Thursday, June 28, 2007

Des Browne: A Square Peg in Two Round Holes

I'm picking up severe rumblings from sources in the MoD about Des Browne keeping his job as Defence Secretary AND being appointed Secretary of State for Scotland. We're engaged in two armed conflicts abroad, neither of which are going well, and yet Browne is also supposed to have time to run Scotland. Ah, some will say, but that won't take much time because of all the devolved powers to the Scottish Parliament. So what they are saying is that it's a non job. If so, why not abolish it? Alternatively Gordon Brown could have created a Department for Devolution and included the Northern Ireland and Wales jobs within it.

If I were being unkind I might point out that in his time as Defence Secretary Des Browne has shown himself unfit to hold down one Cabinet job, let alone two.


  1. Our poor soldiers. If fighting Bin Laden is not enough to demoralise them, then surely the sight of this incompetent will. FFS, we used to rule the world, is there NOONE better?!

    I loved the Five Live comment: "Des Browne has also got Scotland". No no luv. Scotland has got us.

  2. It is not abolishable. But it is a light portfolio which does not justify a full timer or anything like.

  3. It would only take a one line Bill to merge the devolved departments into one.

  4. Got to agree with you - the posts seems to almost (dis)honourary posts i.e. the top ranking person with a Scottish/Welsh connection and no better excuse gets given the job, ignores it till the election then makes a balls up.
    Off the top of my head Margaret Beckett could have done a job as a SoS of the Nations - more capable than Woodward (why?) in NI and surely a better link between Edinburgh/Cardiff than two people with much bigger things to do.
    I think I made this point at the time, here or elsewhere, but why parachute in a Westminister minister to "run" the Scottish and Welsh campaigns, when the respective parties manage perfectly well the other 47 monthes out of 48, and then wonder why the campaign is a mess? The SNP won not because they are more popular or had better ideas but because they campaigned better than they had before or Labour did this time - Alexander lost the election and disenfranchised chunks of the population.

  5. It is not "unkind" to "point out that in his time as Defence Secretary Des Browne has shown himself unfit to hold down one Cabinet job, let alone two".

    It is s simple statement of fact.

  6. If this is a Cabinet "of all the talents" then God help us!

  7. My sources at CCHQ and the MOD tell me that Liam Fox - who stinketh at nose and tail - was lined up to take the post and complete Brown's musical chairs. But sadly he was caught and scragged to death by Chris Paul's two lurchers on his way across College Green.

  8. I'm surprised no-one has made the obvious joke about an impending war with Scotland.

    It is not quite a non-job and the amount the defence secretary has to do makes this a little surprising... it does seem that it's buggin's term for another Scot in the cabinet.

  9. Let me get this straight:

    PM-Gordon Brown - previous Cabinet Member
    Chancellor-Alasdair Darling - previous Cabinet Member
    Justice-Jack Straw - previous Cabinet Member (and on the same bloody brief)
    Chief Whip-Geoff Hoon - previous Cabinet Member
    Commons Leader-Harriet Harman - previous Cabinet Member
    Culture - James Purnell - previous Minister of State
    Defence - Des Browne - previous Cabinet Member AND in the same job
    Development - Douglas Alexander - previous Cabinet Member
    Duchy of Lancaster - Ed Milliband - 1st new face (although he was member of previous government)
    Education - Ed Balls - previous Cabinet Member
    Education (Mark 2) - John Denham - previous Minister of State
    Environment - Hilary Benn - previous Cabinet Member
    Foreign Secretary - David Miliband - previous Cabinet Member
    Health - Alan Johnson - previous Cabinet Member
    Home - Jacqui Smith - previous Cabinet Member
    Industry - John Hutton - previous Cabinet Member
    Leader of the Lords - Baroness Ashton of Upholland - 2nd new face (never heard of her - and prob won't hear much now either)
    Community - Hazel Blears - previous Cabinet Member
    Northern Ireland - Shaun Woodward - hmm.. hardly a 3rd "new face" but certainly a surprise - still, a previous minister
    Transport - Ruth Kelly - previous Cabinet Member
    Chief Sec - Andy Burnham - previous senior Minister
    Work & Pensions - Peter Hain - previous Cabinet Member

    So, after all that, I make 22 member of Gordon Browns cabinet. 16 were cabinet members under Tony Blair - or 73%! 4 were senior ministers and you can really only say 2 are "new faces" - less that 10%.


    BBC headline NOT justified. It's just the same old bunch of jokers..

