Friday, August 24, 2007

When You Have 'Em by The Balls...

Click HERE for an innovative line in US political nick-nacks. Do NOT skip the into... If I still had Politico's I'd be ordering a fair few of these. I'm not sure I can think of a British female politician who one could honour by making a UK version... Gwyneth Dunwoody anyone? My eyes are already watering...


  1. Iain, I am surprised at you - surely the obvious British version would be the former "First Scouse (I mean Spouse)" the Cherry-picker herself ?

    You could even do a cherry-picker version !

    Alan Douglas

  2. Fabulous! Love it!

    UK version - How about Caroline Flint? Instead of nutcracker - She's a fun-wrecker.

  3. ......their hearts and minds normally follow

  4. Anyone know a UK dealer for these? They're priceless, but not good enough for me to pay $65 P&P...

  5. cherie blair. obviously - but too late now.

    hilary didn't crack bill's
