Friday, June 05, 2009

Glenys Kinnock Replaces Caroline Flint!!!

I am more or less speechless.


  1. Unbelievable. I too am speechless. How many more unelected ***** (sorry about the language but I can no longer containing myself) do we have to put up with from this unelected PM?!

  2. Glenys Kinnock replaces Caroline Flint as Minister with the cash filled pockets!

  3. Bugger. I had £10 on Gary Neville at 6/1.

  4. The democratic deficit at the heart of this government is shocking.

    Prime Minister - unlected

    Deputy Prime Ministere - unelected

    Europe minister - unelected

    enterprise Tsar - unelected

    This is a constitutional outrage.

  5. It is farce upon farce upon farce. If it wasn't so serious we'd all be rolling in the aisles.

  6. Oh come on Ian! stop rsing around! No one will believe that one!

  7. How many unelected Cabinet members do we have now? And I still haven't picked my jaw off the floor re Mandelson.

    You do have to kind of admire Brown's ability to come out of this stuff with a (mostly) straight face.

  8. Jesus Christ!!!!

    The kinnock industry continues to prosper...

  9. Brown appears to suggest that he will appoint more peers to the cabinet in the future. The man is bonkers and comparisons with Hitler become more convincing by the day.

  10. Is this a %$&*ing joke? What the....? Kinnock? Glenys &^%$ing Kinnock??? Bleghhh!

  11. I'm convinced he just picked a name at random. Don't think he knew Flint was going.

  12. Hold on Scott, where does it say that members of the government must be elected?

  13. Kinnock's main claim to fame is Europe is clocking in and out to grab her daily expense allowance.

    Another anti-Lords junky supping on our coin

  14. I'm so angry I can hardly breathe. The fu**ing bastard seems to be actually enjoying himself.

  15. You're making this up, surely?

  16. Brown says he wants to reform our Constitution .... he hasn't said he's planning on it scrapping it and ending Democracy.

    How dare he keep appointing Ministers who have never faced the electorate. Why should he be allowed to appoint people to the Lords.

  17. This is just taking the p*ss!

  18. Well... the first ever reshuffle press conference is going spiffingly

  19. He is completely, totally, utterly certifiable.

  20. I've just got back from work to find that cabinet ministers are resigning left, right and centre. And, to top this off, Brown is dishing out Lordships like crazy just so he can appoint unelected people into the cabinet.

    A total outrage! I'm not normally polically minded but I would certainly be tempted to take part in a demonstration agains this 'dead in the water' PM and government.

  21. The whole trend in today's politics is towards increasing accountability and transparency and reducing the power of the executive, yet we find brown busily bypassing the normal channels of accountability and appointing unelected ministers.

    It is absurd. An outrage. An insult to parliament and deeply contemptuous of democracy.

    I am angry beyond words

  22. Mugabe has just been appointed International Development secretary

  23. Dame Davina PancakeJune 05, 2009 5:40 pm

    I truly despair - really - Baroness Kinnock - in government - WTF?! The man needs a long-term break at Broadmoor.

  24. Actually, you're wrong on this - Glenys Kinnock is a highly respected and long-serving MEP. Don't mistake her for her husband or assume that she's just a clone of him. The issue - rightly pointed out by other posters - should be that Brown can't find anyone in the current batch of MPs to do this job and that's what is truly shameful.

  25. (from my blog from last night)

    A good friend and Fleet Street journalist went to a private view of an exhibition of photographs of leading politicians. As she stood in front of the picture of Caroline Flint, she remarked, to a colleague, (not that quietly) "You can see her moustache" My friend turned around to be confronted with none other than the lady herself.

    Flint has always struck me, as a piece of work. Nothing I can put my finger on, but I get "bitch" every time she speaks or appears.

    I now hear that she has deserted the girlie cabal of Hazel the Chipmunk and others to further her ambition. It has been reported that she has cut adrift from the pack and is now giving very pro-Gordon Brown soundbites, in the hope of getting a high profile job in the impending Cabinet Reshuffle. If this is true, she has really shot herself in the foot. Her maximum tenure in any job is going to be 12 months. Thereafter, she will be forever tainted with the Brown era and her political career, such as it is, will be over.

    Desperation and Ambition. Isn't she lovely. Let's hope she has laid in a good supply of bleach. Or wax.


    Flint throws a right strop. Did not get the job she wanted and now is full of piss and vinegar: "Brown treated me as female window dressing". Well Caroline honey, I never saw Jack Straw posing on a couch in fuck-me shoes, and you took your time to say that.

    Anyway, sweetie, don't worry your pretty little head. You have a great future on I'm a has been, get me out of here.

