Thursday, September 27, 2007

An Apology

Several people have complained to me in the comments and by email that yesterday I only posted once, and today there have been several hours between posts and that comment moderation has been too slow. I am sorry that posting has been light over the past couple of days - work commitments have been such that I haven't had a lot of spare time. You will see why when you read the Telegraph next week... I do have to earn a living too, you know!

COMING TOMORROW: The Top 500 British Political Blogs, as voted for by you.


  1. Tell them to bugger off. Or, as Guido does, offer them a full refund of the fee they pay you to run the blog.

  2. my dere boy, hem-hem, calm down.
    we all know it hav been a frantic week for all you tory lickspittles.
    it will all be over very soon, as you are only too well aware.
    i would advise you to book a relaxing mini-break sometime soon. perhaps to the coast..? oh no, p'raps not...

  3. If anything, I've been glad of the respite.

  4. Do you mean you have a life outside of blogging? Thank God.

  5. You have to earn a living?? I thought that you were a multi-millionaire with no need of work?

  6. I'd tell them to take a running jump, Iain. Too many hours between posts? Jesus. Get a life, readers.

    Even I occasionally have better things to do than write blogposts - and I don't have a life, as such.

  7. no need to apologise, id rather have fewer posts personally, esp on the weekends. Quite often when i visit for the first time since friday on a sunday i arrive and see up to 30 posts on stuff im not particularly interested in.
