Friday, June 05, 2009

Mandelson is the new Heseltine

Peter Mandelson has just been made Deputy Prime Minister. You couldn't make it up.

And, wait for it, Dawn Primarolo and Rosie Winterton are to attend Cabinet. I always said that you'd know it had become a farce when Dawn Primarolo joined the Cabinet. Amazing. Frightening.

Brown has lied. He has denied he wanted to sack the Chancellor. He did. Liar.

He also said he knew John Hutton was going to leave the government several months ago. In that case, why didn't he find someone of higher stature than Bob Ainsworth to replace him? It's a farce.

I am embarrassed that this man is Prime Minister of one of the greatest countries in the world. How did we allow it to happen?


  1. He meant Dawn butler, not Dawn Primarolo.

  2. Any chance of providing a simple link that leads to your prog.I have been round the houses ten times to no avail.

  3. I am watching these results come on from my computer in DC. (I am also in DC.) I simply can't believe what I'm seeing. Is this all some sort of cruel hoax?

    Mandelson back again. Indeed you couldn't make it up.

  4. Dawn Primarolo...? Dawn Primarolo!?

    This is a joke. What next, No 10's charwoan as Chief Whip?

  5. Fuck Me! The Hovercraft has just quit!

    180* from the Flinter.
    I can't wait to see your reaction on Sky later!

  6. Can someone just shoot this moronic Brown fellow and put the country out of its misery? He's gone mad. Totally, springs pinging out of his head, bonkers.

    Reforming democracy from a Prime Minster who wasn't elected and who oversaw one of the most corrupt houses ever? Hell, Let's put convicted criminals in charge of reform of the legal system.

    Madness. Utter madness.

  7. Jesus H Christ. Now he's reforming democracy by appointing yet another unelected euro junkie as euro minister, Ms. Kinnock.

    This is a freaking disgrace.

  8. WHAT? Now I know you are kidding!

    Not even I would fall for that one!

    Should I?

  9. I rather Nick Clegg or Harman was in charge - I fucking despair

  10. I too am embarrased this man is our Prime Minister.

    Seriously is there absolutely nothing we can do to get rid of him now? He's destroying the country!

  11. One of the greatest countries in the world? Now, now Iain - that was a long time ago.

  12. Ian, WE didn't alllow this to happen. The Labour Party did, knowing full well just how bad Brown would be. It must never be allowed to forget the damage it has inflicted on this country by allowing this madman and his cronies free rein.

  13. A cabinet of unelected Peers. Even those at Labourlist must realize the game is up.

  14. Mandelson definitely has something on Brown.

  15. glynns's pet parrotJune 05, 2009 6:58 pm

    britain is no longer a great country,period.

  16. The British pople elected Zanu Labour. It was their choice. However, the media deserve a lot of blame for making it seem a good idea.

  17. Hang on, hang on. Brown knew Hutton was going to resign 'several months ago'? But Hutton was only appointed Defence Secretary as recently as October, 2008.

    So we've only completed 5 months of 2009. October, at the most adds 3 months of 2008. Might Hutton, in October, 2008 not have mentioned that he was going to leave the government so 'Thanks, Gordon, but best not to'.

    Never mind farce, Iain: something stinks here.

    So might the prime minister want to be a bit more specific

  18. Johan is entirely correct. The time of Britain being a great nation is long past. Your manufacturing sector has almost disappeared, your principal employment is now the public sector, your principal economic sphere, banking and finance, has imploded with the speed that would flatter a collapsar, and you are for all practical purposes enslaved to a foreign,unelected bureaucracy in Brussels.

    If we examine this through the principle of 'people get the government they deserve', what does this say about Britons and their involvement in public life over the past two decades? Or is anyone here going to pretend that Cameron actually deserves the electoral gift he's been handed? There's a lot of yapping going on about the supposed misery of Alasdair Darling leaving. Big deal. The larger point is simply this; has there ever been a Labour government that didn't leave the country on the brink of financial collapse? On the scale of the economic disaster in place the empty-headed Euro-twit Mandelson will hardly make a significant difference.

    Supertramp said it best years ago (slightly paraphrased), "the Island's sinking, you'd best take to the skies."

    A Canadian, disgruntled at the degeneracy of the Mother of All Parliaments.

  19. Iain Dale you might have noticed that Gordon Brown was running most of the UK since 1997. You kept remarkably quiet about Gordon Brown's incompetence through most of that time. Why the surprise that Brown's a basketcase now all of a sudden? What else did you expect after observing him for 15 long years at the top of the Labour Party?