  10. Nick Brown has just been appointed "minister of the north"

  11. Browne ("well done Dessie" said Mr Speaker Martin after his explanation of the Navy fiasco - the Tartan Mafia at work) is an incompetent. I wish Scotland the very best and would hope that he can find it in his heart to spend at least 99% of his time there. Perhaps he can be persuaded to take his fellow-countrymen with him. His loss from the MoD will hardly be noticed. We've had Two Jags, now we've got Two Jobs.

    But the point of having an effective Minister for Defence is well made. Given Brown's desire to have a government of 'all the talents' where do we start looking? Belgium perhaps?

  12. Yes but he is from Scotland and that gives him special treatment.

  13. Des Browne has been excellent at defence and is respected by military leaders.

  14. "We're engaged in two armed conflicts abroad, neither of which are going well, and yet Browne is also supposed to have time to run Scotland."

    Maybe Brown wants a third conflict to take back Scotland.

    The invasion starts at 6.

  15. Thany you anonymong (3:48). What do you do for an encore?

  16. So why didn't the future Lord Quentin of Turncoatery & Opportunismshire get a cabinet post? Is it because even his new friends know he's useless and can't stand him?

  17. Ones initial reaction is to say that Dual hatting Des Browne shows how unimportant Gordon Brown considers defence.

    On the other hand itmay be something to do with recognising that a Scottish based strategic deterrent sits somewhat uneasily with the growing influence and power of those who seek an independent Scotland.

  18. It really doesn't take much time to sign the cheque for the Barnett formula block grant cash for Edinburgh. That's all the SoS for Scotland is required to do these days.

    This was truly a missed opportunity to tidy up Blair's botched devolution settlement by abolishing the block grant - why should English taxpayers hand over their hard-earned to Scots layabouts to squander?? - and give the Scottish Parliament full tax-raisingh powers so that the Scots have to raise the money to fund their extravagant expenditure from their own population.

    One day those of us living south of the Border and east of Offa's Dyke will rebel against subsidising Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland, all of which have their own assemblies/parliaments and should fund their own expenditure plans.

    And yes, Browne is an incompetent oaf. They seem to find it hard to fill the Defence post recently.

    Oh and finally - TWENTY FIVE cabinet ministers all at £120,000 or so + cars, drivers and all the trappings. How many taxpayers does it take to pay for that lot?? When will a PM have the courage to do with fewer minsiters rather than more?

    O tempora, o mores, as they say in Auchtermuchty!

  19. Minister for the North ! Speechless, I suppose that is going to be devolved as well. Swiss Tony gets two jobs !!!, he cannot hold down one.
    Same old BS

  20. Liam Fox was brilliant on the Radio 4 making Labour sound as pathetic as they are defence - and especially Gordon Brown who wants it all to go away.

    Give Quentin a job? Only IDS did that - Northern Ireland Shadow. Trimble said he was so nuts he had to hide from him. Ideal material for Gordon Brown to play with. Amazing how much Quentin realised you have to brown nose Gordon to get anywhere - on Newsnight Tuesday.

  21. If this is a Cabinet "of all the talents" then God help us!

    I notice how Brown is already backtracking in his use of words

    its started with "a cabinet of all the talents" [code for I'll steal a ministerial-level person]. It then became "government of all the talents" [..a backbench MP then]. By yesterday it was reined in further to "government that uses all the talents" [..outside advisors?] and finally "men and women of goodwill to contribute" [..anyone who's sympathetic and wants to join Gordon]

    What can we expect by the end of the week?

  22. Less than two hours to go to catch the evening news slots, and still no defections. Was Blinky just winding us up via Iain?

  23. Anon

    Des Browne has been excellent at defence and is respected by military leaders.

    I am a military leader and I can assure you that Des Browne is considered to be a disaster. Kindly refer to to gain an insight into how military speak of this discredited Goverment and Dessie.

  24. Anonymous 3.48 PM "Des Browne has been excellent at defence and is respected by military leaders.

    Which particular military leaders? The Iranians? Why doesn't he go and work for them, then?

    And the only defence Browne has 'been excellent at' is of himself. I'll bet the MoDchiks are pissing themselves laughing.

  25. "i have used words that can be equated with 'total mind numbing fuckwit' but if you want me to say sorry i will"

    A disgrace to our troops. he should be shot at dawn.

  26. "Des Browne has been excellent at defence and is respected by military leaders. "

    In the same way that Commissioner Ian Blair is "respected" by officers in the Met: in public, as rank requires - until you speak to them privately.

