blar migrants
3 blar blar immigrants and migrants.
And this guy actually thinks he is in the centre ground.
Sorry, but Cambo is back where he was always going to, the far right.
Even the Cable Guy did better than Cambo.
Bloody foreigners, bloody migrants, etc etc etc, get em out !!!!.
ReplyDeleteStart with Solano West Hams midfield maestro.Then Camara West Hams Senegalese striker; then chuck out Lyunjberg that Swedish person stealing a midfield position from a UK footballer, then of course that bloody frog Faubert should be sent packing from East London
verity said...
ReplyDelete"Why do the ignorant louts who work in the UN think he word 'state' is capitalised? This is the calibre of person dreaming up these fanciful New World Order definitions."
Why have you capitalised 'new world order'?
Like Camera On Ive got nothing to say, I just want to be post 100
ReplyDeleteUnlike Brown who has nothing to say when asked questions on Northern Rock Bailouts, incompetence as displayed by Jackie Smith.
ReplyDeleteGood to see that La Smith's efforts have had the moral rather than physical support of Brown and his front bench team.
When is a minister in trouble these days, is it when Brown scowls on the bench or when there are no cabinet ministers in sight?
[4:08] In Britain it has recently become common practice to capitalise certain words to improve readability.
ReplyDeleteNo, it hasn't. Capitalising random words makes comprehension slower and more difficult. When you write "academics", I assume you mean people teaching sociology and courses for Real Nappy Outreach Coordinators? La crême de la crême of the academic world?
Second, whatever the illiterate "academic" practice in Britain, which I don't credit, anyway, the UN isn't in Britain. It's in the United States.
[4:32] Why have you capitalised 'new world order'?
Because it's a proper noun. Are you an "academic"?
[4:02] That is the American usage of the term.... You should get out more. Migrant may well also be a term used in the US, but we have had migrant workers for a long time. People who travel to various areas to pick fruit, for instance, are called migrants. You should get out more. Pick some fruit! Live a little!
Verity said ...."When you write "academics", I assume you mean people teaching sociology and courses for Real Nappy Outreach Coordinators? La crême de la crême of the academic world?"
ReplyDeleteI am an academic. My field is electronics.
I see that you have decided that 'state' cannot be a proper but 'real nappy outreach coordinators".
Your use of English is quaint and very old-fashioned. Did you leave school in the 1940s?
anonymous [5.53 PM] Be careful! In my experience the grammar, punctuation and syntax of those who left school in the 1940s and 1950s is head and shoulders above those who came later.
ReplyDelete[5:53] Did I leave school in the 1940s!! No, my use of English is standard English, not Estuary or Loutish or Reality TV English. You may not have had much contact with this sector. I'm guessing that you became an adult, so to speak, during the Labour Newspeak era?
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I find Blair/Brown Labour Newspeak rather quaint and Orwellian. It's from 40 or 50 years ago and is very dated, although effective with people who can't recognise it.
BTW, how would know how people spoke 50 or 60 years ago? I think I'm right in assuming that you don't read books?
Am I also right in assuming you don't have a second language?
Perfect New Labour fodder. You must be so proud.
Verity and I may not be the best of ideological mates (and god knows I have wept at her hurtful comment that I was an "arrogant little prig") but at least she has the guts to put a name to her posts. Something like 80% of the posts on this free thread are "anonymous" (and badly written). I almost admire the old girl. And I am sure she doesn't care if I do.
ReplyDeleteverity said...
ReplyDelete"Did I leave school in the 1940s!!"
Why have you put 2 exclamation marks at the end of the sentence? I think you must have been off school the afternoon they did punctuation.
"No, my use of English is standard English, not Estuary or Loutish or Reality TV English."
Your English is certainly not standard English. It is generally quite slipshod. Also, you are again doing what you accuse other people of doing; i.e. misusing capitals (e.g. Reality).
"BTW, how would know how people spoke 50 or 60 years ago?"
There are films and radio recordings from that period.
"I think I'm right in assuming that you don't read books?"
That is an idiotic assumption.
"Am I also right in assuming you don't have a second language?"
I speak passable German.
You mean you speak some words and the Germans say, "I pass."
ReplyDeleteMy guess that you don't read books is not "an idiotic assumption". It is based on observation. Language seeps into the minds unnoticed, on little cat feet, of people who read books. You have demonstrated an uncertain grasp of English. Ergo, you don't read much. When I wrote "books", I meant books with a spine down the back, not staples in the middle.
Iain, speaking of German, who was that blonde woman on Doughty Street that evening when you all started speaking German? I'd like to check the schedule to see when she'll be guesting again. Do you know? That was a good show.
ReplyDeleteShe'd be good to have on a show with Brian Micklethwaite.
Verity, You will be pleased do know that I do not intend to respond any further to your comments.
ReplyDeleteIf you think that you write good English then you are deluding yourself.
I have been looking back at your comments on this blog over the last few weeks. You come across as a nasty, demented, vituperous harridan. Get a life!
10:30 - I don't think I write particularly good English. I just write straightforward English. Not New World Order Newspeak.
ReplyDeleteRe your witty instruction to "Get a life!", I already have one, thanks.
Verity - there's nothing wrong with Estuary English love.
ReplyDeleteIt's got me by when I've needed it.
So, stop being derogatory about people who don't speak RP - which IS a made up accent.
As for the UN, I've got a mate who works there and she's a lovely warm and considerate human being, so again, stop with the derogatory comments...
And did you REALLY mean to use the word "commie"? I haven't heard that one since, ooh, must've been not long after the end of the Vietnam war and the beginning of "First Blood II"
Sorry to hear of the death of your family friend. Thoughts are with you.
ReplyDeleteCarl Eve said...
ReplyDelete"And did you REALLY mean to use the word "commie"? I haven't heard that one since, ooh, must've been not long after the end of the Vietnam war"
Just goes to show how out of touch batty old Verity is.
"You come across as a nasty, demented, vituperous harridan."
ReplyDelete...which is just how we love you, Verity
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"Verity, You will be pleased do know that I do not intend to respond any further to your comments."
Any hope you could not respond to anything? You are really boring.
Verity is barking mad but she is entertaining.
ReplyDeleteCarl Eve - It's you who are backward looking. The term commie has been revived and has been around as a term of contempt for members of the British government for a while now. I picked it up off blogs.
ReplyDelete[8:58] - Vietnam? Just shows you how disconnected from history batty old Anonymi are.