Friday, August 24, 2007

How to Get Rid of Political Love Handles French-style

Hilarious goings on in France, where President Sarkozy's 'love handles' have been airbrushed out of a picture by Paris Match. The full story is HERE. If only Tony Blair had been avail to himself of such a pliant media when he was photographed on his hols resplendent with man boobs. Not that I can talk...


  1. I wish we could all airbrush out Blair, Brown, New Labour and the last 10 years from the history books.

  2. not to say his quite remarkable powers of perspiration.

  3. You aren`t overweight iain , just undertall

  4. Iain, you perfidious Albionian!

    Just 203 short years ago, on this VERY day, your dasdardly Brit ancestors invaded the American homeland and BURNED our nation's capital!!!

    (This is why we had to paint the White House white in the first place.)

    And now of this sad anniversary of your foul Brit knavery & firebuggery, you DARE compound yer high crimes & misdemeanors by insulting the Man Boobs of our noble Gallic ally?


  5. Do the press of the world really believe that we don't notice when they tell lies, invent stories, publish propaganda or take the P**s out of the French President.

    The press must stop trying to create perfect people.

    If the French president has middle age spread, he has middle age spread.

    End of..

  6. It's better to be airbrushed than to be air bushed.

  7. Dear SSI,

    So the Americano's have got a new bestest friend? Great news for us Brits as our friendship is getting quite painful for us! I am sure that the cheese eating surrender monkeys will be even more keen to go to war and sacrifice French troops lives on the orders of the yanks! I can see it now, the French standing shoulder to shoulder with the yanks putting their self interests 2nd to their common cause of world freedom!
    The France & America alliance will last just as long as it is in the French interest to do so!

  8. No coincidence, surely, that these pictures appeared on the same day as those of President Putin, looking every inch a latter day Charles Atlas. Where does he hide all those rippling muscles when wearing his regulation 38 inch suit jackets?

  9. You should have seen the smirk on the face of the BBC World newsreader as he covered this item, complete with both sets of pics.