  27. Must agree that Des Browne is hopeless and lucky to still have one job, never mind two.

    However who better to be in charge of an ignominious retreat from Iraq ? You wouldn't want to give that task to your young rising talent, would you ?

    And as for all the whinging about the abundance of Scots in the government.

    We live in a United Kingdom of several nations, of which Scotland is one, and the Scots have as much right to run UK ministries as anyone.

    It's hardly the Scots' fault that there's a dearth of talented ENGLISH politicians in the major parties.

  28. What can we expect by the end of the week?

    Anon@4.15: A coalition of the willing?

  29. Is el dave correct? What a surprising insult to Scotland - or should that be a compliment: to be compared in importance to Iraq and Afghanistan? I'm much confused.

  30. When you're fighting a determined,fanatical and dangerous foe whose aim is to drive you from the country you need a cool head and an experienced operator - it's the same in Iraq too !

  31. Des Browne's dual appointment at a time when our forces are desperately stretched is almost as bad as putting Hain in charge of sorting out both the Pensions crisis and Wales.

  32. Well, I supose we can be thankful for one thing. By double hatting like this the country gets just one useless arse filling two seats. Hopefully he's costing the taxpayer only one salary plus unfeasibly generous bennie package rather than two.

    Not that he's worth that, but I guess it's clouds and silver linings time.

  33. Gordon's desperado search for anyone who'll shake his hand should be put in context.

    The postal and rail workers are all about to go on a coordinated strike. Interest rates are about to go to 6% (which tells you inflation is actually 5% not 2.5%). Interest rates should be over 7%.

    Violent crime is spilling out onto the streets.

    The EU Constitution battle will split the Labour Party down the middle.

    Yes, Gordon, anyone without a f***king brain will be interested in joining you now, just when the NUlab pigeons are all coming home to roost.

    Blair knows what rats have to do, as the investigation into cash for peerages rumbles on, and Iraq delivers more and more British body bags by the day.

    Quentin Letts has got it right. When he starts buying Brownite shares, it's a sure sign it's time to sell. Gordon's market has dried up already.

    Which is a pity as we'd be far more effective with Ken Clarke sitting on the other side over by the Beast of Bolsover. He'd eat Clarke for breakfast, which would save Cameron from having to share another meal with the loon.

  34. Letts? meant davies! forgotten his name already. (was in hospital this morning - stress?)

  35. reynhard heydrich: "No no luv. Scotland has got us."

    el dave: "it does seem that it's buggin's term for another Scot in the cabinet"

    chuck unsworth: "the Tartan Mafia at work... etc."

    johnny norfolk: "Yes but he is from Scotland and that gives him special treatment"

    colin: "why should English taxpayers hand over their hard-earned to Scots layabouts to squander"

    A small clutch of anti-Scots bigotry on show from the ignorant and/or bigoted.

    Keep repeating the following:

    "England has the Labour government that England voted for!"

    ...until it gets into your thick skulls why we have the Labour government that we have!

    In England alone Labour had a majority of 47 MPs at the last general election - never forget that, whenever it pops into your heads that it's all the Scots fault. It's not!

  36. True Brit

    Yep, I'm certainly a bigot - that's an English bigot, incidentally. But I wouldn't say 'that it's all the Scots fault' - not all of them are to blame, just those in Government. Now if we could just engineer a completely independent English parliament that might redress the balance a little.

  37. This appointment is ludicrous. It is a statement of contempt for the Armed Forces, who need a dedicated full-time Secretary of State. The only conclusion that is palatable from this idiocy is that Broon may be considering winding up our expensive and ruinous foreign adventures. Des Browne was not detested as much by the Armed Forces as Hoon (who enjoyed the nickname "That C*nt Hoon abbreviated to TCH) but he was viewed with similar contempt. Check out the Army discussion board to see how the squaddies view their political masters!

  38. Brown only wants to cut defence spending. Most of the troups will be gone from Iraq soon, we will just be left defending Basra airport.He will cut and run from Afrganistan as soon as he can. Then it will be cuts all the way, what better way to manage those cuts than with a lame duck Defence Minister.

  39. chuck unsworth: "Yep, I'm ... an English bigot"

    Thank you for confirming that! :-)

    chuck: "But I wouldn't say 'that it's all the Scots fault' - not all of them are to blame, just those in Government."

