Thursday, September 27, 2007

Conference Tales:No 94

From Matthew Parris's Bournemouth diary...
Up at 6.30 for the Andrew Marr Show, Sunday. No time for breakfast. Dash to studio. Dash back. Enter hotel. Enter breakfast room. Nice table by window. “Tea please.” Huge meal – full monty. Up to my room, third floor. Can’t find room 3301. Foreign chambermaid says “not existing”. The fool knows nothing. I show keycard. Wrong hotel. Profuse apology. Hasty exit.
Lovin' it.


  1. He just gets better doesn`t he ....hilarious .

  2. I can't stand him, Newmania. He just keeps getting more precious. I can't read beyond a couple of paragraphs he writes any more. In a sense, he's Andrew Sullivan's doppelganger. Two queens of esteem who went off the boil around three years ago.

  3. Verity, do you mean Andrew Sullivan or Andrew Pierce?

    On the subject of conference disorientation, one BBC journalist told me that after checking in at his hotel during one major conference, he was just about to go down to reception when he noticed something strange about his room - no bed. He rang reception who seemed to think that he was on the sauce in the early afternoon but they agreed to send the housekeeper along. She couldn't find the bed and after more staff arrived, they discovered it was one of those pull down from the wall jobs. He kicked up a fuss about paying over £100 a night for a pull down bed and was allocated another room.
    But he said that if had returned at night and failed to find the bed, he would have assumed he was pissed and slept on the floor.

  4. I very much mean Johnny One-Note Andrew Sullivan. Who is Andrew Pierce? Never heard of him.

  5. Andrew Pierce writes for the "Telegraph."

  6. LOL!

    Very funny!

    I once had a call from someone shouting at me for 5 minutes about why his car was not ready.

    When I could get a word in I said "hello, this is Computer... (rest of company name) he hung up without an apology!
