Monday, October 15, 2007

You Don't Have to be Mad to Give Money to the Tories, But it Helps

A High Court Judge has today ruled that a man who left £8 million to the Conservative Party in his will must have been mentally ill. Rumours that the judge came to this conclusion because the man didn't want a Peerage in return are almost certainly wide of the mark!


  1. If the money had been left to the Labour Party, would Brown now be considering an appeal against the Court's decision?

  2. Maybe Cameron should visit broadmore I am sure all those millionaires whop kill their parents to get money would vote for him.

  3. To leave £8m or so to any political party is a certain sign of mental incapacity. Just look at the way politicians spend our money as though it was going out of fashion.

  4. In that case, I am completely utterly barking radio rental for continuing to pay taxes to support this devastatingly bad government.

    I know, I voted for them in 1997 but I have made a reasonably full recovery - for those of you who were concerned.

    Me - I'm two bellows short of an accordion.

  5. eh? But the money wasn't given to the Labour Party, numptie.

  6. After murdering a relation of mine to gain money from his will I was delighted to hear Mr Osbourne has cut inheritance tax. Hard working aspirers in this country deserve money it took me 10 years to kill the bugger off.

  7. Well at least there is one sane High Court Judge!
    Anon 11:56AM
    BTW My good friend who was once editor of the Broadmoor Chronicle
    was a Labour and Co-op Party supporter.

  8. So perhaps we have the meaning of "new world of freedom".

    You can leave as much as you want to the Tories and no one will call you a fruitcake.

    "Your money, our world. Two parties, one choice. No hands, tonnes in the bank. Vote Dave. Thank you".

  9. Perhaps he had been watching the Politics show . Twenty minutes on Party funding without a mention of the unions to about thirty mentions of Ashcroft.

    Contrary to suggestions sometimes made " newmania " refers to a celebration of all things 'Newman'. Nonetheless if I watch much more of that,a stick of celery will be in my ear and a merry wibble on my lips.

    bibble wibble bibble wibble biblle ....DON`T TOUCH THE CELERY

  10. "a celebration of all things Newman"
    Of John Henry Cardinal Newman(of Huguenot roots) or the Dutch Calvinist Newmanns?

  11. He might not have been wanting a peerage but maybe the judge does

  12. So thats the new Audi cancelled Iain?

  13. Poisonous slippery....

    I hope you made the effort that tax-efficient accounting ensured your deceased relative (condolences, by the way) had the benefit of his wife's allowance too?

  14. Oh dear. Can Cameron ask Lord Levy for some help/advice?

  15. John Henry Newman

    ....Is my fathers name by coincidence . The other one , ,having converted in 1845 ,is on his way to becoming a Catholic saint. He posthumously cured a spinal complaint by being prayed to says... "An American".

    Thats what I call conclusive scientific proof ( wibble bibble wibble ....)

  16. newmania hits on something quite sinister. Something has been going on behind closed doors. The Mail, today, has a very strange editorial. This follows strange missives by Platell (australian I think) and Oborn both suggesting that Cameron was cruel to Brown.

    This today! Yet any good solicitor worth his/her salt would advice one to contest the next of kin's action.

    Then on Sky this morning their junior political reporter from the School which Brown attended opens up with "Nobody can deny that the Prime Minister and Mr Balls have done so much against child (or juvenile)obesity"
    Ignoring Jamie Oliver and the lack of school sports etc etc!!

    It is as if they have all got together and deciding to put scaffolding around the Brown Bottler.

  17. Brown balls knock obese children

    Sounds like a case for social services.

  18. They are trying for the 'lets feel sorry him' routine at The Mail. How will that stack up against their previous narrative of Brown being the tough guy who can face down threats? It's tripe.

    The Mail's invested so much political capital into Brown, they cannot believe their shares are now worthless. Better to cut your losses, Dacre me old mate. You're throwing good money after bad.

