Thursday, June 28, 2007

Quentin Gets the Removal Men In

Quentin Davies is apparently losing no time in escaping from the Tory MPs fourth floor office suites in Portcullis House. A pile of removal crates have been dumped outside his office. Many Tory secretaries and staffers are very upset at the prospect of losing Davies's secretary from their floor - she is apparently one of the most charming and glamorous secretaries in Parliament. There is much speculation about how she would find a meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party staffers… I am sure Kerron Cross will look after her.

Thankfully there are no signs yet of anyone following Mr Davies across the floor into the arms of the socialist hordes. Let's hope it stays that way.


  1. 'One thing we all know about Gordon Brown is that he is a great man who knows a great deal about finance' - John Sobel's non partisan reporting for the BBC

  2. I heard you were defecting too Iain?

  3. Perhaps he's been offered something to stay.Shall we all watch the reshuffle next week?

  4. Those are only his removal crates, she's kicked him out.

  5. Hard luck, dear ! She could always work for someone else !

  6. I saw this chap on TV , his his fingers were wrapped in a dirty bandage and he had red marks all over his face.
    Let me guess , he is no stranger to alcohol.

  7. Maybe Balls and the rest just put out the rumour of another defection just to try and de-stablise Cameron as Brown beds in ?

  8. Quentin Davis has changed all his politcal beliefs for short term political gain.

    On that basis surely he's a dead cert for Labour Party leader.....?

  9. Oh I don't know Iain. It would make life a lot easier if Ken Clarke would walk the floor.

    Ken Clarke is a euroloony. We don't need any more of those, while the eurozone economy is in meltdown across its southern flank. It's time for KC and The Sunshine Band to move their gig elsewhere. We've provided them with a venue long enough.

    They are welcome to Chris Patton too.

  10. "Socialist"?

    Shurley shome mishtake?

  11. "the arms of the socialist hordes"

    Shome mishtake shurely? Remind me how many nominations an ant-Brown candidate got. Or are you being more than a tad discouteous about certain female MPs without your teeth in?

  12. "... changed all his politcal beliefs for short term political gain. On that basis surely he's a dead cert for Labour Party leader.....? "

    Or Tory leader. Or both, perhaps? now that WOULD be a first!!

  13. Oh Iain you really are a typical Tory... more interested in secretaries....

  14. Secretary's photo please
