Thursday, June 28, 2007

'Defective' Tory Joins Brown's Cabinet

Tory Turncoat Shaun Woodward has been named Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in Gordon Brown's Ministry of all the Talents. Astonishing. Brilliant moment on Sky just now...
Kay Burley: So Liam Fox, Gordon Brown has named defective Tory Shaun
Woodward in his Cabinet
Liam Fox: I think you meant defector, rather than defective, but your
words, not mine...


  1. Isn't Shaun Woodward the reason Cameron is MP for Witney ?

  2. Exactly. It wasn't enough that the treacherous little git joined Labour, he then unleashed Dave on the party.

    Well done Fox, very witty.

    Where are the IRA when you need them?

  3. Wasn't she rather needlessly rude to Fox? I hold no brief for the rabid neo-Con but it seemed to me her attitude was appalling.

  4. So there's still a glimmer of hope of reviving your political ambitions then Iain?! Get elected in 2009, defect in 2010, could even be in the cabinet in time for the Olympics...

  5. Good one, reynhard! LOL!

    So when do Cameron, Osborne and Boris cross the floor? I will personally carry them over the floor on my back if that would make the decide to go faster.

  6. They should have sent Wesley Kerr to interview Woodward.

  7. Tories, don't ya just luv em? One of them names himself after one of the most notorious murders in history (happily bumped off by the brave boys of SOE) and then calls for the IRA to assassinate a cabinet minister. Get set for that fourth defeat, losers.

  8. The Number 10 website says Woodward is unpaid. Interesting. Is it because he's already a multi-millionaire courtesy of his wife?

  9. Anonymong - get a grip son. I am not a member of the Tory Party and wouldn't vote for them in a million years.

    I thought I would say that before you go and make yourself look stupid...oops too late!

  10. looks like his defection was a good mvoe. he cold have spent 10 years on the backbenches. now he's a cabinet minister.

    encouragement to the other potential defectors for sure.

    still think gordon will be a walkover? cameron's a dead man walking.

  11. it's tough for these presenters to balance this trifling events with important things like the spice girls reunion!

  12. mitch said...

    The Number 10 website says Woodward is unpaid. Interesting. Is it because he's already a multi-millionaire courtesy of his wife?

    Lucky fellow when I got married the little lady brought nothing but her bloomin' relatives.I would much have preferred money.

  13. Is Perry Worsthorne the next tory grandee to join Gordon Brown's new Labour?

  14. owenite rump said...

    looks like his defection was a good move. he could have spent 10 years on the backbenches. now he's a cabinet minister.

    Well said.

  15. Reynhard Heydrich said...

    Anonymong - get a grip son. I am not a member of the Tory Party and wouldn't vote for them in a million years.

    Well we don't want you in the Labour Party you moron.You think your post was funny ? Well it wasn't you cretin.

  16. Well we don't want you in the Labour Party you moron.You think your post was funny ? Well it wasn't you cretin.

    But yours are f**king hilarious?

  17. I hestitate to respond to such an obvious inadequate, but the chance is just too good. No danger of me joining the Labour Party. Indeed there is no danger of ANYONE joining the Labour Party judging by recent figures.

    Listen mong, if you don't like my posts then have a full refund and sling your hook.

  18. Now, now children. Run along.

  19. I'm not defective.

  20. At least Stormont should provide plenty of scope for Woodward's butler.

  21. BRILLIANT caption on the BBC website front page.

    "Who's in, who's out?" - a pack of playing cards, would you believe, with the faces of all the Ministers on them.

    And, yes, they've even included a joker ;-)

  22. I have seen Mr Woodwards transexual brother cycling down the Harrow rd in a mini skirt an experience I would not like to repeat.
    A most peculiar family.

  23. Hitch: Was (s)he his brother before the transexual thing or, as it were, vice versa?

  24. Who on earth is this Kay Burley woman people keep banging on about ?

    Gordon Brown was reputed to have ignored her after leaving Buckingham Palace - sounds like he is a good judge of character..

