Monday, October 08, 2007

This Blog is Now Mobile Phone Compatible

Good news. Jag Singh from MessageSpace has reconfigured my blog code so it now displays on mobile phones properly. You lucky people.


  1. Iain,

    Yes .... Lucky, Lucky, Lucky!

    Service with a smile and within 48-hrs. Still get 300k but the blogs load first.

    Thanks Iain!


  2. Seems to be a bit quicker loading on PC as well.

    Shame your post's now saying "Gd nws. Jg Sngh frm Msg Spc hs rcnfgrd my blg cde..."

  3. Nah! no faster than before using T-mobile on an xda Orbit PDA, and that is still with picture loading turned off.

    Shame as the company I work for has firewalled your site completly. I thought I might be able to read this blog whilst looking business-like to prying eyes, as I tapped away on my PDA.

    Never mind!

  4. doesn't Jag Singh work for LabourHome. It is recorded he attended the the Labour Conference on behalf of LH this year.
    Sure, he hasn't slipped a Micky Finn in your mobile.

  5. Tried it. It works and looks good on my Blackberry.

  6. I've never really 'got' this internet access via the phone stuff. The damn screens are just far too small for it to be any good. I'll get one when they can do stereoscopic retinal projection from the frame of a pair of glasses. Until then, I'll stick with PC access which, incidentally, is really fast thanks Iain.

    Still, I suppose quill and vellum had it's detractors...

  7. Excellent news Iain!

    Do you think you could now change your link in the banner photo at the top of every page, so that when you click on it we go direct to your blog's homepage rather than the homepage opening in a new window?

    'tis rather annoying for those of us that read your site via the feed - we often start off on a story page and then need to go back to the homepage, rather than vice versa!

  8. Iain,

    This is great. Brogan notes that an analysis of recent polls shows a commons devoid of Lib Dims:


  9. It works well for me on Orange, thank you.

  10. Iain...a big THANK YOU. More often than not I read your blog on my Blackberry. This will make the experence that much better. Keep fighting the good fight.

  11. quicker than it was on my laptop in Asia. tomorrow the world.

    Surely labour will be manoevring to remove Brown before long? Or do they like being buried in the Brown stuff?

  12. Hi Iain
    Somewhat off thread

    I'd like your comments on the government's new law, 'stirring up hatred against gays being a criminal offence' Does place your old pal, staunch Tory Jim Davidson in a bit of a pickle, I mean there goes his entire act.

  13. Where can I get a ringtone to go with it? Perhaps Broon singing a version of Kylies I'm spinning around?

  14. Excellent - perfect on Blackberry / O2
