Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Telegraph Column: The Top 100 Most Influential People on the Right 50-26

The next installment of the Telegraph's Top 100 Most Influential People on the Right is published today. You can read theprofiles online HERE and comment on the thread. It seems to have been taken over by BNP nutters overnight, questioning where Nick Griffin is on the list. I am sure they will be delighted by Shami Chakrabarti's position.

26 Robert Edmiston, Conservative Party Donor
27 Lord Strathclyde, Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lors
28 Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi
29 Iain Duncan Smith MP, Former Leader of the Conservative Party
30 Kenneth Clarke MP, Former Chancellor of the Exchequer
31 Stuart Polak, Director, Conservative Friends of Israel
32 Lord Hurd of Westwell, Former Foreign Secretary
33 Anthony Browne, Director, Policy Exchange
34 Lord Trimble, Former First Minister of Northern Ireland
35 Caroline Spelman, Chairman of the Conservative Party
36 Ruth Lea, Director, Centre for Policy Studies
37 Simon Wolfson, Chief Executive, Next
38 Lord Bruce Lockhart, Chairman, English Heritage
39 Shami Chakrabarti, Director, Liberty
40 David Willetts MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities & Skills
41 Michael Howard MP, Former Leader of the Conservative Party
42 Andrew Lansley MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Health
43 Lord Harris of Peckham, Conservative Party Donor
44 Nick Clegg MP, Liberal Democrat Home Affairs Spokesman
45 Dominic Grieve, Shadow Attorney General
46 Sir Michael Spicer MP, Chairman of the 1922 Committee
47 Stephen Gilbert, Director, Conservative Target Seats Campaign
48 Nigel Farage, Leader, United Kingdom Independence Party
49 John Maples MP, Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party, Candidates
50 Sir Andrew Green, Director, Migration Watch

In tomorrow's Telegraph you'll be able to see the Top 25 plus a feature article on the compilation of the list.


  1. I haven't appeared yet, so I assume that I am in the top 25.


  2. Could we have a list soon of Britain's most boring lists please?

  3. Do you and Brian seriously think Shami Chakrabarti is on the Right?

  4. Absolutely, Shami Chakrabarti is a liberal not a conservative.

  5. Shami Chakrabarti ??!!??

    Does anyone know if she's related to BBC correspondent Rita Chakrabarti, by the way ?

  6. fwiw, I think Nick Griffin would be in anyone's list of influential people on the right, whether one liked him or not. After all, you've got Galloway, Gerry Adams and Tariq Ali on the left list, where I see Shami Chakrabarti is #60.

    Your attitude to Nick Griffin should be Churchillian :

    (on recognising Communist China. Nye Bevan sat for Ebbw Vale)

    ". . . if you recognize anyone, it does not mean that you like them. We all, for instance, recognize the right honourable gentleman, the member for Ebbw Vale."

  7. Of that list I admire:
    Lord Strathclyde (fiercely clever)
    Jonathan Sacks (a goodie)
    Kenneth Clarke (fine economist, no side, lovely wife)
    Michael Howard (I'm a Buffy fan too)
    Dominic Grieve (speaks as he eats, particularly on the selling of seats in the Legislature fiasco)
    Andrew Green (states what's going on irrefutably).


    You guys do know the difference between a liberal and a libertarian, don't you?

  9. Depends on whether she is a classical liberal or a socialist authoritarian liberal, I suppose.

  10. Shami Chakrabati is a left-wing, not a right-wing liberal.

  11. Ms Chakrabati seems to have jumped many places since she recently appeared on your equally vapid Left List. To what do you ascribe this surge in importance? Are you implying she has less pull with the other lot? Or were you scratching around for names among such dross?

  12. Shami Chakrabati's speech at the Party Conference last year was excellent- she received a well deserved standing ovation. Actually today's DT said she would also be on the list of the top 100 left and Fib Dem influential people.

    Quite simply it depends by what you mean "..on the right"- many of us look at Nick Griffen and regard him as a politician of the left with his corporatist and protectionist views and what one perceives to be his advocacy of an overmighty state

  13. Nick Griffin did not steal my pension, or invade Iraq, Afghanistan, and sell out to Adams.
    sounds good to me. But almost went to jail for telling the truth.

  14. Who's going to draw up the top 100 most influencial non-partisans?


    1. Rupert Murdoch


  15. Nick Clegg? You are a tease.