    Thank you again - that is exactly my point - a lot of idiots seem happy to blame Scotland and the Scots in general for the current government, but as I keep pointing out, Labour has a very healthy majority in England alone, so, distasteful as the current government is, it's not the fault of Scotland or Scottish voters alone - if the English didn't want a Labour government then the English wouldn't have had one.

    chuck: "Now if we could just engineer a completely independent English parliament that might redress the balance a little."

    Just don't hold your breath - most folk are just not that bothered about it - especially when they consider the extra costs and extra politicians that your plan would involve - still, with 85% of MPs representing England, there's really nothing stopping the English if that's what they want!

  40. As I remember Labour got fewer votes than the Tories in England. Their gerrymandering of the boundaries, combined with their imposition of the Scots Overlords, means that England does not have the Government it voted for.

    Scots can whinge about bigotry all they want. If they don't like it they can f*** off please(got to be polite) and send us our money back. The only reason I have anything bad to say against Scotland is because of the unfair constitutional settlement. While the anti-democratic Jockroaches remain, the English people will continue to raise their vocies against this tyranny.

  41. Get a life Heydrich! The Scots contribute significantly more in taxes, excise duties on whisky and oil revenues than they had ever had back via Barnett. you're just re-iterating already discredited Daily Mail/Express b*llsh*t: used by them in their campaign against Broon. Not a bad aim in itself but unfair to inaccurately slander all Scots in the name of one - rather like the current unfortunate tendency to blame all Americans for the incompetence of Bush!

  42. Reynhard/Reinhard Heydrich, to use your own choice of adjective, you are a f***ing bigoted idiot.

    Whatever your dislike for the Scots in government (democratically elected under our democratic system), it is sickening that you actually seek to justify racism against Scots. What a putz you are.

    You are wrong on your facts too - it's no secret that the Conservativres got 60,000 votes more than Labour in England - but that matters not a jot under our long-established first-past-the-post electoral system - not a jot.

    The fact is that, under our democratic system, England elected:

    Lab: 286 MPs, 35.4% of the vote
    Con: 194 MPs, 35.7% of the vote
    LD:     47 MPs, 22.9% of the vote

    plus two others (one of whom was a Scot elected in London by English constituents).

    Even if seats were allocated directly by the number of votes cast you still would not have a different government, you would have had:

    Lab: 186 MPs
    Con: 187 MPs
    LD:   120 MPs

    Even a putz like you can see that that would not produce the Conservative government that you think we should have.

    The fact is:

    "England has the Labour government that England voted for!"

    If you don't like it, get out and campaign to change things, instead of being a racist putz.

    With 85% of the MPs at Westminster representing English constituencies even those as intellectually stunted as you should be able to get things changed as you wish - so long as English voters (including this Scot) are bothered enough about it.

    P.S. For someone so concerned about England you have an awfully strange nom-de-plume - tells us more about you then you might think.

    P.P.S. You remain an almighty putz.

  43. True Brit Even if seats were allocated directly by the number of votes cast you still would not have a different government, you would have had:

    Lab: 186 MPs
    Con: 187 MPs
    LD: 120 MPs

    Accepting your dubious maths for the moment, in my book that equals a Conservative leader being asked to form a (minority) government. Is this something similar to what has gone on in Scotland recently? And it's simply untrue that 'England' voted in a particular way. What you can say is that, of those who voted this was the outcome.

    Anyway, setting all of that to one side, it has consistently been the position that this government has refused to entertain the idea of an English assembly - despite actively promoting independent Scottish Welsh and Northern Irish assemblies. Why? What's the reason for this racial discrimination? And why do the Scots etc wish so desperately to hang onto power in London? Personally I hope Salmond gets his way and achieves total separation of Scotland from England.

  44. True Brit(sic)...didn't do much maths did you?

    A lot of flannel but you said the key thing yourself. The Tories got more votes in England. How you then form the conclusion that the English voted for a Labour Government is quite beyond. No mention in your post about how you are going to redress the constitutional imbalance. One can only conclude that you have connived with the con. I and millions of others are campaigning against it, and I suspect your phoney allegations of racism are merely an attempt to deprive the English people of a debate you know you would lose.

    You make a very strange claim. The UK may be a democracy but it is a flawed one. Merely because the UK Parliament has (once upon a time) fixed our Government like this, does not make it necessarily democratic. Our sovreignty was not their's to give away. And really you need to get beyond defending the broken won't do, and the Tories will bag a shitload of votes if they can articulate this issue effectively. Because the English people have always recognised and despised unfairness.

    Every time a Scot appears on television, foisting f***ing socialism on us, we should simply refuse to engage their arguments and remind the viewers that these people have NO RIGHT to lecture the people of England.

