Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sir Patrick Cormack Gets to the Nub of HIPS

I just loved this question from Sir Patrick Cormack to Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly yesterday.
Sir Patrick Cormack (South Staffordshire) (Con): In recognising this as the
Government’s second great triumph over the previous week, may I ask whether the
Secretary of State will give the House an assurance that she will not seek to
recruit assessors from the ranks of junior doctors?
Ruth Kelly: I always enjoy the hon. Gentleman’s wit. He makes his point in his own way, but the fact is that we have to provide as much certainty as possible for energy assessors while ensuring that we meet our climate change goals and maximise benefits for consumers. I believe that I have set out a sensible way forward on that.
Sir Patrick will be with me on LIVE AT NINE tonight on 18 Doughty Street in the second part of an interview with him about his career in politics. He was on a month ago, but we only got to 1975 during the first hour, so I asked him to come back for another programme! If you would like to catch up on the first interview with Sir Patrick, where we cover his deselection battle and his early career in politics, click HERE. He has some wonderfully funny anecdotes.


  1. The man is a legend and an immeasurable asset to Parliamentary life. What on earth were his association playing at??

  2. ..and so continues the process of keeping Sir Bufton Tufton's face on the telly so it looks like he's still active.

  3. Cue a thousand 'failed HIP operation' jokes...

  4. Watching the lords ,about this rubbish , one labour lord mentioned people once ,he mentioned everybody who was interested ,estate agents ,engineers ,etc but the people ,who have to spend money on this job making rubbish,and this is democracy ,who for.

  5. At least the Sir Tufton Buftons were happy with £5K per annum and a 'K' after 25 years unlike the wretched grasping sleezy bliterheads we get nowadays as MPs, mostly, but not all Labour. I am still gobsmacked that a Conservative should have the bloody neck to propose what David McClean (Ho HO) did last week and as to his expenses claim... Where do we get these creeps from? Long live the Sir Tufton Buftons. Any MP should have made a life (both financially and professionally) before entering parliament, otherwise they will always hock to their salaries and thus cannot be trusted to do the job with integrity.

  6. Why not check out Allison Pearson in the Daily Mail (p15) An outbreak of sanity me thinks.
    The Bullingdon boys at CCHQ should also read Tim Montgomerie in the DT-VERY SLOWLY AND VERY VERY CAREFULLY.
    PS-are we all sure that Dave's idea of attacking Iran is a good idea?

  7. No, we don't. We don't need to provide certainty for "energy assessors" at all - we don't need to provide anything at all for them.

    The responsibility of government is to the electorate and the taxpayer, not to protecting the "careers" of a bunch of people in government-created make-work jobs.

  8. Sir Patrick is turning into Woy Jenkins surely?

    Remove the hair and he even looks like 'The Gwate Betwayer' lol