  25. Browns cabinet. Men, women, young and old. Experience, along with a few new faces. Baronesses, Lords and Ladies; and a Tory defector. Good balanced cabinet. While David Cameron’s shadow cabinet are mainly white middle aged guffawing toffs reminiscent of Harry Enfield’s “Tim Nice But Dim”

  26. Browns cabinet - a mix of stale ingredients bound together by the glue of incompetence, inexperience and idleness. Watching the disaster unfold will be joy to watch.

  27. "reynhard heydrich"??? If the Butcher of Prague (with a stray letter Y) is now posting on this blog should we expect posts from Adolf Hytler and Heynrich Hymmler too?

  28. sockpuppet said...

    Well we don't want you in the Labour Party you moron.You think your post was funny ? Well it wasn't you cretin.

    But yours are f**king hilarious?


  29. Anonymous said...

    Browns cabinet - a mix of stale ingredients bound together by the glue of incompetence, inexperience and idleness. Watching the disaster unfold will be joy to watch.

    You'll have a long wait friend.Ten more years at the very least.

  30. The Hitch said...

    I told you yesterday, your nasty comments are not wanted.Back to sewers where you belong.

  31. Reynhard Heydrich said...

    I hestitate to respond

    But you did you imbecile,you did.

  32. jorgen said...

    Good one, reynhard! LOL!

    So when do Cameron, Osborne and Boris cross the floor? I will personally carry them over the floor on my back if that would make the decide to go faster.

    You lost me when you got to the "if that would make the decide to go faster" What's that all about ?

  33. I hesistated before I did it. Did you waste a post to say that, or do you have a point?

  34. Fox is doing well on media today - on radio 4 he made Labour look pathetic re defence - and on Sky he did well too with his rejoinder.

    Sky are desperate to get Gordon Brown established, and ratifying the Constitution without a referendum. Murdoch nees to prove to the EU that he's delivering, so he can continue in breach of EU Competition Rules in British sports media.

    Any Conservative has to be painted as rabidly salivating racist and xenophobe, made to look morally inferior and from the Victorian God we want a referendum. We must all be barbarians.

    It's so overdone that viewers can see through it. People are sick of the media telling them what to think. They want to make up their own minds.

    Keep at it, Liam!

  35. Reynhard Heydrich said...

    I hesistated before I did it. Did you waste a post to say that, or do you have a point?

    It's hesitated not "hesistated" you retard.

  36. Mark Malloch Brown is a real threat to Miliband - someone who not only knows the UN infighting tricks and set out to antagonise the USA; but a partner of George Soros and a Director of his Quantum Fund, as well as being his extended house-guest in New York.

    So the British Foreign Office is now an adjunct of the Soros Foundation.......Moscow will have plans for them

    This is going to be a very unstable department

  37. I would rather mistype a word(me) than be a political illiterate(you).

  38. Hullo. I from Russia. Many billions in British bank. How long before I become Cabinet Minister, eh? Or do I have to marry Grocer's daughter? My history teacher talk bunkum. He say Labour Party represent poor workers.

  39. Speaking as someone with low self esteem who has always thought himself a bit of a dud it is nice to think that I may still be of cabinet potential.

  40. Woodward only got Northern Ireland because it comes with a castle and a butler!

    But then again, it also comes with Ian Payslip and Martin McGunner!

    Erm......I'd have gone for something less troublesome myself - DEFRA, or ministry of Sewers perhaps!

    PS - on the subject of Ian Payslip, what does he do with his £120,000 package a year as an MP, his £200,000 as an MEP (he is still one isn't he?), his however much as an MLP and his however much more as First Minister (I make that around half a mill a year - not bad going really)

    Oh no - make that a paltry £300,000 - he stood down as an MEP in 2004!

    Man of the people, that Ian Payslip!