  20. Iain, where did you get the information that Peter Mandelson is now Deputy Prime Minister?

    I can't find anywhere else reporting that.

  21. Dawn of the Dismal!June 05, 2009 7:39 pm

    Dawn Primarolo? in the cabinet?....I need a drink...actually several....

    Word verification was mentl ......

  22. Isn't brown effectively making women political tealadies?

    Brown is the best man for the job? What job is that? elected leader...that is where I saw the job of prime minister, but then I am a silly woman and we all know they are only fit to 'attend' cabinet

  23. Dawning oblivionJune 05, 2009 7:44 pm

    Dawn Primarolo? Dawn Primarolo? Um ...

    When she was working for Gord in the Treasury she had a little numerical 'difficulty' with her Additional Cost Allowances:

    'Some forms include mistakes where Ms Primarolo has entered one of her claims in the wrong column'- 'the MP had added up the claim incorrectly.'

    "I don't want people to think that I have done something that is dishonest, because I haven't. I just didn't have any idea all this was going on."

  24. How did we allow this to happen.

    Ask yourselves..ask the press for years we have read how great the Chancellor is...when he sold the gold, raided the pensions, borrowed etc

    Now his ex boss is a very wealthy man, the lord of darkness is a Real Lord and now even an unelected deputy Prime Minister...that means we have 2 , two, dos, duo....unelected potential leaders of this once real country...Mugabe please come home.

    P.S. David (Cameron) check the ballot boxes when it happens...these guys will do anything.

  25. PS......I thought we were a we elect ELECT our leaders and representatives....Mandelson nor Kinnock are ELECTED....PLEASE ELECTED...DEMOCRACY...are you stupid England...please save us

  26. Think we've all just lived through the 'Day of the Long Knives'


  27. Mandelson is no Heseltine, he is a lightweight!!! To quote Tony Benn he is a non entity. Let's hope he has to quit for this job as well.

  28. "How did we allow this to happen?"

    The Conservative Party bears much of the responsibility by refusing to oppose Blair and Brown.

    Cameron said on October 5, 2005,"I am the heir to Blair".

    That made him complicit in the kneecapping of Britain by Blair and Brown.

    Clear the whole bloody lot out, I say, and put in Carswell and Hannon to implement "The Plan".

    Have you got the gumption to go that route, Iain?


  29. Iain, WE didn't! The labour voting morons of the last three elections did!

  30. I am seeing Gordon Brown making sweeping statemnts while his own party memebers are effectively making rabbit ears behind him!

  31. Cardinal Richelieu's moleJune 05, 2009 9:12 pm

    "I am embarrassed that this man is Prime Minister of one of the greatest countries in the world."??? He has a second job!!!!

    After the post-war high point of circa 1990, it has been downhill at an accelerating pace here whilst others, BRICS etc., have moved on. No wonder Gordon is moonlighting.

  32. Just how many unelected people are now in government along with Brown? To have have Glenys Kinnock in the cabinet is the ultimate insult.

    She, her husband and the rest of the family have been troughing in the euro parliament for years. Now she's been foisted on the British electorate. "Electorate," that's a laugh! Mandelson, Adonis, Kinnock, Brown, etc, etc. I don't remember the "electorate" having any say in they.

    Iain, you say "I am embarrassed that this man is Prime Minister of one of the greatest countries in the world. How did we allow it to happen?" I expect very many Germans expressed similar thoughts towards the end of the Third Reich.

    Brown is arrogant, a liar and a bully. He seems to have few, if any, redeeming qualities. I feel that I am living in a dictatorship, with no hope of rescue. We all eagerly await a general election. Just wait until the Civil Contingencies kick in! This man is quite capable of trying to postphone it.

    The Labour MPs have proved to be spineless. Most of the "resignations" from the cabinet have resulted in departing ministers still saying that they "support Gordon."

    Milliband has, once again, proven that he is a spineless time server. Johnson, meanwhile, seems happy to bide his time whilst the country suffers. That speaks volumes about his own morality.

    The situation is rapidly becoming a Shakespearian tragedy.

  33. Amusing piece by David Jones MP on Mandy's new title:

  34. Alternative headline :

    Mandelson is the new Frankenstein, while his creature, also known as the great clunking fist, blunders about in the undergrowth of Westminster.

    Alan Douglas
