Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Survey Results - LibDem Voters Prefer Tory Coalition

Thanks to the 1,100 of you who took part in the survey. I recognise that the results are hardly scientific, but some of them are at least very interesting!

If the political party you support was to encourage you to attend its party conference, which one of these UK conference venues would you most like it to hold the conference in?
London 25%
Manchester 17%
Brighton 15%
Birmingham 14%
Bournemouth 11%
Glasgow 7%
Cardiff 6%
Blackpool 5%

2. Have you read Alastair Campbell's Diaries?
No 75%
Yes 11%
No, but intend to 14%

3. How much do you think MPs should be paid? (they currently earn £60,000)
Nothing 5%
£40,000 13%
£60,000 40%
£80,000 21%
£100,000 13%
More than £100,000 8%

4. Do you believe that the BBC License fee should be abolished?
Yes 55%
No 45%

5. Do you think there should be a national referendum on the proposed European Constitutional Treaty?
Yes 81%
No 16%
Don't know 3%

6. If such a referendum were held, would you vote in support of ratifying the Treaty?
Yes 20%
No 72%
Don't know 8%

7. If there were a referendum on Britain's continuing membership of the European Union, would you vote for Britain to stay in the EU?
Yes 53%
No 36%
Don't know 11%

8. Do you think that referenda should be used more often in Britain as a way of making decisions at both national and local levels?
Yes 49%
No 45%
Don't know 6%

9. Would you support the creation of an English Parliament?
Yes 53%
No 38%
Don't know 9%

10. If Gordon Brown had an unfortunate encounter with a bus who do you think would be his successor (NB, not your personal preference, who do you THINK his successor would be)
Jack Straw 28%
David Miliband 44%
Jacqui Smith 1%
John Denham 1%
Ed Balls 3%
Alan Johnson 19%
Hilary Benn 3%
James Purnell 0.5%
Andy Burnham 0%

11. If David Cameron fell under a bus tomorrow, who do you THINK his successor would be?(NB, not your personal preference, who do you THINK his successor would be)
George Osborne 19%
Liam Fox 4%
David Davis 39%
Ken Clarke 2%
William Hague 31%
Michael Gove 2%
Caroline Spelman, Alan Duncan, Chris Grayling 1%, Jeremy Hunt, Theresa May all 1%

12. If Sir Menzies Campbell fell under a bus tomorrow, who do you THINK his successor would be?(NB, not your personal preference, who do you THINK his successor would be)
Chris Huhne 24%
Nick Clegg 53%
Charles Kennedy 13%
Simon Hughes 5%
Lembit Opik 3%
Norman Lamb, Lynne Featherstone, Ed Davey, Susan Kramer, David Laws all 1%

13. Which of these statements on British involvement in Iraq is closest to your own view?
Immediate pullout of all troops 18%
Timetable for gradual withdrawal 16%
Troops should go as situation allows 54%
We should finish the job we started 12%

14. If you had a vote in the Democratic Presidential Primaries, which candidate would you support?
Barack Obama 34%
Hilary Clinton 32%
John Edwards 13%

15. If you had a vote in the Republican Presidential Primaries, which candidate would you support?
Rudy Giuliani 53%
Mitt Romney 4%
John McCain 17%
Fred Thompson 7%
Ron Paul 7%
Others all 1%

16. An Autumn election
64% of Labour supporters didn't want an election
54% of Tory voters did want an election
52% of LibDem voters did want an election

17. What do you think the most likely result of the election is, if it is held at the beginning of November?
Higher Labour Majority 6%
Lower Labour Majority 45%
Conservative Majority 12%
Hung Parliament 36%

20. If there is a hung parliament after the next election, which of the following statements is closest to your own view?
Labour voters prefer a LibDem coalition
Tory voters prefer a LibDem coalitions
LibDem voters prefer a Tory coalition (56-44%)

This last finding is highly significant. I wonder if it would be reflected on polls run on LibDem blogs.


  1. Jolly good stuff but re "This last finding is highly significant" - what proportion of the 1,100 respondents were LibDems? Or to put it another way, how many of people claiming to be LibDems expressed a preference for lining up with the Tories?

  2. Any bets that the 8% who thought that MPs should be paid in excess of £100,000 are all entitled to put MP after their name, or are hoping to do so within the next 2 years?

  3. The question: Do you believe that the BBC License fee should be abolished?
    Yes 55%
    No 45%

    Should have been followed with another, have you ever watched Free Market TV ie American TV?

    be careful what you wish for

  4. If Gordon has a heart attack tomorrow, surely his replacement (at least for a few weeks) is Harriet ~vote for me 'cause I'm female~ Harman....?

    I know the idea of Harman as PM is horrfic, but bear with me. Although she isn't DPM she is Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. If Gordon goes under a bus there will be a leadership election. She will not be elected leader but in the intervening period she would be Leader of the Labour Party. Under the current system that would make her Prime Minister for about four weeks. After that she hands over to Milliband, as the winner of the leadership election.


  5. Did you put all the results up for Question number 20??
