Thursday, September 27, 2007

Another Day, Another Sign...

Hmmmm. I'm told that Regional Labour Party organisers have been called together tonight for an urgent meeting. Wonder what that would be about then.


  1. Perhaps Gordon Brown is calling an election, Iain.

  2. Does anyone else think that such moves could all be part of an (increasingly large) bluff?

  3. greg - I do think it could be a huge bluff. However I am getting to the point where Gordon might have to call his own bluff and go, but I think if he does then it will backfire spectacularly.

  4. Please tell I'm not the only one who finds the idea of holding a General Election in the bleak midwinter really quite bizarre ??

    To me it smacks of desperation and could backfire badly.

    Take me as an example. I am a bit of lefty liberal. So I refuse to have a car or television to do my bit to combat global warming.

    So if it is freezing and raining and windy when the election is called, I shall be staying indoors.

    So that's another wasted Tory vote then - Boom Boom..

    Only kidding, I will not be wasting my vote on the Tories when Prawn Dimarolo has a five figure majority in these parts..

    But come on folks, this is surely something worth debating ? Perhaps Iain could start organising car share / free lifts across the country to 'grab a granny' and get them into the polling booths while the plebs are down the working mans club / pub or wherever they go after finishing work in the mines..

  5. greg - bang on the button - Tony McNally was just on the news talking about Callaghan doing this. It is no accident that the Unions were very docile at conference, and none of the MPs raised a stink about the lack of an EU referendum.

    But as his Lordship pointed out, there was a backlash for Callaghan.

    Brown can only go on pissing about like this for so long before people bet his electoral stock is falling.

  6. Yes, I agree with greg: it is all a con to unsettle the Cons.

  7. It's Gordon planning ahead for 2009. You know what he's like.

  8. An orgy.

    I think I'm going to be sick.

  9. An election would be totally opportunistic, and could well backfire.
    The Labour party are just 2 years into this 5 year term.
    If re-elected the intention would be to go for another election after 4 years. Effectively, a cut and run election would be buying perhaps just one extra year.

  10. Or... Brown might have been holding a Tupperware party with thw regional LP organisers...possible?

  11. Absolutely Greg. It's June 2009 ....

  12. ...Wonder what that would be about then...

    err..gunpowder, treason and plot?

  13. Why do people keep going on about november being cold. They have elections in America in novemnber and get higher turnout thgan here.

    and they have elections in Russia(well kind of), Greenland, Canada etc etc, its even colder there!

  14. People have obviously not heard of electric lighting; heating or other marvels of the 21st Century. Unless it's raging blizzards;floods or tornados the early nights etc etc are totally immaterial to most of the country.

    As for Scotland who apart from the Labour Party gives a flying **ck if it's pitch black at 3pm ? There's no votes for the Conservative Party there ! It's a straight fight between them and the Nats who hopefully will inflict some damage to Labour.
