Friday, June 05, 2009

Gordon Brown Is Not Arrogant, OK?

Three times now, Gordon Brown has said "I am not arrogant". No, not at all. "My mission is to keep on with the job". Not if the rest of us have a say in it.

I can foresee marches on Downing Street after this incredible performance.

I hope every single Labour MP has been watching this press conference. If they have, they know what their patriotic duty is?


  1. The Cabinet MUST act.

    I consider it a now a matter of the utmost national importance that this man is removed as soon as possible.

  2. Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston.

    Nuff said!

  3. The Cabinet? Surely, the medical services must act!

  4. You want the cabinet to act ? There is no one left in it !

    Alan Douglas

    Sentient WV : mation

  5. This press conference *has* to be the final nail in the coffin. Doesn't it?

  6. Iain said:

    "I can foresee marches on Downing Street after this incredible performance."


    I'm really surprised there has been no mass protest outside Parliament already - I wonder what we are all waiting for?

  7. The man is drowning. Don't gloat.

  8. Somebody shoot him and put us out of our misery!

  9. I'm very seriously considering walking down to the train station. Who's with me?

  10. Why the heck is he still going on about expenses? Does he not get it, this was a referendum on him, his sorry excuse for a Government and his policies.

    Guido is right. He actually is mental. Time for the men in white coats to take him away.

  11. Can we not bribe customs to give him a full body search and send him packing when he returns from embarassing us in France.

    The Queen really needs to tell him what's what - and sharpish!

  12. I am more convinced than ever that this menace needs to be sectioned under the mental health act. He is absolutely stark raving mad.

    The press conference - he is totally nuts.

  13. I love the way he says 'I've heard what the people want, they want us to get on with the job at hand'.

    Clearly must be deaf as it's not what people are saying at all!

    Just G O N O W!

  14. Your Majesty, I urge you to dissolve Parliament immediately! It is your Constitutional right, you must save your country!

  15. Comical Ali?

    Only Gordon can't see it.

    His only supporters are paid Ministers.

  16. Housing Hubba BubbaJune 05, 2009 5:25 pm

    Surely there's someone playing him for a fool behind the scenes. That PC was absolutely awful.

  17. You just can't shame this lot into resigning. Their sense of entitlement is enormous.

  18. Surely Alastair Darling will have to resign after the deluded idiot's response to Fraser?

  19. How many unelected Cabinent members now? And almost now women?


  20. Err, will I wake up in a cold sweat soon? Just a bad dream darling, go back to sleep ............!

  21. Wincing when he slapped Fraser Nelson down with the Frankensmile on his face - did anyone watching that not feel an urge to hide behind the sofa at that moment?

  22. I was laughing at the start of the press conference at the absurdity of it all, but not at the end of it. I just feel very angry. Never has the term 'Zanu-Liebour' been so apt, he's worse than Mugabe for wanting to keep power.

  23. I can be there by 19:30. Can you make it? Should we turn up and ask him to step down?

  24. Caroline Flint was obviously trying to blackmail him into a cabinet position. At least he has some limits. She can explain her comments last night and even this morning later.

  25. And how many times was it "working with ME and the party".

    Do we have any constitutional mechanism to force a health check on any serving minister, to remove them from office?

  26. He's not sane.

    Labour MPs should resign en masse and force a General Election. They are more likely to keep their seats now than after another year of Gordon Brown.

    Iain: someone needs to organise a Protest March or a National Strike ... why not you?

  27. It's actually NOT funny! He's clearly mental. Someone should do something. We have a nutter in charge of the country.

  28. Brown is a canting mendacious hypocrite. No problem there, so are many successful politicians. The problem is that he doesn't appear to know that is what he is. A self-deluding canting mendacious hypocrite is one defect too many.

