Friday, November 30, 2007

Does This Sound Good, Harriet?

According to Westminster council, "ten items of drugs and weapons had been seized since May 2004" at Sound nightclub, the venue for Harriet Harman's fundraiser next Wednesday. More details HERE.

Hardly an appropriate venue for a senior cabinet minister, I'd have thought. I wonder what the hire charge is. I've no doubt that she'll be declaring any discount on the normal rates. We wouldn't want any more 'administrative errors' (copyright Peter Hain 2007) would we?


  1. Is she fundraising to pay her legal team?

  2. Iain, don't be such a party pooper - I would have thought you would already have your application for a ticket in hand ? Or given the sort of place it is, maybe it is more Guido's thing ? Still, should be interesting to see who is in attendance...

  3. Never mind about Harriet, Jack Straw has just made the biggest mistake of his political life. Jack has always been known as the safest pair of hands in government. The sort of fellow you could chuck out of an aircraft at 10,000 feet with concrete overshoes and without a parachute, who would land in a pile of manure and walk out unscathed, smelling as fragrant as Peter Mandelson. To brief the press that donor sleaze started in the Blair years will outrage the Blairistas to a frenzy of venom. Watch out for the sundays, particularly the MOS.

  4. I'm enjoying the roller coaster ride as much as the next Tory, but I think that this is skirting a bit close to gloating.

    Is every politician now required to hire a detective agency to investigate every building before they enter it, every person before they meet them?

    It's easy to get carried away!

  5. surely the party is over for Harriet?

  6. Party is cancelled anyway,

  7. Only 10? What a dull club!

  8. Iain, I appreciate that you are getting a kick out of this after all the years this happened to the Conservatives, but I think it is a bit beneath you to gloat and I hope, when the tables will tuen again (as they invariably will), I will temper my inevitable delight and try and be a bit more thoughtful and considerate (If I am not, please do the courtesy of reminding me to be :) ).
    That said, I think Harriet Harman has done enough damage and therefore must go :/

  9. Jerry Hayes - What mistake? I haven't read of any Straw mistake, other than a lifelong dedication to Trotskyism which has actually served him rather well.

    What is the "biggest mistake of his career"? I ask only out of intellectual curiosity, not Schadenfreude.

  10. Oh come off it- by those standards then, Westminster would hardly be the most appropriate place to hold a parliamentary democracy, would it?

  11. Ian, I have to say that you're getting positively vindictive here. And I speak as someoen who hates socialism and the Labour Party with a passion (albeit someone who always thinks Harriet Harman is absolutely divine !)
    OK, so she's in debt, and needs some money. Well, Christ, she's hardly alone in that. So she's trying to do something about it. And she's made a balls of her loans and donations. Well she's not alone in that, either, and if you think there aren't any Conservatives who've done the same then you're living in a different world.
    I appreciate poltics is a tough business. But there is a fine line between making political capital out of someone's mistakes
    and falling below the acceptable levels of basic respect and decency. This post, and the one about Peter Watt earlier in the week within hours of his resignation, cross that line.
    You can do better than this.

  12. ^^^ true say, I imagine more items of narcotics or weapons have been seized on the parliamentary estate in the last few years!

    Joking aside, was this really worth posting Iain? Nightclubs attract drugs and sadly sometimes weapons - what the hell does it matter if Harman's venue has been raided from time to time?

  13. Hang on isn't the (Conservative) council to blame if you think it's such a scandal since they dominate the local licensing committee?

  14. 10 seizures in 3½ years? Get out of the village a bit more Iain. That's positively monastic.

  15. I hear she's cancelled the event and has hired Fire in Vauxhall instead, for its "comparatively clean reputation"

  16. This is just gloating.

    And it's not even good gloating. Ten items seized since 2004? That's about three a year. At a night club. Betcha a hell of a lot more than that have been seized at the entrance to the Palace of Westminster.

    If I was a Tory party hack, I'd be wary of getting too gleeful right now. The system of party funding is broke, and though Labour have been spectacularly incompetent - not to say corrupt - in this instance, it's unlikely just to be them involved in these kinds of accounting capers.