  45. Reinhard H.: "didn't do much maths did you?

    Do the maths yourself then. 527 MPs represent English constituencies, knock off the two non-big party MPs, then divide up 525 by the percentages of votes cast, and you'll get the same figures I gave (plus a bunch of fringe MPs from all points of the compass).

    Reinhard H.: "A lot of flannel but you said the key thing yourself. The Tories got more votes in England.

    60,000 votes more than Labour - a mere handful out of, say, 40 million potential votes - but NOT a majority of votes cast - in fact, well short of a majority of votes. And that is the key - we have a well-defined first-past-the-post system that has served us well for generations. If the 60,000 votes that you go on about are to count then you must dispense with FPTP and use some kind of PR system to allocate votes if you want to avoid such discrepancies.

    Michael Howard may well have been leader of the (just) biggest party, but how long do you think his government would have lasted with Labour and LimpDem votes allocated as they would have been?

    Reinhard H.: "How you then form the conclusion that the English voted for a Labour Government is quite beyond.

    It's simple - as I have said, under our existing electoral system, a system that sometimes favours the Conservatives (as it did 15-20 years ago, big time) and sometimes favours Labour (as it does just now to an extent because of population shifts), Labour won a majority of MPs in England - a majority of 47 MPs in England - a clear win). I don't like it, you don't like it, but that is the system we have for now. The point of all this is that IT IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE SCOTS THAT ENGLAND HAS A LABOUR GOVERNMENT - THE LABOUR GOVERNENT HAS A MAJORITY IN ENGLAND - which most of you Scotland bashers either ignore or are simply ignorant of.

    Reinhard H.: "No mention in your post about how you are going to redress the constitutional imbalance.

    I'm not sure that there is an imbalance, at least not against England. England has 85% of the votes at at Westminster - and that 85% imposed its will on Scotland and Wales for generations without the English giving a hoot. Now that the boot is slightly, only slightly on the other foot, see how you whinge! But that is NOT THE POINT OF MY ARGUMENT. The point is that this government was mostly elected in England, not is Scotland, so your hatred and anger are entirely misdirected.

    Here's another fact you are probably ignorant of - the West Lothian Question is a serious issue, and needs to be resolved, however, there have only been four, just four, count 'em, 1, 2, 3, 4 times, when Scottish MPs have carried the balance on ostensibly English matters, out of hundreds of votes in the Commons, and one or two of those four votes were on the Student Loans bill, which DID have clauses in it relating to Scotland, so wasn't exactly an exclusively English bill.

    Reinhard H.: "your phoney allegations of racism

    You said:

    "The only reason I have anything bad to say against Scotland is because of the unfair constitutional settlement. While the anti-democratic Jockroaches remain

    That is clear evidence of bigotry and prejudice on your part against Scotland and the Scots, 'jockroaches' especially. The only people, the ONLY people against whom you have a valid grudge are the Labour Party for their unfinished constitutional business - not the Scots and not Scotland - they did not elect the Labour Party in England - only the English electorate are responsible for that.

    Reinhard H.: "merely an attempt to deprive the English people of a debate you know you would lose

    We're having the debate - there's no question that there are constitutional issues that need to be resolved, but using f***ing nasty terms like 'jockroach' to refer to individuals who are nothing to do with your grudge, and blaming the Scots and Scotland for a problem that it is well within the power of the English electorate to change is the very sort of unfairness that you are up on your high horse about!

    I didn't vote Labour, none of my family did, yet you see fit to call us 'jockroaches' just because we happen to be Scottish! You're picking on the wrong people! Again, the ONLY people to blame are those who voted Labour - most of whom are in England, and those who were elected by those who voted Labour, most of whom are English.

    Reinhard H.: "Every time a Scot appears on television, foisting f***ing socialism on us

    Just remember this, there are plenty of Scots who are not Socialist, just as there are plenty of English who are. You cannot blame the Scots or Scotland because we have a Labour government that was mostly elected in England.

    Your abuse of me and other Scots, just by dint of our birthplace, is disgraceful, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Please consider, and consider carefully, who's really responsible for the current government - they're not there because of a bunch of Reinhard Heydrich style tartan-clad stormtroopers - they're there because millions of English people voted for the Labour Party and gave the Labour Party a clear majority in England.

    In essence, are picking on the wrong target - the object of your hatred ought to be the Labour Party and Labour politicians - not Scots who are nothing to do with the current government.

