Friday, November 30, 2007

Someone Has to Lose

This week has seen great excitement in the Parliamentary Press Gallery as it holds its annual elections. Colin Brown from The Indy was elected unopposed as Chairman but unusually the ten places on the Press Gallery Committee were contested - by twelve people. The election was held under the STV system where the mathematically-challenged feral beasts had to rank their colleagues from 1 to 10 and then put the ballot paper in an envelope, and then put that envelope in another envelope. With me so far?

Needless to say there were rather a lot of disqualified ballots. Anyway, it was an election so someone had to lose and the two unlucky contestants were freelancer Jerry Lewis and the Sunday Mirror's Vincent Moss. Bad luck, chaps! Blame it on the idiocy of the electorate. That's what politicians usually do! Not me, obviously...


  1. Significantly, Jerry was the only one to canvass. Most ungentlemanly.

  2. Vince and Jerry should console themselves with the thought that election to the Press Gallery Committee really ain't worth a pitcher of warm spit. I was on it for a few years myself and all it ever brought me was a load of hassle.
