Friday, August 24, 2007

Why You Should Read the New Statesman

When I first heard that the New Statesman had signed up Tara Hamilton-Miller to write a weekly column on Conservative politics I rather thought it must be their attempt to compete with the Speccie's Tamzin Lightwater. I don't mean that as a slight to Tara at all. I just hadn't known of her before. But she is becoming required reading and brings a real insight into the world of CCHQ and the Shadow Cabinet. This week she writes about the relationship between George Osborne and David Cameron. I'd say it gets nearer the truth than most others have done. Read her article HERE and her previous columns HERE.


  1. Fabulous! Love it!

    UK version - How about Caroline Flint? Instead of nutcracker - She's a fun-wrecker.

  2. wrong thread? sorry!

  3. Um, what does 'CCHQ' stand for?

  4. Iain should I be challenging your position as the mightly silverback of the blogging world ? Maybe maybe ...I have been bigging up the New Statesman for ages and actually the Tara stuff is a bit gossipy for my taste .
    In the word of political comment you have on the left the New Staesman which is a superb mag for all its odious left wingery . On the right you have Iain Dale and his cohorts of zombie accolytes blogging mindlessly at his imperial bidding.

    The Spectator Spectates.....

  5. I had assumed "Tara Hamilton Miller" didn't exist and was an attempt at a spoof of Tamzin Lightwater.

    no insight, poorly written and bimboesque.

    I enjoyed it more when I thought it was supposed to be funny.

  6. It's Conservative Campaign Headquarters, Londonerr.

  7. They are certainly not Chas and Dave!!..

  8. Crikey if that is the sort of twaddle the New Statesman publishes I don't feel I am missing much.

    It just about reflects what Cameron and Osbourne are - all style and no substance. The Conservative Party must get rid of them because the way things are going it will be doing a Titanic at the next election.

  9. Who are Cameron and Osbourne? Laurel & Hardy....

    As for all style and no substance, there hasn't even much style in the latest embarrassment of a campaign on the NHS.

  10. "Who are Cameron and Osbourne? Laurel & Hardy...."

    Well, add Hilton and you have The Three Stooges.
