Monday, October 15, 2007

Why Charles Clarke Will Toe the Brownie Line

Following on from the earlier story about the anti-Brown briefings by former Blairite cabinet ministers, I thought it odd that Charles Clarke was, according to Ben Brogan, stomping around in annoyance. Could his anger at being lumped in with the likes of Milburn and Byers have anything to do with the fact that he's being lined up to replace Mandelson in Brussels and knows that anything other than blind loyalty to the Brownies will scupper his chances? I am told his constituency party in Norwich South is already lining up a successor.


  1. So Brown dumps another convention. Since Mandy is the current commissioner you would have expected the next one to be a Tory, but no from Brown.
    When he first came to power I did have a bit of respect for him. No more I must say.

  2. anon. 11.14am
    You'll be saying next that you actually thought a "New Dawn" had broken on 1st May 1997 and that Blair was a "pretty straight sort of guy"

  3. Ok, ok, this has got to be taken on the chin..

    A bloke has had his will challenged on the basis that to leave eight million quid to the Conservative Party was an act of insanity.

    The judge declared,

    "Mr Kostic would not have left the money to the Tories if he had been "of sound mind".

    Mr Kostic made the will after saying Margaret Thatcher was "the greatest leader of the free world in history" and that she would save the world from the "satanic monsters and freaks".

    PMQ's could be fun.

  4. If Brown has a gleeful go over the will, Cameron can say something sober about not speaking ill of the dead / making political fun of the mentally ill etc

  5. Charles Clarke a Tory, anonymous? Not recently. (thinking of Ken?)

    Labour will have to concede the referendum if they are to be seen as anything other than dictatorial and manipulative.

    If they've sold their souls to Europe, and against democracy in the UK, then Labour will rightly be on the way out.

    A desire to survive by Labour MPs should ensure the vote in the Commons defeats the government on the Constitution. That should trigger a Labour leadership battle,

    Unless a democrat eurosceptic wins, Labour are history, and Cameron will walk into power. Labour MPs might be ready to move back to democracy, and outflank the Conservatives on Europe. That will be shock number 3.

    Charles Clarke will be stranded.

  6. A crafty move by the brown one, if true. I presume that he also has spies in the dissenters' camp.

  7. If Brown has a gleeful go over the will, Cameron can say something sober about not speaking ill of the dead / making political fun of the mentally ill etc

    Wouldn't that leave him with nothing to do at future PMQs?

  8. As an anonymous comment on my blog has just put it:

    "So there is now at least one opposition party in Parliament. The Blairobites."


  9. My God!
    Think of the expenses that fat bastard will run in Brussels restaurants.
    I had better start working harder.

  10. Rumour at the DTI is doing the rounds about an early cabinet reshuffle! Is Brown going after his enemies in the party? Someone has to take the blame for Gordon Browns utter humiliation at the commons last week!
    It smacks of the Stalinist purges circa 1930s!

  11. Isn't it time we sent someone other than a disgraced or failed politician to Brussels ?

    Also why another Labour party politician ?

    Why not advertise the post and have a parliamentary committee interview the applicants in public ?

  12. Rumour at the DTI is doing the rounds about an early cabinet reshuffle! Is Brown going after his enemies in the party? Someone has to take the blame for Gordon Browns utter humiliation at the commons last week!

    Since Brown is going to face total humiliation and obloquy at PMQs for the foreseeable future, every one of the numpties and jackasses in the Governments from PPS's upwards had better get used to the prospect of perpetual revolution. None will be safe from the Wrath of the Cringing Feartie. An industrial sized guillotine will be installed in McStalin's antechamber and after every disastrous Wednesday excursion, more heads will roll, untill there will be no-one left to blame.

  13. Man in a Shed @ 5:34 PM makes a brilliant point -

    Why do we keep sending the B Team (some could say Z team) to Brussels? No wonder things seem to be such a mess as far is Europe is concerned. The sooner we start sending 'Top Flight' representatives rather than the 'milk the system' brigade lead by Mandleson, Kinnock (and the rest of his spawny brood) the better.

  14. It wasn't just Mandelson & Kinnock who were failed second - raters: what about Leon Brittan, Lord Cockfield etc?