  19. BEING MAD??? I travel curious with eye gaze on the rim of world, then .

  20. The BBC are reporting that the deputy leader of the LibDems, Vincent Cable, has told them that the position of Lib Dem leader is "under discussion".

  21. Yes, I can read, too.

  22. Here's something interesting to chew on: rumours coming out of the higher echelons of the Tory party strongly suggest that Osborne's next move will be to propose the abolition of CAPITAL GAINS TAX!

    To be paid for by efficiency savings amongst the vast, bloated bureaucracy in the NHS, education, criminal justice etc

    Both moves will be great vote winners IMO.

  23. Surely the first tax to go has to be low level income tax. Devil`s kitchen ...reckons you can get rid of income tax altogether by returning to 1997 spending levels.

    Imagine that!

    If Brown does have a mental breakdown , I do hope he gets one of those wards where the bedding is your own faeces before being shoved into a wood chipper to help meet a "target".But then , could you tell if he did ?

  24. Aghhhh! Horror
    The RFU have confirmed Mac Broon of broon`s invite to the final. If he dares show his face can’t we get some alternative lyrics going ? He has no right to be there . He is not English and he detests rugby’s rural strongholds and lower middle England profile .

    Swing low ,sweet Polls for Brown
    Phoney Scots can run along home
    Swing low sweet Polls for Brown
    Phoney Scots can run along home

    I looked over Gordon and what did I see
    ( Phoney Scots can run along home )
    A fraud who` s trying to crucify me
    (Phoney Scots can run along home )

    Swing low .....etc.

    There he stands the thieving jock
    (Phoney Scots can run along home)
    He`ll be cheering for the Boks
    (Phoney Scots can run along home )


  25. He apparently said "Margaret Thatcher was the greatest leader of the free world in history" and that she would "save the world from the satanic monsters and freaks".

    Do you think he meant the rest of the tory party or just Michael Hestletine.....

  26. I like it newmania, funny and bigotted! Of course brown is actually a rugby fan, unlike "call me dave", who congratulated the lads for their effort, despite not knowing anything about the game. He also went to the FA cup final despite knowing b**** all about football.. still he's english so thats ok for him to be a complete phoney.

    and lets not forget it was fine for Blair to do it.... and he was born in Edinburgh.

    sod off, new - man - ia
    narrow minded w*&ker you are
    sod off etc etc etc

  27. At least Blair represented an English constituency, and although he was indeed born in Edinburgh the popular opinion in Scotland has always been that he is English! Didn't you know he even sat (sic) on the Gallowgate watching Jackie Milburn?

    Well argued critique of Newmania's work by the way, Mr Anonymous.

  28. Breaking news - announcement due from LibDems about Ming!!!

    Off now, thanks for your patience, will read only to spare you of my volubility, maybe drop in a short word here and there.

    If you read anything obscene or puerile from a John T, it ain't me, I'm too old for that.

  29. In the absence of the Dear Leader, may I just say how sorry we all are to lose the best leader of the Lib Dems that the Conservatives ever had.

    Now if you will excuse me, I have a particularly nasty skidmark to deal with.

  30. Great to see Mr Dale has his finger on the pulse of political events...

  31. I'm a new boy here but I am surprised that Iain hasn't issued a new update to this blog. Still, I suppose he has a life....

    It's a real shame that British politics (or any other nation's politics) doesn't have space for decent men. He may have been incompetent (by the standards of more ruthless politicians) but he failed because of his virtues; not in spite of them.

    I've been saying for some time that we should shut the hell up about Ming. He was a gift to the Tories and we shouldn't have helped that **** Simon Hughes to stick the knife into what was one of our greatest assets.

    If there is any justice in politics (and lord knows there is little enough) the likes of Simon Hughes (bitter wannabee) will lose their seats at the next election. Who'd miss him?

  32. I think you will find the little tinker fiddled with the time of his subsequent post.
