Monday, October 01, 2007

The Case of the Disappearing Whip

You' think that a newspaper diary column would send its diary columnist to the party conferences, wouldn't you? So it's somewhat surprising to note that The Sun decided to leave the task of collecting conference 'funnies' to its political team rather than send the editor of its Whip Column. I'm told they are none too impressed and are joining the growing number of News International executives who are asking what the point of The Whip column actually is.


  1. Iain darling please stop slagging us off on your just send in your CV and I'll have a word with Rupert and see if we can sort something out for you


  2. ...blimey iain, i'd do what she says. it's a matter of record that hell hav no fury like this particular woman scorned... just ask grant mitchell!

  3. This post might carry a bit more weight if you were giving us more of an insight into the Tory conference yourself. So far it seems very light weight. Mind you, I suppose if there is nothing exciting going on, you can hardly make up some 'breaking news' about argy-bargy / splits / arguments - unless you are planning to keep that sort of thing under your hat ??

    By the way, what is the weather like up in Blackpool ??

  4. I don't know who writes the whip but they are crap. I think I'll apply for their job. I don't think I could do much worse. Half a dozen half baked one-liners shouldn't be too hard.

  5. You would, wouldn't you!!!

  6. Why do you hate her so Iain? Is it 'cos you went for the job yourself and were truned down? Are you actually doing the job yourself? Or it just because she is a girl?

  7. I don't hate her. I don't do hate. It is not a good column, and if you can't see that...

    Just to be clear,I have never applied for a job with The Sun nor do I want one. Why do you always try to twist this round to personal gain?

    And your last comment is beneath contempt. You really know how to make a fool of yourself.

  8. Iain,

    The first time you brought this to our attention was fair enough - but the repeated postings about this journalist does seem to smack of a vendetta. I'm sure there are other people in the industry not doing a bang-up job but we don;t seem to hear about them.

  9. 2 things:

    1) All diaries do send freelancers to cover events they are unable to attend or buy stories from them.

    2) She is married to the Westminster PR, Nick Wood, who was a former Head of Press at CCO. I imagine he therefore supplies her with the stories, and PRs his clients at the same time.

    If this is so, it is possibly the most backscratching arrangement in the printed media since HELLO's social editor, John Rendall used to run material about clients of his then wife, the social PR, Liz Brewer.

    Presumably, the reason you are p**sed off with The Whip is that she keeps lifting your material without crediting you for it.
