Monday, October 08, 2007

The Three Stooges

Far from being called the Three Muskateers, Ed Miliband, Ed Balls and Douglas Alexander are now being referred to by Labour MPs as The Three Stooges. Dirty game, politics, isn't it?


  1. I dont think anyone would give two hoots if that jumped up little so and so Ed Balls was knocked down a peg or two.

  2. Gosh how very original and hilarious...

  3. not to mention his wife, yvette Cooper, the ghastly Millibands, Jacqui Smith - oh why bother, the list is endless

  4. Is this the New Politics...YAWN.

    Sorry getting party workers to dress up in Newcastle Brown Ale bottles is the new politics...Oh dear very prime ministerial

  5. Is this what you are reduced to... OK.

    Pick any Male Tory MP at random.

    Andrew Mitchell, Michael Gove, Jeremy Hunt , Alan Duncan and Gidean Osbourne... All Tim Nice But Dims..

    ""Rah Rah Rah we're going to smash the oiks"""

  6. Gove is bright (if a bit odd) but Alan Duncan actually worked in the real world and earned money rather being one sort or another of life long state feeder which most MP's are nowadays. What percentage of them could possibly earn £60K in non state jobs; let alone the spectacular expenses and pensions? It ain't the tories who are rah rah etc - Recall the post war labour government; 'We are the masters now!' (Hartley Shawcross was it?)
    Glyn H

  7. Gordon Brown is presumably the Beast with two Eds.

  8. I have it on good authority that Ed Miliband will be the first domino to fall, if Brown deems it necessary to protect himself.

  9. Wecome back trolls.
    How's Gordon? Bearing up is he?
