Monday, October 01, 2007

Theresa May Have the Oddest Footwear

So what's been the talking point of the conference so far? Sayeeda Warsi's views on immigration? The date of the election? Neither. It's been the sight of Theresa May's extraordinary boots, which she wore for her speech yesterday. It really is quite a feat to be known more for what you wear on your feet rather than for what you say.


  1. well, to be fair, up until osbourne's barnstormer she could have been forgiven for thinking that the tories really were in the s***

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Iain,

    I was getting a trifle concerned at the way things are going up there in Blackpool. I never regarded Blackpool as raffish as, say, Brighton or even as risque as Bournemouth.

    But now things are looking up. First there's talk of whips and now you mention boots. Any chance of pvc at all? I'm telling you, at the first mention of chamois leather undergarments I'll be in my motor rapidly travelling north, looking for some 'action'.

    October 01, 2007 2:04 PM

  4. She's a sickening individual. I wonder how many people she turns off the Conservatives. She is just horrible; horrible enough to be a socialist, in the same mould as Harriet Harman, Tessa Jowell and others of that ilk.

  5. Warsi is going to get her reputation ripped to shreds for having to guts to ask the questions main stream politicians are too gutless to ask.

    This story is the first stage of her punishment - let's make her views irrelevant by associating it will some silly shoes. :)

    Dale - certainly not his own man!

  6. Verity:

    Dead right!

    They are all out of the first act of Macbeth....bubble bubble toil and trouble. The old Bard could finger them right enough!

  7. Mrs May should have been booted out (har-har) for that strategically disastrous, inept and naive 'Nasty Party' speech which, in the manner Hague hinted at yesterday, she should have made in the privacy of CCHQ. By vainly delivering it on national TV, she handed a permanently loaded gun to the party's enemies which they have been firing daily ever since. She is pompous, slow-witted, tedious and irritating. Get rid of her.

  8. i would have thought that someone would have warned 'kitten-heels' by now of the dangers of brown-spotted used wellies. But perhaps there is no danger for her these days unless she misses the odd lunch or two?


  9. Prodicus - Seconded! She is inept, slow-witted, tedious, self-regarding and inexplicably vain. She should have been sacked immediately after making that disastrously damaging speech - in public, the minute she walked off the platform.

    You're right; she branded the party. I don't give a monkey's about her footwear. It's too late to sack her now, but she should never have been permitted to speak about, or on behalf of, the party in public again.

    Actually, she should have been expelled. Sadly, this tells us how lost and indecisive the Tories are.

  10. I like Theresa May and think her wellies are wonderful. I shall E Mail her for the stockist!

  11. Can anyone explain WHY she had wellies on? Just wondering...

  12. Jane - she got her Wellies at Office shoes.
    But - WHY?! I don't get it.

  13. Maybe after Theresa May is sacked, she could share a field with Margaret Beckett. They enjoy company, I understand.

  14. Verity - At least Theresa May doesn't have a weight problem.

  15. I see Mike's back.

    Iain, I thought we were rid of this human tick. Is there no way you can ban it? Being insulted by a malicious stranger really puts me off visiting here.

  16. "Maybe after Theresa May is sacked, she could share a field with Margaret Beckett.. "

    "Being insulted by a malicious stranger really puts me off visiting here."


  17. Anonymous - Semi-touché - although Teresa May has put herself forward in public life and I don't. We can thus criticise Ms May from actual knowledge. I am a private individual and "Mike's" comments, basaed on nothing but malice, are not.

    Still, well caught!

  18. Thersa May should be shipped off to the Philippines, to worship at the shrine of Imelda Marcos.

    Or ANYWHERE else than the Tory party.

    Alan Douglas

  19. George today secured her tenure as MP for Maidenhead for at least another 5 years, even if she decided to run through the streets of Bray stark naked apart from those wellies.

    Next subject please. How about why our foreign secretary looks, and gurns, like a bored teenager.

  20. "She is inept, slow-witted, tedious, self-regarding and inexplicably vain."

    Heavens, Verity, you are promoting ms may as the next Tory leader with those classic charactaristics!

  21. "if she decided to run through the streets of Bray stark naked apart from those wellies. "

    I would remind you Travis that we have signed up to a convention banning 'cruel and unusual punishment"
