Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Zac Goldsmith Adds to The Buzzzzzzzzz

Speaking at a fringe event last night Zac Goldsmith said that there many misconceptions about the Quality of Life report.

He joked: "I do quickly want to draw your attention to vibrators. According to a number oif reports the report was going to recommend banning them. Given that today is a day about ruling things in and out I can rule out any more talk about banning vibrators."

The Conservative Womens' Organisation heaved a collective sigh of relief. At least, I think it was a sigh...


  1. Judging by my wife's use of her "rabbit" - yes, I keep tabs on these things (as any good husband should do) - it is used so infrequently that I shouldn't have wasted my money in the first place.

    As my wife is an archetypal Conservative it is probably no surprise. She only gets excited at the chance of David Cameron becoming Prime Minister. She is anticipating coitus cameronius very soon.

    Be warned Goedon Browm.

  2. These millionaires - such shining wits aren't they? Quite right to let them cop more of their parents' wealth for doing absolutely nothing...

  3. Rabbits are sooo yesterday - for the special lady in your life, try "Rock Chick" or for him, the "Rude Boy" !

  4. Blimey Iain. Blackpool is sooo bracing, innit?

    Whips, boots, whipping, Brown bending over, and now, vibes.

    I tell you I'm finding the whole thing pretty fatiguing. Marcia's keeping me up to speed with her Red Bull and Ginseng cocktails, but I can see I'm going to need a severe lie-down if it carries on like this, or the kids will have to hope that I don't peg it before the IHT gets eliminated.

    I suppose Davis will be giving it some of that handcuffs and dungeons stuff as well. I'll have to get the leathers on for that.

    Well, Cameron wanted to make this a conference to remember - and from where I stand that's certainly the case.

  5. William Hague does a marvellous impression of a dildo.

  6. Hilarious! Next you'll be telling us Brown is deliberately shagging your news coverage by carrying on governing the country!! (You already have? Good job!)

    What about an honest look at those tax proposals in full. Reporting Steph Flanders' Newsnight reportage would be a start.

  7. Broon's the same man who doesn't sanction replacements for clapped out equipment. Look at the delays for the 'replacements' for the VC-10 tankers. Look at the clapped out helicopters, the slow tortuous procurement of carriers. Look at the state of forces' accommodation and health care, then Chris Paul, you might be taken seriously.

    And what was that delightful woman Jacqui Smith saying about the TA last week at the Lab Conference. Wasn't she trying a out a cheap jibe at the TA and David Davis's service. Did anyone remind Brown about this today?

  8. Finally a "feel good" story; sorry, I'll get my coat...

  9. Chringe Chringe Chringe

  10. God, what a patronising git. Some unfunny, Blackpool-type "jokes" for the little people. They're so crude and easily amused, you know.

    Thinking that is so redolent of "us and them".

  11. Surely Zac understands that he's at a political conference? How about a couple of witty, well-aimed political jokes? Or are those just for passing the port?

    I'll tell you one thing: Sir James Goldsmith would never have spoken down to his audience like that.

    And Zac, without a science qualification of any kind, never mind not having spent several years in one of the disciplines associated with climatology, is a staunch believer that the little people have to be controlled in what they can buy, and have to be taxed extra, because he and the chaps have to take control to prevent "man made global warming".

  12. "Judging by my wife's use of her "rabbit".. it is used so infrequently that I shouldn't have wasted my money in the first place."

    Maybe she isn't only using it when you let her have it..

  13. I think Verity could do with a rampant rabbit to put a smile on her face...
