Monday, October 15, 2007

Chloe, Patch Me Thru to the White House!

I am feeling very guilty. Last night I binged. Not on a packet of Jaffa Cakes, or a tub of Haagen Dazs. I watched five episodes of '24' back to back. Has there ever been a better series on TV? Ok, Ok, West Wing is up there too, but apart from that?


  1. The West Wing is far superior to 24. Better cast, better drama, better writing. Need I go on?

  2. The West Wing is magnificent, but the Sopranos is also top-drawer. We're now into the last three or four episodes and it's gripping, superior stuff.

    I'd also recommend "The Wire", which is probably the most underrated show on TV - certainly better than the Shield, which seems to get higher ratings - and, with the demise of the Sopranos and WW surely the best thing on TV.

  3. I did buy '24' season 1 due to all the hype around the show. It is total rubbish! 'West Wing' was better telly, but suffered from 'liberalitis' and the somewhat sanctimonious approach did make cringeworty viewing. I much prefer 'Heroes'. A load of old nonsence, well made!

  4. A few months ago, at home and enduring a heavy cold, I watched the whole of season six in one go. These things are best saved for illness and rainy days. Pity that it wasn't as good as season five. And yes, the West Wing is an amazing show, sadly missed. But often so sentimental and sickly sweet that I am sure they could never make a UK version.

  5. Iain, You really must set a better example.

    We need active people not couch potatoes!!

  6. For goodness sakes, Iain; what about Spooks?! Next series starting 9pm tomorrow (Tuesday)


  7. The West Wing was the best show but only up to the end of Season 4. Season 5 was a dog and Seasons 6 and 7 were watchable but reflected a show past its prime. NBC made a huge error in firing Sorkin, the quality drop was dramatic.

    Enjoying Heroes at the moment but really didn't think much of 24.

  8. Jed Bartlett the best US President they never had !

    I would also put "Band of Brothers" as pretty high up on the list too !

  9. Five episodes of 24 - and you think you binged? Frankly Dale you're a lightweight.

  10. Party Animals anyone...?

  11. House of Cards, surely

  12. Bartlett (Walking quickly down corridor, followed by aides): Get me the President of Tonga and find out when What Hospital Leo's mother is in. CJ What am I saying on the Non-Agregate West Iowa Freeliner Options?

    CJ: You are in agreement

    Bartlett: I am?

    Lyman: (interupting) Mr President you cannot be in agreement. Sir, all the little black children will starve to death if you agree to the amendment.

    Bartlett: Well we can't have that can we. Now did anybody get me the President of Tonga and I want to know which hospital Leo's mother is in and why is it always so dark in these corridors? Can't we get decent lighting?

    Zeigler: We are saving energy. It's Al Gore. He's all over the place.

    Bartlett: Can we have him killed? Send some flowers.

    CJ: To Gore?
    Bartlett: No, to Mrs McGarry. Have Gore's Prius converted to run on fluorocarbons.

    Donna (breathless and running) Mr President, Venezuela have scrambled jet fighters over LA. Shall I convene N.SEC and order carry outs?

    Bartlett: Convene N.Sec, scramble the two squadrons of bombers, cancel my speech to the American Mothers of Wholesomeness and get me that really unconvincing British Ambassador who does really bad Hugh Grant impressions.

    Donna: Is it ok Mr President if we all stop walking very quickly now, sir?

    Bartlett: Why?

    Lyman: (wheezing) Well sir we have just done twelve laps of the West Wing.

  13. Weasel - fucking hilarious.

  14. 1 24 SERIES ONE - One sitting ... a few breaks for sleep
    2 I Claudius - One sitting
    3 Tenko- Series One sitting
    4 Pride and prejudice - see above

    5 English Degree- Three months day and night with no sleep at all.

    You are a lightweight IAIN and we can`t take passengers on this mission. Out .

  15. 24 is absolutely amazing. My wife and I watched the first series on DVD on an evening-by-evening basis while she was pregnant with our first child. We've done similar with each of the two children who've followed... It's the most compelling thing and it's always taken all of our will-power to not watch the next episode to find out what happens! I understand why you succombed...

