Monday, November 12, 2007

Low Expectations for Gordo's Foreign Policy Speech

A Foreign Office friend of mine has just emailed me Gordon Brown's speech tonight. The message on the email read: "This is so bad, it could almost have been written by the boy Miliband". Bitch.


  1. why am i not surprised. the totally defunct labour party is going to become even more of a laughing stock with brown ion charge.

    foreign policy has been its greatest crime over the pass 10 years and to have any expection of this clowns speech is simplyd aft

  2. Gordon Brown is not exactly what you could call a natural raconteur.

  3. Did you really think it would be anything else but rubbish he has only had 10 years to work on it What about the poor sods that have to listen to him

  4. Stop the press! Gordon Brown gives lame speech. Charisma of the lamest living Scot fails to woo Middle England!

    You'd have been better off giving us the transcript Iain. This isn't news of any kind. What will be interesting, however, is how the Brown Broadcasting Corp chooses to report on it....

  5. Surely could be summarised as "Ask George but in my future vision Ask Angela as well"

  6. I would rather eat my own foot than listen to that treacherous windbag pontificate about yet more things he knows nothing about.

  7. Apparently (courtesy Adam Boulton Blog) the theme is "hard headed internationalism", which will probably turn out to be completely "bone headed misadventurism", or as the hook line from one of the horror films went (can't remember which) "be afraid, be very afraid"

  8. But which politician nowadays is a good speechmaker - in the sense that even if you don't agree with the politics, you want to listen to what is being said and find the delivery attractive?

    Widdy used to be able to do it in spades until she went bonkers.

  9. I'd be more interested in how the PM looks in white tails.

    What is in the mind of this man who refused to wear the required dress for appointments at the City? Seems like an impolite, point-scoring teenager type of thing to do. And now this contrarian leads us? Ouch, how our standards have slipped.

  10. Travis - that's the tagline for Alien, which somehow seems fitting for Gordon. I can't decide whether he's a facehugger or the Alien Queen.

  11. Could be worse, Iain - he could try to take a leaf out of the French and German foreign ministers' books... and sing it.

    Oh, my God, no. Please, Gordo, don't sing your next speech, it was just a joke.

    Anyway, what would he sing?

    "Oh, YES,
    I'm the Great Pretender!
    Adrift in a policy black hole,
    I seem to be what I'm not, you see,
    I'm really just a Scots Mafia mole"

    Auntie Flo'

  12. Or:

    "I've got the whole world
    In my hands
    A new world order
    In my hands
    I've got the whole country
    In my hands.
    Got the whole world in my hands.

    I've all of you, brothers
    In my hands
    All of you, sisters
    In my hands
    Got your DNA and finger prints,
    In my hands
    And no one leaves this room...

    Auntie Flo'

  13. Just watched Gordo's speech-

    "Both Gladstone and Disraeli spoke here in the 19th century. It was said that when you heard Gladstone speak, he was so persuasive that you went away thinking he was the wisest man in the world. But if you heard Disraeli speak, such was his charm, you went away thinking YOU were the wisest person in the world."

    Well to report on Gordo -
    "If you heard Gordo speak, such was his dour boring creepy (theres something of a fat dracula about him when he wears the tux) nose picking complete lack of charm when he spoke, that you went away thinking, not only that he was the worst PM in living memory, but that anyone was wiser than him, and anyone could do a better job"

  14. None of this is surprising. The BBC broadcasting the Remembrance Ceremony at the Albert Hall showed Gordon struggling with the words of the National Anthem. He had to read the words- what a disgrace for a British Prime Minister.
    To cap it off, a camera portrayed him nodding off during the closing prayers.
    With food inflation rocketing Gordons days are all but numbered - ITS THE ECONOMY WHICH WILL EXERCISE THE ELECTORATES MIND.
    But will we see, a sea change in mainstream politics when a new young leader of the Liberal Democrats is chosen.

  15. When did Moron agree to wear White Tie - I thoguht that he insisted on going to these sorts of events in his suit. Indeed I thought he never took his suit off even on holiday.

  16. Yes, reference to the suit wearing. Is Mr Broon related to Doc Martin? He's about as socially sophisticated.

  17. "foreign policy has been its greatest crime over the pass 10 years"

    oh no it hasn't

  18. chris paul gets close to thought crime.

    BBC1 6.00 news blurted out the truth i.e. 57% of these so-called rapes are not considered to be rape by the so-called victims! Naturally, Al-beeb then stated that the 'victims' were wrong and they had been raped!

    This rape hysteria is mostly got up by leftoid thought fascists. True, Boy Dave is a typical private school plonker for falling for it (- do they have those girloids at Eton?), but it would be a leftoid thought crime not to accept it. The fascists will soon be coming for chris paul to punish deviancy.

  19. re the white tie/tails outfit - according to the newspapers GB has just spent £3,000 on buying himself the proper outfit in order to attend the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace for the Saudi King, so it's only reasonable he should want to get some wear out of it! Obviously the Palace must have made it extremely clear to him that he couldn't come if he wouldn't wear the correct outfit.

    I noticed last night that Mrs Brown was looking very good in a smart evening dress too, so GB has clearly had to unpadlock the sporran bigtime.

    What about his speech? Usual turgid rubbish with boring delivery - his nice new suit was the most interesting thing about it.

  20. If he's been forced to open his purse and spend three grand on white tie and tails, he'll be sure to get the wear out of it. I expect PMQ's to be white tie only from now on.

    The Doc Martin analogy is very good, I had not thought of it before, though at least Doc Martin does some good with his life.

  21. It's not that this speech is bad per se it's that its just more of the same.
    "EU is good"-check, "calming the Americans down"-yep, Something about NATO, mustn't forget the Commonwealth-done. Should probably make the UN better-fine, Behave [insert name of latest wrongdoing country.] Lightly sprinkle the words "globalisation" and "partnership" around like they're going out of fashion and away we go.

    Oh and propose measures that are old news and will never get international acceptance. By anyone. Ever. This speech may not be bad but it IS a waste of everyone's time

  22. I thought it was a good speech. It stayed on the line. We need diplomacy not some extremist maniac.

  23. Chris Paul - what on earth are Cameron's rape stats to do with Brown speech on foreign affairs? Did Mummy send you to the wrong day school today? Or is astroturfing all you are capable of?


    I thought it was a good speech. It stayed on the line. We need diplomacy not some extremist maniac."!

    Um - note, Gordon the Moron was right behind the previous incumbent - you know, the extremist maniac one - on Iraq. Not a c**t hair between them, as my girl would say ...