    WV Caned

  26. Well, it's not like he could have picked her husband, Neil, being that he was just elected Vice President of the United States.

    Oh, wait . . .

  27. Glenys!!

    OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. I just heard Harman on PM.

    She was useless, unconvincingly fumbling her way though every answer. At one point she said (without this issue being specifically raised) that Gordon had a mandate to run the country! The others in the studio just couldn't believe it.

    She's simply not all there. Yet how many positions of office does she hold?

  29. Unbelievable seven unelected Cabinet members now

  30. You are having funny-haha joke, Meester Dale? Yes/no?

  31. ***STOP PRESS*** Gordon Brown appoints Her Majesty The Queen as Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.

  32. Neil will be up next as minister for welshness.

  33. IAIN! GREAT SHOW! Hopi Sen was lauding bringing people into the government into via the Lords saying it was like the USA. BUT, in the USA there are rigorous confirmation hearings and votes by the Senate on such appointments! Brown could make a horse a minister - and given his obvious psychological flaws (as Alastair Campbell so shrewdly pointed out) I wouldn't be at all surprised! What an utter c***!!!

  34. Woja mean? Lady Glenys is elected. She's an MEP until September, drawing salary, pension and allowances. Unless she has already resigned, of course.

  35. So it's gone from the 'Cabinet of All the Talents' to the 'Cabinet of All that's Left'.

    This isn't a reshuffle, it's a refill and they're leaking out as fast as he packs them in.

    As for his deputy PM, Mandelson is now one psychiatric assessment from the top job. That doesn't strike me as a particularly clever move.

    Interesting times indeed.

  36. Very funny indeed. Glenys' lovely hubby once said:

    "I am pro-Britain in everything I do. I always support Britain. I support the British Lions on every occasion. I support any and every Welsh team on every occasion. And I support any and every team on every occasion when they are playing against England."

    She's probably of much the same ilk. Suit so-called "Celtic" Gordy down to the ground.

  37. Unbelievable..... Well she will only be required to attend cabinet once every six months....

  38. Can't we petition the queen to dissolve this shower.

    Iain - what was that piece you did on being a freeman? I remember some bloke doing it and you writing about it.

    Can we just do that?

  39. The Queen of EU troughers.
    Apparently she did more miles on EU Jollies than anyone else last year.
    She and he whole family are parasites of the lowest order.

  40. Nothing for Susan Boyle yet? I thought that's what that phone call to The Priory was about.

  41. Verity - very funny.

    She probably sounded out his escape from there for when he's finally sectioned.

  42. Me and the missus are just speechless......the man is stark raving bonkers...he hasnt given any thought to his cabinet, just bringing in pals,those he can rely on and total yes men....

  43. Bath plugs for the many, not the fewJune 05, 2009 7:35 pm

    Obviously he's given up on his one-time scheme of having a government of all the talents.

    Actually it's becoming harder to discern any talent at all.

  44. What has Wales done to deserve Peter Hain....AGAIN!!!!

  45. Welcome to the new Minister for Champagne Socialism and Gravy Trains. She and her unelected election-losing husband have done well out of the voters - and now they're about to do even better. And what say do we get in it? Answers on a postcard, please.

    You couldn't make this up. You really couldn't.

    I need a gin and tonic (paid for out of my own salary)...

  46. Lady Astor's son-in-lawJune 05, 2009 8:16 pm

    Did Winnie Mandela turned the job down?

  47. On the subject of unelected ministers, how much does alan sugar get from the beeb? How does that effect the independence of the beeb if they are giving Millions of pounds and hours of airtime to labour party ministers?

  48. "I am speechless"

    If only you were, Iain, if only you were...

  49. Don't see what the problem is, Ms. Kinnock, as one half of the most egregious pair of self-serving troughers never to govern anything anywhere at any time is intimately familiar with how to screw the last centime out of her EU attendance allowance. Ideal ministerial material, now the UK gravy train has hit the buffers (for now).

  50. Hain's just been on Newsnight saying La Kinnock is the most senior woman in Labour politics, and he never lies.


    maybe you can use this if you run out of content soon ..enjoy;)


    good to see solidarity among the sisterhood Glenys.

  53. Immediately after Labour's disastrous showing in the European elections, GB wants to change the voting system. Funny, that.

    Or does he think that Labour's European result would have been even worse on a first-past-the-post system?

    Meanwhile, he's packing his Cabinet with new Lords, while simultaneously announcing that he wants the House of Lords to be elected. A man of principle and foresight, taking advantage of his ability to appoint peers while he still can.