    A colleague of mine tried to get people to sponsor her to watch every single episode in succession over a three-four day period (would that cover it? Each episode being about 43 minutes...) I don't think anyone did...

  16. I'm with machiavelli - in many ways - but on this occasion because Spooks is the best tv show to come out of Britain in a long time - and outclasses the efforts of our American cousins

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Battle Star Galatica - its the West Wing on radioactive steroids.

    Its also some of the best commentary on the war on Terrorism attempted by a modern TV prog. See Time's 2005 top ten - which starts with the following:

    Most of you probably think this entry has got to be a joke. The rest of you have actually watched the show.

  19. Is Jed Bartlett the only candidate who could Stop Hillary?

    Has 'Commander in Chief' sunk without trace? If so, deservedly so.

  20. I "wanted" Stockard Channing. I wanted her. Do you understand? I was in the grip of a mania that was unravelling my personal life - bills went unpaid, I was skimping on the ingredients in the vinaigrette, pants went un-ironed. I had to stop watching.

    I am watching the re-runs of House of Cards. Where is Francis Urquhart when you need him - or has David Cameron had him removed for being too "old Tory"?

  21. Can't say that I've ever really got into 24 or the West Wing -- the latter, in particular, is ridiculously self-indulgent.

    Personally, I think that British series such as Yes Minister, Drop The Dead Donkey and House of Cards were far superior.


  22. Prison Break! I've never seen 24 before so therefore must be rubbish

  23. Iain, you know full well that Dallas is the best TV programme ever made!

  24. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine far superior to both 24 and The Left Wing

  25. Another vote for 'The Wire'. Through the wonders of technology I've now seen all 5 series, and on top of the excellent characterisations and riveting (series-long) plots the show is firmly grounded in realism and all the unpleasantness that entails. This show contains some of the best 'moments' I have ever seen on the box. I'm convinced it must, at the very least, be the best cop show ever.

  26. C'mon, there have been dozens of better series than 24, many of them British.

    Blackadder, Brass, Bottom, the Sopranos and many many others.

    Still each to this own I suppose.

  27. Band of Brothers is still one of the all-time greats.

    I only ever saw season four of 24, it was great but the President got replaced by a scuzzy liberal type after that. Yes, Minister was vastly superior to West Wing.

    I was waiting for baggage at Gatwick a year or so ago when someone's cell phone rang with the "24" ringtone, I swung around to see who it was and the guy grinned and said "You're supposed to duck!"

  28. Has there ever been a better series on TV? Ok, Ok, West Wing is up there too, but apart from that?

    I'm amazed nobody has mentioned the Phil Silvers Show (Sgt. Bilko). Best TV series ever!

  29. 24 is great except when they've got Kim sodding Bauer being chased by a mountain lion or in some other equally irrelevant situation.

    Prison Break is probably the closest show to 24 in terms of non stop adrenaline.

  30. Deadwood. All the way. Knocks everything else into a cocked hat.

  31. Mr Dale, you even do politics for relaxation? You're becoming a very sad person. Get a life

  32. I bought five box sets of 24 in a post-Christmas sale. I've only just finished them. I generally like spy stories but I just found it too ridiculous to be believable. When the posties go back to work I'm going to sell them on eBay.

  33. Amusingly, over here in the US,
    'Spooks' has been renamed 'M15' as not to offend anyone's sensibilities. : )

    Don't you dare try to compare the extremely lightweight '24' to the magnificent Sopranos.

    I would also suggest you also watch the very brilliant 'Dexter' - on FX in the UK I believe.

  34. The Sopranos. We are watching two episodes a night from series one through to series six. Sad but true.

  35. Best TV ever? 'Cracker', surely?

  36. Ha ha, I've "done" at least five episodes of 24 in one sitting before! "We do not have the bomb! I repeat, we do not have the bomb!" Irresistible, isn't it?
    Kiefer Sutherland is a very gifted close-up actor, I love his expression and movement, and have spent many hours trying to capture and imitate his techniques.
