Friday, November 30, 2007

Sky News Paper Review Tonight

At 10.30 I'll be looking at tomorrow's front pages on Sky News, then at 11.30pm expect a bit of fur to fly when I'm joined by my old sparring partner Yasmin Alibhai-Brown for the full paper review until midnight. Do tune in!


  1. Mathew Parris on Any Questions tonight. When the current cliche was "don't underestimate Gordon Brown", Parris said in effect;" He deserves to be underestimated; he's useless".
    Look forward to more of this tonight.

  2. I am so annoyed at Virgin Media for taking away my Sky News.

    How very dare they??!!

  3. John Prescott has NOT escaped this. You seem to have forgotten this piece in The Times.

    JOHN PRESCOTT made planning decisions in favour of two property developers who had given secret loans and a donation to the Labour party, it emerged this weekend.

    The deputy prime minister gave his backing to a controversial £600m scheme proposed by Andrew Rosenfeld, chairman of the Minerva property company, only months after Rosenfeld had secretly loaned Labour £1m last year.

    It was the second time Prescott had favoured the company. In 2003 he approved planning permission for a controversial skyscraper in London.

    At that time the chairman of the company was Sir David Garrard, who had only months earlier given Labour £200,000. Garrard went on to lend the party £2.3m last year and was nominated for a peerage.

    Given the company’s links with the Labour party, critics say Prescott should have stood aside because of the potential conflicts of interest. Prescott, however, insists that he did not know about the secret loans and that he was following his planning inspectors’ advice.


  4. Is Straw pitching for Gordon Brown's job?

    He will probably be the favourite to win should Gordon be thrown out. He's still young enough to challenge Cameron.

  5. You might want to ask Terrorist Alibi Brown what she thinks about the Sudan thing!!

  6. Will watch but ask my wife to pick your tie. Labour have won by getting the cops involved because now they'll just keep saying "Cannot comment as a Police enquiry is underway". Re cash for honours it would have been easier to prove "Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice".

  7. Jack Straw?

    Nodding dog at question time

    Shook hands with Mugabe (The John Motson excuse aside)

    A quivering wreck in the company of Condie Rice.

    And he is, indeed, the best alternative Labour have got. Shocking

  8. Canvas,

    You can listen to sky news live by clicking HERE

  9. I presume you'll review this one

    David Abrahams hints at frequent meetings with PM

    By Nick Allen, Paul Stokes and Richard Edwards
    Last Updated: 2:50am GMT 30/11/2007

    David Abrahams, the secret donor who is facing a police investigation, suggested yesterday that he had met Gordon Brown as many times as he had "eaten porridge" in the morning.

  10. Listened on the internet - sounded like you an Yasmin were a happily married couple.

    According to this research immigration is the higest political priority for voters ...

    23% imigration
    16% crime
    85 NHS

    I believe I am a reasonable man and in the past it hasn't even crossed my mind to leave the EU. But when I heard that the population of the UK would exceed 100M had an absolute view to leave the EU immediately. What value is there in politicians if we are to become a land of flats and traffic jams.

  11. You might want to cover this story on wendy Alexander

    No NOT the top Story - about her crooked donation (all Labour MPs are on the take) there's nothing unusual about that. Scroll down the page and see what she said yesterday.

    Labour leader lays out case for Holyrood to get new powers

    WENDY Alexander signalled a major shift in Labour policy yesterday by calling for a radical overhaul of the devolution settlement.

    The Scottish Labour leader is seeking the creation of a Scottish Constitutional Commission to look at all aspects of the settlement, a body modelled on the constitutional convention that paved the way for the Scottish Parliament in the 1980s and 1990s.

    Labour has resisted any fundamental changes to the devolution settlement since its inception, arguing that it was working well.

    But now Ms Alexander has turned that approach on its head, calling, not just for a thorough examination of the existing powers, but giving her support to the transfer of more powers - including some taxes - to Holyrood.

    "We cannot become unthinking unionists," she told an audience at Edinburgh University.

  12. James Purnell (culture secretary) just said "no one is more depressed that Gordon" - is he giving us a hint about Gordon's mental health.

    He doesn't give his support to Mendelsohn - just repeats what he said. Sounds like Mendelsohn is going to be hung out to dry.

  13. Very good performance Mr. Dale.

    A bit of it even got on Sunrise this morning.