  29. Come on, Iain - where are your resignation updates? It's Resigning Friday.

  30. Hopi Sen sounds a delusional as Brown.

  31. Iain please tell me that DC could never ever ever be as arrogant as that excuse of a Prime Minister I have just sat through and watched.
    My God , we do need God's help now or a real street revolution. Bring him down now and get rid of him like they did to Ceaucescau in Romaina. I am absolutely speechless. I'm 55 and I can't remember anything like it in my life before.

  32. I would come Steve if I were not in Spain :(

  33. I must make up a Buzzword Bingo sheet before his next speech, it should relieve the monotony.

    "take responsibility" seems to be one phrase he has been told to say as much as possible.

  34. Seven peers in the cabinet, how does this affect the role of the House of Lords?

  35. I'm assuming that he's working on tha basis that saying "taking responsibility" lots of times equates to actually taking it.

  36. Gordon is so weak half the Cabinet and pushing him round the room.

  37. My Kitchen cabinets have more usefull items in them than Browns new cabinet

  38. Opps type

    Gordon is so weak half the Cabinet are pushing him round the room.

  39. The man is delusional. For the good of the country, someone in NuLAb must grow a spine and get rid of him before he does any more serious damage.

  40. Good job he never said the pound stops with him

  41. Does the Labour cabinet know any good doctors? Two, in particular, for Gordon's case.

    The word verification was farker. How appropriate.

  42. I have never witnessed a more blatant example of someone lying through their teeth (and grinning about it) than I have just seen.
    If someone had told me about it, I'd have cast doubts on their sanity.

    This apology for a PM is barking fxxxxxg mad.

    Glenys Kinnock to replace Flint? Nurse, quick, there's a maniac on the loose.

  43. Flint is saying Brown treated her as totty.

    The curse of being pretty.

    I wonder if she will take him to a tribunal ?

  44. he kept talking about listening to people - but that apparently excludes messages via ballot boxes

  45. Here's a blinding bit of constitutional reform

    Can we now please have a policy that limits the Lords in a cabinet? Something like no more than 3 at a time, and to be eligable they have to have been given a peerage at least 6 months prior?

  46. If there are any honourable men left in the Labour Party they must surely now do the decent thing by the country and rid us of this dangerous madman. They can't all be bought off, can they???

  47. I've lost track how many resignations today? Hutton, Hoon, Beckett, McNulty, Flint...I am sure there are more. This is no longer funny, it is pathetic.

  48. Harriet Harpersaon just said the Gordon had a 'MANDATE', and was immediately thumped and jumped all over by Eddie, Pickles, Huhne etc!

    Embarrassing or what?

  49. If they do not remove this useless, discreditted fool then Labour have lost all credibility. They will be slaughtered at the polls.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. They ARE being slaughtered at the polls, aren't they??

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Caroline Flint's resignation letter as reported on Red Box is worth reading

  54. "I'm not arrogant - but I'll never admit to being wrong"

    I was more intrigued by the constant references to him being candid. I thought that was a kind of irritating fungus that can be fatal to its victims?

  55. How on earth did this man make it to high office? It's a complete disgrace.

    I honestly believe we're going to have a state of emergency called next year, just so as Gordon can keep his mitts on a job he hasn't earned and has shown that he clearly isn't qualified for.

  56. Gordon has shocked me - I've known for a long time that he was thick skinned and would pass off total failure as success - but today he surpasses himself.

    - An unelected PM and Deputy PM!!

    - Female window dressing

    - "I'm not arrogant"

    - I never intended to remove Darling

    etc... etc....

    Gordon is clinically mad. He treats us like fools.

  57. South East VoterJune 05, 2009 5:46 pm

    When's the march? I will be there

  58. I for one would love to see the Queen dissolve parliament...

    ... Labour have driven Britain into the dirt, but (and I aim to be elightened here) what effect would that actually have on our country, if she did?

