Monday, October 01, 2007

The Independent: Must Try Harder

There seems to be some confusion among journalists on the Independent (not unusual, you may say). They say that the conference hall's capacity has been slashed due to the new layout and it shows that fewer people are attending this conference than usual. Wrong on both counts. The sloped seating means that there are actually more seats in the auditorium than on the old flat layout. And the organisers tell me that pass applications are markedly up on last time.


  1. What exactly are they Independent from ? Sense ? Professionalism ? Reality ? Integrity ?

  2. Not just the Independent, Michael White of the Guardian was at it as well on his blog.
    Just a check around the blogsphere, never mind checking with the organisers would have corrected their interpretation. Boys and girls, lazy journalism which shows up that even the simplest checks are not always carried out before an assertion is turn into fact!

  3. but has Guido got a Pass ?

    If yes, are you able to give us a copy of his Photo ???