    I await your apology for misdirecting your venomous abuse at the Scots, when it should, if you understand the facts, be directed solely at the Labour Party - and you know by now, I'm sure, who elected them and where they were elected, and it was mostly in England.

  46. So, 'Reinhard Heydrich', you've had almost 48 hours to digest and reply to my deconstruction of your twaddle. Shall we take your silence as an end to your argument?

  47. Take it as a sign that I had better things to do with my weekend that exchange pleasantries with a dick like you. Your basic point about English voters(repeated about five times) is wrong. I have already explained it and won't keep wasting my time with you.

    Reinhard H.: "didn't do much maths did you?".

    My point was that with the votes representing seats in an even vaguely propportional manner, we would have a different Government today. The gerrymandering of English constituencies helped this Government into power...against the wishes of the English electorate, the only country really governed from Westminster any more.

    Reinhard H.: "A lot of flannel but you said the key thing yourself. The Tories got more votes in England".

    60,000 more votes. A bit more than a mere handful. We don't need to dispense with FPTP, we merely need to make the boundaries representative(as they historically have been) and to resolve the Scottish problem.

    Reinhard H.: "How you then form the conclusion that the English voted for a Labour Government is quite beyond me".

    The fiddled electoral system. You can write more than me, but most people will see it as the irrelevant repetitive tosh that it is.

    The Scottish are to blame for this mess as much as anyone. They voted for a Parliament that destroyed the UK constitution. They continue to support parties who support the subjugation of England, and they continue take payment from English taxpayers.

    Reinhard H.: "No mention in your post about how you are going to redress the constitutional imbalance".

    There is an imbalance. The English votes have no influence on Scottish matters, and yet must accept these MPs being foisted on us from the north. Simply not acceptable. If you can't see that as unfair then I am just not interested in your views on the subject. The English imposed their views on the Scots because they were the majority of the population of the UK. As it was, each voter had the power to elect a Government to govern all the matters within the united country. Each voter and every constituency was equal. The borders with Scotland and Wales meant nothing, and this was right because these territories were not and have never really been "nations". They are regions of the UK. Now some constituencies have more power than others. Scots voters elect their "government" in Edinburgh(ignoring the wishes and interests of the English), but English voters cannot have the government they choose because of the block Scots socialist vote. Unacceptable.

    It doesn't matter that Scots MPs have only influenced a few votes. They shouldn't be there. The only reason they haven't caused more damage is because the present Government is supported by gerrymandering of English constituencies.

    Reinhard H.: "your phoney allegations of racism".

    "The only reason I have anything bad to say against Scotland is because of the unfair constitutional settlement. While the anti-democratic Jockroaches remain...".

    There is no bigotry in pointing out that the actions of the Scottish people and their representative is unacceptable. I often find people throw the "racism" card out when they have no better arguments. Debate the issue and stop insulting peoples' intelligence with this stupidity.

    The Labour Party was not "elected" in England, as has been explained to you several times now. The English voters are not to blame for their corrupt system. The Scots continue to exert influence on our Government which is not acceptable.

    Reinhard H.: "merely an attempt to deprive the English people of a debate you know you would lose."

    True Brit said:

    "I didn't vote Labour, none of my family did"...

    Vote for who you like "pal". I couldn't care less. The day Scots voted for a Parliament was the day I and many others stopped caring. Go your way now and stop corrupting our political system.

    Reinhard H.: "Every time a Scot appears on television, foisting f***ing socialism on us..."

    You can wait for my apology. You'll be long dead before any sensible English person apologises to a nation that chose this path of selfishness from a political system that was fair and worked perfectly well. If Scots don't like it then they should do the decent thing and demolish the Parliament. If they don't do that then they should just get to f**. Give us our money back. Take your rotten MPs. And don't bother again. You will be piss poor, backward and you will only have yourselves to blame for your treachery and selfishness.

  48. Reinhard Dickhead, you clearly are determined to ignore facts and reality in order to justify your spiteful insults against people for no other reason than their place of birth. You are a supreme putz - but we can all see that from your immature choice of nom-de-plume. I won't waste my breath on you any further - in part because your inability to format text and quote comments properly creates more work than you are worth. You might make your so-called arguments clearer were you to take 30-seconds to learn how to quote clearly. TTFN.

  49. Re: true tit

    No you even got that wrong. I wasn't going to re-print the rubbish you wrote. I can see why you wouldn't want to debate the issues. Still I would be moody if it was haggis for dinner every night. Now why don't you go out and get stabbed by a crack dealer and save me having to send my money up there?(you scrounging no good gypsy).