  59. A Pretorian Guard of mercenaries.

  60. I have never taken drugs before but I now have a feeling this is what it feels like after watching all this today.

  61. This is a historic few days in the history of this country. Truly horrific and extraordinary.

    I think the Queen started this off a few months ago after meeting Mervyn King and Jock Stirrup so she wasn't seen to be interfering, but she would get a huge boost of approval from the public if she did now actively and publicly get invloved and dissolved parliament.

  62. I can't wait for Charles Hardwich to appear or what about David Boothroyd?

  63. lavrentiy beriaJune 05, 2009 5:50 pm

    I wonder if the Normandy veterans could perform one last service for their country? We need a coup now!

  64. I can be there by 20:00 anyone fancy a pint in Wesminster on the night that government falls?

  65. Gordon Brown has very serious and massive psychological problems and needs immediate help medication.

    He should be removed by force for the greater good.

    I honestly can't tolerate anymore of this lunatic!

  66. The theory is that the PM is First Amongst Equals. Presidential Prime Ministership has ended for the time being.

    Clearly Brown now only exists as PM with the support of "Those That Would Not Be Moved".

    When will they move on the PM? Its over to the PLP on Monday. If it has the will to boot Brown, only then will the Senior Cab members be able to turn on Brown and retain any credibility.

    Purnell, Blears, Flint et al will be having a busy weekend.

    We are witnessing seismic events, BROWN WILL NOT LAST THE WEEK.



    "The Prime Minister could've prepared more for the press conference, and his use of language and comfort with public meetings could do with some polish. Given the gravity of this reshuffle I'm surprised he wasn't better advised and didn't make the time available. This was an avoidably poor performance."

    -Charles Hardwidge, Labour List

  68. Peter Hain, back as minister for Wales? he that 'forgot' the £100k donation. Great.

  69. March on Westminster July 4th for Independence day

  70. Just stopped listening,

    See ya


  71. July 14th - Bastille Day.

    Thanks to Guido for pointing out that Labour even lost to the Monster Raving Loony in St Ives, Cambs. Just how bad does it have to get?

  72. Might do if a few turn up for a drink.

  73. I have never watched such a weak performance from a Prime Minister in my time, so arrogant, Brown has to be dragged screaming from office, those propping him up should also pay when we do get to judge and Vote at long last in a General Election.

  74. Iain- This strained character just does not get it. Now I have never ever been on a political march in my life, but I am willing to help and assist in trying to get 2-3 million on the streets and on a march to Westminster to show Labour that we need and want a General Election.

    Taking a leaf from Nu Labour's book, because it is the right thing to do.

    Then and only then can our very own ceausescu get the message, before he finds himself hanging from a lamp-post.

  75. No accountability with Cabinet members coming from the House of Lords.

    We need to stop this, I know we had the West Lothian question but, we need somebody in the commons to question why the other place is being used as a parking place for unelected Labour & Brown supporting puppets.

  76. If a march can be arranged for this Sunday I'll come all the way from Liverpool for it!

  77. March on London ?

    Remember what happened to the tweedy Countryside Alliance types who dared demonstrate against a proposed law.

    Now of course if you have scraggly beards and call for death to Christians than Plod leaves you alone so you need a vanguard of these types :)

  78. quote from Campbell's blog -

    "We need another Alastair."

    So now the Labour Party are so desperate they need a man who has done more to lower the course of politics in this country than anyone else.

    We categorically DO NOT need another Alastair.

  79. I am NOT fucking Arrogant get it - how many times do i have to tell you - i am NOT fucking arrogant.........

    Mental mad delusional and deluded the ultimate control freak yes ok BUT look i had real learning difficulties and an abusive father when i was young. Look what i achieved i saved the World AND the Banks AND the car industry. OK i totally fucked you and your pensions as well as UK PLC. BUT i will not waver i will get on with the job did you expect anything different from The BEST Prime Mentalist? PS i NEVER said Alistair Darling was not going to be Chancellor of the Exchequer after my reshuffle.

  80. On account of my strong English accent, two taxi drivers in Saarbruecken have carefully explained to me that they think Brown is a total tit.

