Wednesday, May 23, 2007


The BBC being typically far-sighted on the Ten O'Clock News...

Graphic courtesy of Machiavelli's Understudy


  1. Ann Treneman had some good gags at Mr Gove's expense in her sketch for The Times.

  2. Yes, the caption should read simply, “dickhead.” Oops, was that a swear word?

  3. Can anyone explain why it will be four bedroom houses that will require a housing pack?

  4. Charlotte - Because typically more energy will be consumed (and wasted) in larger houses, so if you're going to prioritise which properties require energy certificates, it may make sense to start at that end of the market.

  5. Luckily, I have a three bedroom house. With a study, library and errr... a playroom.

  6. Gratuitously insulting at the very least Laurence and hardly ‘Kite’ Mark compliant ( See British Standards Board Kite mark Comments edition)
    I am mortified that I must depart from the usual " Good morning gate post " ( good morning Newmania )fare ,in the new spirit of civility. I am obliged to express a measured and good humoured disagreement with your estimation of Michael Gove who seems to me an outstanding shadow Minister from whose skills the country will , I trust , soon benefit.

    “Good morning birds “

    “ Good morning Newmania!”

    And good morning to all the eleven year old girls currently peeping in. .( Don`t start smoking and stay away from boys )

    Good Morning Iain

    Tr La

  7. This is just so typical of the BBC. How more biased can you get, they really are just a media liberal type organisation. Their royal charter should be looked at, how many more NuLab people can they employ to push the legacy of Blair....


  8. I thought he did a good job - believe he is on Any Questions this week.

  9. Rick Moranis !

  10. dave - yes, i like the Ann T sketch - and our esteemed friend Mr Smithson also brings us this.

    Sadly I don't have the technology [brains?] for a proper link...

  11. I think somembody needs to tighten that curious mediaeval implement of torture that Ruth Kelly presumably wears. Perhaps that way we could get the 'truth' out of Ruth.

    Her statement was more a job creation programme (at our expense)for all these unwanted energy assessors - how much C02 will be generated by them I wonder? Daft EU driven legislation. Will a Europhile explain why it is so 'marvellous' that we are caged up in the EU please?

  12. I agree with newmania. Laurence deserves a severe reprimand. It was certainly a gratuitous insult to describe the intellectual powerhouse Mr Gove as a "d*ckh**d".

    IMHO Mr Gove bears a much greater resemblance to Mr Bean and therefore should be described as a "b**nh**d".

    No known swear words were misused in the writing of this comment.

  13. When the last Tory government ran out of steam,suddenly everything it attempted seemed to go pear shaped regardless.It was as if luck had changed sides.When I watched the wretched Madames Kelly and Cooper in the House announce the complete horlicks they had made of HIPS I was reminded of the end of Major's lot.Does anyone else agree?

  14. When the BBC starts mistitling shadow spokesman as Ministers I'm afraid the game must be up !

    P.S. There will a lot of 4 bedroom houses that mysteriously "lose" a bedroom after 1 August and start calling the extra room a study/family room etc and I can see the fun now with people appealing against the decision to designate them 4 bedrooms. Great Fun ! I think it can't be long before Ms Kelly feels the force of "The Great Clunking Fist" whilst Yvette pleads her "masters" defence of "Nuthin to do with me guv !"

  15. Thats Jacqui Lait next to him isn`t it another tremendous Conservative MP although her role as Minister for London seems to be a closely guarded secret.
    Private Eye call him Oiky Gove but then that is in the context of calling Cameron Lord Snooty

    SULK NO. 94

    BTW -Private Eye today claims to include 'spleen , bile and vitriol ', I shall have to stop buying it in case I am tempted to be " Gratuitously insulting", which would never do .

  16. Strangely enough I agree with you Iain, in so far as it being farsighted. How farsighted that is is something we will probably disagree on ;)

  17. Now the government can't even get the date right. It has agreed with RICS to a 12 week consultation period on HIPs - while stating in the House that the new start date for enforcement of the regulations will be 1st August...

    And can it really be proper that, as Ms Kelly explicitly said, legislation should be amended to "provide employment for energy assessors"?

  18. "When the BBC starts mistitling shadow spokesman as Ministers I'm afraid the game must be up !"

    I wouldn't get too excited; they've had Bonkers Dorries down as a New Labour MP before now..

  19. CO2 in any case makes the world colder. In the years folowing the Second world war the amount pouring into the atmosphere was vastly increased due to the economic boom and global temperatures went down right up to the 70s.
    These assesors should be making sure we waste lots of energy before it gets too chilly.

    Nonetheless I respect and admire them all as well meaning public servants

    " Good Morining Sun"
    " Good Morning Newmania"

    Tra La Tra La

  20. Good morning Mr Dale.

    I think Mr Gove asks some very good questions eg. Michael Gove: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how much was spent (a) in the UK and (b) in the EU on subsidies for biofuels in each year since 1997.
    Michael Gove: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and
    Rural Affairs what estimate he has made of the total cost to the UK
    economy of the first phase of the European Union's Emissions Trading
    and comments:
    Michael Gove: The Minister knows that the Conservative party-and, for that matter, the Liberal Democrats-is entirely behind energy performance certificates. It is because we take energy efficiency so seriously that we were scandalised to read on Sunday that there is not a single accredited domestic energy assessor available in the United Kingdom.

    I have never met Mr Gove and cannot tell you whether he is a d**kh**d. Indeed I cannot quite understand why such a delightful body part is a swear word and used to describe Mr Gove or why the gateway to all pleasure and hope in the world is the worst swear word and sometimes used to describe Mr Bliar.

    However I have seen Mr Gove in action and beneath that boyish exterior lies a serious and very grown-up Man who's quite electric in his delivery and passionate about his subject without getting overly sweaty. I think he has a great career in politics.

    Allow me also to commend Newmania's comments and to wish him good morning - good morning Newmania, isn't it a splendid morning?

  21. Morning P yes it is a glorious Morning and all the better for your delightful presence.

  22. Perhaps we could now all sing "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" in four-part harmony.

  23. anon. 7.40 Surely the age and condition of a house are as great a factor in energy consumption than the number of bedrooms. Also, the total floor space isn't always reflected in the number of bedrooms.

  24. It's because of the ridiculous farce of the Lib Dems labelling themselves "Shadow Chancellor" et cetera. We had to upgrade Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition as well.

  25. Looking at the faces around him, don't you just dread the next lot as much as you despise this lot? 'Meet the old boss, same as the new boss'.

  26. Hello everybody,

    Indeed it is a wonderful day - so much so that I'm intrigued by all of this concern about CO2. As carbon off-setting seems such a great idea why wait for a bad deed to be done before planting a tree - we could start by pro-actively creating ruddy great new forests of the things and put ourselves in carbon-credit.

    Oh, by the way - the global warmists seem so convinced that humans control the environment that, in their excitement, they've forgotten to tell us exactly what temperature they would like our planet to be.

  27. EK - maybe they've told China as we don't matter that much in the equation.

    Good evening EK, it was indeed a most pleasant day.
