Friday, June 05, 2009

Quote of the Day

"This reshuffle has been conducted in an ordered and calm way"
Gordon Brown


  1. Ha, you couldn't make this stuff up !

  2. Don't like the sound of his "Council for Democracy". Probably be the opposite. More laws. More rules. More bloody Kinnocks.

  3. I think Guido says this: THE PRIME MENTALIST!

    He is in serious need of help!

    Watch the pound crash tonight!

  4. lying, deluded, embittered, bewildered.


  5. I am waiting for the veneer to crack and for him to start blowing raspberries. This is utterly bizarre to watch - it's as if he's conducting a press conference from a parallel universe.

  6. My God, he's really insane. The man is having a break down live on TV. This is scary stuff.

  7. "Public spending in our country is rising, and will continue to rise." He's going to destroy us! God help us!

  8. "Gordon Brown said he was going to reshuffle the cabinet, he hasn't; the cabinet reshuffled themselves."
    - David Cameron

    Classic line!

  9. Brown talks about his "team" - this noun alone is a nonsense given the daily resignations from Cabinet. The man is a demented lunatic, an embarrassment to our country and a stubborn loser. Surely someone with some mental stability should tell him that it's time to close his innings and go to the country. Otherwise this farcical shambles will continue. Incidentally, thanks to Iain for his splendid blog. I have become addicted to it during the last few febrile weeks. Now I check it (and Guido) hourly, eagerly awaiting the resignation de jour (or demi jour). One simply couldn't make this stuff up!

  10. Has he actually demoted anyone yet? Or just filled places vacated by those who have resigned?

  11. I love Cameron's comment about having seen more calm and ordered riots.

  12. Is he on the same plannet?

  13. la la la la la la I`m not listening la la la la .....sung with gusto whilst Broons fingers are inserted firmly in his ears....

    Cant help thinking of his she as mad as him or is she,like all those others around him, scared of him...