  81. General Strike! General Strike! General Strike!

  82. We need to see Gleny's Kinnocks expenses.

    I am ashamed to be English, beaten by a crazed Scottish freak.

    Rumour- Monday evening PLP meeting will demand Brown steps down or they will vote with the opposition on Wednesday no confidence vote.

    Machiavellian Mandelson (check his new title) will take over as prime minister, he is deputy PM with his new enhanced position. Mandelson- will say he needs three months to put in place reform so, whoever wins the next election will start with a clean sheet.

    He will call an Election for October as the Queen has made it known she is not minded to re-open parliament, if it has not seen renewal.

  83. GB has got serious mental health problems. He should retire now and take up residence at the Priory for a while.

  84. Dalesman 7:35

    Broadmoor more like

  85. If he is mentally ill, there are checks and balances on him, are there not?..does not the Queen still have some power in that case?

    I seem to remeber she had a role in sacking the Government of New Zealand back in the 1970s? People who know the answers, please enlighten.

  86. English, the language of Shakespeare and Alf Garnett. Lyrical, comprehensive and with most extensive and comprehensive vocabulary. It is blessed with the best possible words with universal and accurate meaning. A word or phrase for all seasons. Ones the admit of no misunderstanding. Appropriate accurate and succinct.

    Gordon? Fuck off.

  87. He`s out of control,his cabinet are about as independant as Stalin`s was,but with much less backbone. He needs driving out of Downing Street in a car....preferably armoured!!!!!!

  88. Gordon must be very worried.

    24 hours after James Purnell quit and there's been no toadying from the oleaginous Lord Foulkes.

    Et tu George?

    (Down Town, Petula Clark)
    The Right Honorable WilliamBanzai7

    When you're alone
    And political scandal's making you lonely,
    You may well be Gordon Brown
    When you've got worries,
    All the tabloid noise and resignation flurries
    It does not help I know, Gordon Brown

    Just listen to the music of the Parliamentary underprivileged
    Linger on the sidewalk where the language is not pretty
    How can you win?

    The outlook's not much brighter when
    You can't forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and
    So you're Gordon Brown, things aren't so great when you're
    Gordon Brown, its political fate for sure,
    Gordon Brown, a sad legacy's waiting for you

    (Gordon Brown)

    Don't hang around
    And let your problems surround you
    There are lap dance shows in Soho town
    Maybe you know
    Some little places to go to
    Where they never close in Soho town

    Just listen to the rhythm of a retired honorable gentleman's bossanova
    You'll be dancing with 'em, too, before the night is over
    Happy again?

    The outlook's not much brighter when
    You can't forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and
    So you're Gordon Brown, things aren't so great when you're
    Gordon Brown, its political fate for sure,
    Gordon Brown, a sad legacy's waiting for you

    And you may think that Labor's kind to help and understand you
    Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
    Guide him along

    So, maybe we'll see you where
    You can't forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and
    So you're Gordon Brown, things aren't so great when you're
    Gordon Brown, its political fate for sure,
    Gordon Brown, a sad legacy's waiting for you

  90. The whole affair would be pathetic if it were not simultaneously hilarious. No wonder our economy is totally stuffed - this loony was in charge of it for 10 years.

    Isn't Hattersley still alive? And Benn? How come they didn't get cabinet seats? And how about Flintoff and Beckham and Dame Kelly Holmes? Then there is Jordan, Kate Moss and I think that Duncan Bannantyne chap is a Labour supporter. Bloody hell, I forgot J.K. Rowling. And Will Self. Brown is not finished yet.

  91. The country is now in the midst of a national crisis;

    Not so much economic
    Not so much social

    But rather a crisis of leadership - when Brown stands anywhere near Obama tomorrow,we shall have as our representative of this fine country,a man who is defrauding the people and defrauding his political party.

