Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Quotes of the Day

"Tosh, piffle and concentrated codswallop. It flows from our politicians like the Ouse in flood" - Sir Bernard Ingham.
"I don't go round picking fights" - Tory leader David Cameron, whose stance on grammar schools has angered many traditional Tories and has reportedly split his Cabinet.
"I don't do waiting. If there's more than two people in the supermarket queue, I abandon my trolley and go home hungry" - Camp entertainer Julian Clary.
"I used to be New Labour but when I started making money, I started to appreciate just how good Margaret Thatcher and her policies were to me"- Soccer pundit and ex-England football star Ian Wright.
"Brave as our peers are, it is not much of an invitation to be asked to carry a hand grenade with the pin already out" - Senior Tory MP John Redwood pointing out that no member of the House of Lords is prepared so far to pilot the controversial Freedom of Information Bill through the Upper House.


  1. I think the list should include the whole of Yvette Cooper's responses to questioning on PM this evening.

    I had to admire her 'recorded message' tenacity but to make so many lame excuses and rain-coast the issues for so long, must be one of the marathons of GnuLab's defence of the indefensible' in their stupid debacle on HIPS.

    Somehow, I wish she didn't work for her boss, just worked for Tunbridge Wells BC. I might even listen to her if she went up to half-way on getting new development done in this old dinosaur of a Borough.

  2. I think that's the best list yet.

  3. Iain, don't give us this filler crap - give us some meat - cut up rough on those imbeciles Kelly and Cooper, the biggest pair of incompetents west of the Pecos. Come on, give us some news or I will be switching my allegiance to Ben Brogan and the 'Fink'.


  4. I think this is a tale of two Public school boys, looking for a political career.

    They both found a vacuous and defunct political party. Blair a natural Tory found old labour and socialist Cameron a Conservative wreck.

  5. Iain, strangely this week dates the death of NuLabour. Forget the tumultuos times of Iraq, Cash for honours, or Blair resigning.....it is this week of such mind numbing incompetence and weak excuses that heralds the demise of the most lamentable government since the war.

    Listening to the cretinous Kelly and Hewitt today must mark the low point of recent political life.

    Its like the country has turned a corner; when Prescott's moronics HIPs were binned, when Hewitts criminal chutzpah was politely endured through sheer embarrassment and the FOIA bill was greted with laughter in the Lords something changed.

    Bliar is on his world tour, completely ignored in the UK, Brown is touring the country spouting vacuous rubbish and nobody cares.

    This government died this week and hopefully with it the nasty, corrupt and unrepresentative period of politics of the last few years.

    Time for someone, or everyone, to stand up and be counted.

  6. What did Cameron say? "I am the Leader - I don't follow the party"
    Quite right too.

  7. What did Cameron say? "I am the Leader - I don't follow the party"

    No he just dances to Steve Hilton's tune and hopes enough LibDems will want to vote Tory before he does a Shaun Woodward

  8. Well, look how well Cameron has done in a year and a half. There is a reason that Labour have been in power for the past ten years. The Tory Party were completely unelectable. Cameron is doing a great job - but it's the old guard who are shooting themselves in the foot.

  9. I really wish you would dump the adverts, Iain. Your home page takes far too long to load these days.

  10. andrew marr should be congratulated for his completely excellent 'history of modern britain'. the labour party demolished in one hour.

  11. "I used to be New Labour but when I started making money, I started to appreciate just how good Margaret Thatcher and her policies were to me"- Soccer pundit and ex-England football star Ian Wright.

    That would be the same Ian Wright whose professional career began in 1985 and ended in 2000?

  12. "Tosh, piffle and concentrated codswallop. It flows from our politicians like the Ouse in flood" - Sir Bernard Ingham."

    A professional moaning that amateurs have taken over his beloved game!

  13. Iain Wright is having a laugh, innit? Funny man.

  14. Re Ian Wright Lol - the Labourites really hate it when a black bloke of working class roots tells it like it is.

  15. "I don't do waiting. If there's more than two people in the supermarket queue, I abandon my trolley and go home hungry" - Camp entertainer Julian Clary.

    What a twit! I don't like queuing either. What a pity he doesn't live in Hull he would end up starving to death. I tend to keep food in the fridge and in cupboards, and replenish stock before it all runs out. I find it strange that he buys food and eats it all before he gets home. Which holiday camp did you say he was a entertainer in?

  16. jailhouselawyer said...
    "I don't do waiting.......

    You won't get the coal in either will you? You little scamp.

    Axeually Julian's appearing at a venue in Axeminster.

    If you don't believe me you can axe him yourself.

    No! No! don't do that. You know what happened last time.

  17. jus' passin' thru' - why do you people keep having a go at poor old JHL ? He's done his time, so let it drop.

    And if you're going to attempt humour, try to avoid repetition as it is sooooo boring.

    Must dash, I've got a splitting headache.

  18. jus' passing' through'

    Another snipe at JHL.

    Accdept he has done his time and move on. Have you never done anything wrong....ever?

  19. winston churchill jr II said...
    May 22, 2007 10:21 PM

    Yes, it was a nice description of 'Post-War' misery. "You labour under Labour" (and get shafted by the Yanks). We even had the treat of briefly seeing that disaster area known as Antony Eden hovering behind Churchill, chomping at the bit to take over from Sir W. (Granita, anybody?)

  20. Christ PT, does everything have to be explained to you...

    Wright's pro-career ran from 1985-2000, and even if we allow for him being on a modest earner at his first pro club, Crystal Palace, he would certainly have started making money when he moved to Arsenal in 1991...

    That's six years before Blair took office and at lease four years before the term 'New Labour' had even been coined.


    Never mind, there's still Jim Davidson.

  21. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you JailhouseLawyers sockpuppets!!

    "Is the score still 3-0?"



    Yes, the jokes are repetitive (and not mine I hasten to add) but JHL is an odious individual who is yet to apologise or repent for his heinous crimes. He is also incredibly vindicative and bitter - hardly a reformed character.

    He may have "done his time" but he took someones life - it's a very, very serious crime. And he seems to find it quite funny.

    I won't lose any sleep over any insults and jibes sent his way - it's very mild punishment as far as I'm concerned.

  22. Paul Newman/newmania/more vulgar than a vulcans vulva:

    So, Iain Dale has not got the courage to do his own talking and hides behind idiots like you?

  23. winston churchill jr II 10.12 - so you didn't notice it was the usual BBC middle of the road tosh with some very good visuals and some very lame impresions of the original Winston Churchill. History? I don't think so.

  24. Anonymous said...
    May 23, 2007 3:19 PM

    By the time we are talking about (late 1940's) Sir W was getting a liitle past his best, so I don't think the BBC clip on him was too un-representative. During the Second World War Sir W was for ever trying to be the middle man between Roosevelt and Stalin, so 'no change' there with his later exploits.

  25. vulcan's vulva

    That JHL's crime was very serious goes without saying. I don't seek to detract from the horror of it, I just don't see the point in baiting him about it. If you're all so convinced of the solidity of your moral high ground, I look forward to your comments being from identifiable sources.

    Far from being a sock-puppet (whatever that is) of JHL, I was just passing through. I have seen some of his posts, which have seemed to be open and frank, and came here to see what all the fuss was about.

    Sadly, it would seem that the real problem is objectionable individuals like yourself. Perhaps you need to get out more. Toodle Pip.