    The party I am not so bothered with,but this country I am much concerned about.
    Back in 1982,just after the Falklands War had been won,I worked for a few months in a Norwegian outwood bound centre.

    So many Norwegians,Germans and Danish guests came up to me and congratulated me on the British success - I was only 20 yrs old and had nothing to do with the fighting.
    But I was British and I was proud of what had been done by those fine men and women.
    Now,if my 17 yr old son were to stay in the same Norwegian lodge,I am pretty sure those guests would simply ask him; "what is happening to your country,why do you not simply get rid of Brown for he is killing Great Britain?"
    We must force the situation - Brown's performance at the press conference was shocking and disgusting and humiliating - why cannot anyone in that room have simply said what we are all thinking;
    "Mr Brown,this country no longer wants or needs you - you must step down immediately"
    Please,this man must be stopped - he is ruining this country day by day,week by week and it is very upsetting to see him allowed to do it.
    Those who died in the Falklands War,let alone in every war since then,must not have their sacrifice negated by the refusal of this criminal to hold an election.

    If he wins it then so be it,but at least let the people decide his fate, for surely to allow the whim of one man to take 62,000,000 Britons to the abyss is a NATIONAL DISGRACE.

  92. Would now be a good time to start planning the celebrations? Perhaps street parties, or lighting the beacons. Maybe we could mobilise the campanologists... It would be a shame to let the moment of His departure pass without some sort of, well, celebration, don't you think?

  93. With the honorable exception of James Purnell, who has taken a measurable pay cut to express his views, the rest of the cabinet have been nauseatingly supine in the face of our dear delusional leader's mendacity. Now in my 7th decade I have never been on a march in my life but since they are unprepared to behave with any sense of honour it is to be hoped that they will be targeted when the next general election is called, and that in the meantime a protest march is organised to demand his immediate resignation. I would be more than happy to help organise same.

  94. Daily Referendum said "I can be there by 19:30. Can you make it? Should we turn up and ask him to step down?"

    He'll only drone on at you about how he's "getting on with the job" of dealing with the recession "which began in America" and accuse of you of being a "do-nothing" Tory who eats babies for breakfast.

  95. I despair of your readership Iain - barely a sensible comment in nearly 100. Brown has raised the bar regarding expenses - the removal from his ministers of anyone with doubtful expense claims leaves Cameron looking flat footed.

    What has Camerons 'independent' panel done - nothing but exonerate Bill Cash, an independently wealthy man with several homes who still thinks it acceptable to profit from the public purse.

    Camerons front bench should come under intense scrutiny from the right - it is the values of those who profess to believe in a 'government of thrift' and 'tax payer value' that (should) have been most offended by the unashamed and unpunished troughing of his shadow cabinet.

    I guess most of your readers feel they are 'raging impotently' to coins Camerons unfortunate phrase - long may your raging impotence continue.

  96. Fraser Nelson made him look like a little Boy caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

    Now, he has two homes being claimed upon. Can any one believe that, after all the rubbish we have heard.

    Why can't Sky and the Brown mouth piece service ask a question like Fraser did.

  97. Fraser Nelson looked idiotic - a stuttering Waugh era pastiche who only makes Camerons clique look even more toff-ish and out of touch.

  98. "Anonymous said...
    I despair of your readership Iain - barely a sensible comment in nearly 100".

    This part, I agree with - just endless futile name calling (very prep-school), and not a word about the main event: It's the election Stupids !! The Iain Dale blog, like the much despised print media only seems to be interested in the piquant details of the "reshuffle" and the faded, blowsey charms of La Flint. That's the problem with Tories - they can't resist a bit of rough.
    ... but, you are completely wrong about 'Brown's Spring cleaning'.
    e.g. Darling ? and let's not forget serial expenses trougher Glenys Kinnock.

    BTW, which Tory "strategist" decided to put up the clueless Spellman up against Toynbee and chums on Any Questions - it wasn't pretty (a West Sussex crowd baying for PR !!?)
