Friday, June 05, 2009

Brown's Press Conference: Beyond Parody

I have never called Gordon Brown a **** before, but I just blurted it out watching him at his hubristic press conference. A quite unbelievable performance. It was beyond parody. I wrote a blogpost a couple of weeks ago doubting his sanity. I never published it. I now wish I had. He is deluded, delusional and completely unable to accept the precipice which he is looking over.

What do you think?


  1. Impressed that you managed to write this during the programme Iain, you must have fast fingers!

    Hot from the Brown press conference.

    A statement from Gordon Brown.

    "I wish to state categorically that the Prime Minister has my full support. I would never dream of undermining the Prime Minister by resigning, as some thoroughly worthy but swinish former Blairites have done. There is nothing to gain from that type of infighting or from politicians serving themselves. I therefore state now, categorically and for ever that the Prime Minister, whoever he or she happens to be, will always have my full support.

    Good public services will build Britain's future. To that end I have today appointed Lord [insert Lord's name here] as supreme over-Czar in Chief of this that or the other "not walking away" economic meltdown storm thingy.

    I believe in never walking away from the Prime Minister and I will not abandon him or Britain in his our of need. I hope you will join me in supporting the Prime Minister. Tony has my full support, even though despite his many virtues, he is riddled with the deepest character problems, as our his supporters.

    Finally could one of you please pick up my mobile phone? Thank you very much. God bless. God bless the Prime Minister. Whoever he is. May he take full responsibility. May he clean up politics from the disaster that was Tony. The future is one we all have confidence in and I am not arrogant and neither is the Prime Minister."

    (Exit Brown and enter Cameron)

  2. This bloke is just off his rocker.He should be standing there telling us he's off down the Palace,I just can't begin to put into words how much I despise this bloke.

    WV-butgo ,very apt.

  3. His Grace sums it all up nicely in this exquisite deconstruction of Brown ... the finest piece of blog essaying I've read in a long time.

  4. I call him a **** every day

  5. Get off the fence, Iain. Tell us what you really think!

  6. He is an complete an utter hoon.

  7. I refer to Brown as a **** pretty much every day

  8. Osama the NazareneJune 05, 2009 5:05 pm

    He must be on something. He is being both bullish and brazen.

  9. A c*** ?
    A d*** ?
    An f***?

  10. Susan Boyle is stepping in as community czar.. Alan Sugar is stepping down to spend some more time with his television.

  11. "Getting on with the job," "Best person for the job," "Targets," "Priorities for our country," "Integrity,"- the man's like a stuck record. He's talked for 20 minutes now without actually *saying* anything.

    Oh good grief - now we're onto learned childhood advice from his father. I'm watching this through my fingers.

  12. He looks like he's either been up for the past 3 days or he's been loading up on the china white.

  13. **Breaking News****

    Susan Boyle is now stepping down. She says she went into see Brown and he was getting on the job with Ben Bradshaw..yeuchh!

    New Communities minister is Ant and/or Dec {seen going into NO 10 minutes ago}

  14. This is all comedy gold, hope someone is youtubing this for later consumption.

  15. OMG! I am aghast! Cuckoo!

    I think it's going to take "some of those nice young men in their clean white coats" to take him away... ha ha!!

    "If I did not believe I was the right person to lead this country, I would not be standing here?"

    You're a delusional megalomanic!!!

    He is NOT leaving, he has to be sectioned!

  16. I liked the bit about "public consultations".

    I take it this will be the same sort of "public consultations" that were used for saving (er loosing) our post offices - in other words a complete sham.

  17. Argh, he's started smiling, make it stop!!!

  18. Hot from the conference. (2)

    Er hmmm er the er Caroline er hmmm Flint thing er we all er er get on Mrs er Kinnock er hmmm it's all wonderful er Mrs er Mr hmm er well er....

    Cue Iain Dale having a minor collapse in the studio...

  19. Amazing just now watching him being told Caroline Flint has also resigned by someone on the floor - the smile came back, he started jerking from side to side and now he's making grandiose hand gestures.

  20. He might not survive to Monday. That's how bad this trainwreck of a press conference is.


  22. Fraser Nelson just nailed him on a lie. He's dragging our country into the gutter.

  23. There's a wonderful line in the "Psychiatrist" episode of Fawlty Towers:

    "There's enough material here for an entire conference."

  24. What I think Iain is that he is completely and utterly delusional.

    The only way he is going now is by others forcing him out. It is clear he is not going any other way.

  25. He is a raging madman. The lack of honour and courage amongst the big hitters of the Labour party is absolutely disgusting.

  26. Many of us said Brown would have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, out of No 10, because he wouldn't go of his own volition.

    Sadly, I think we are being proved right.

    And judging by the new ministerial appointments, it appears that those who predicted the use of men in white coats to remove Brown weren't far off the mark.

  27. lavrentiy beriaJune 05, 2009 5:40 pm

    I see Sir Alan has been brought into government. At this rate he'll be offering jobs to Nick and Margaret before the day is out. Has any government ever collapsed in such a radioactive heap of rubble?

  28. I had to stop watching the conference, it was like I had tourette's. This is really just getting beyond a joke now, the man is delusional, completely delusional.

    Is there a way to get border control to stop him coming back into the country tomorrow? A tip off about cocaine in Brown's make up bag perhaps.

  29. Yes, it's serious. I'm now wondering if there are thirty-two Labour backbenchers who have courage enough to tell the Chief Whip that they will be voting against the Government on Wednesday if Gordon Brown does not resign first.

  30. Dale, it's taken you THIS long to work out Brown is a total nutcase?

  31. Completely agree, absolutely bonkers. The man is a disgrace, he says he wants to be candid, then doesn't mention his own failures but other peoples expenses.

    He is weak, weak, weak. I think he's just added 20 names to the list to get him out.

  32. Oh Iain, we've all been calling him a **** for years ;-)

  33. The way it went was no surprise, based on experience; but perhaps it will be watched by far more of the voting public than would normally watch the PM's press conferences.

    That will spread the horror that we have such a mentally deranged and delusional PM who has no point of contact with the real world, and inhabits his own private little existence.

    As with allowing the BNP a platform, exposing Brown to the public-at-large is the best way to warn everyone of his true nature — he gives it away every time he appears.

  34. You do not want to print what I think, Iain.

  35. I see that Lord Sugar will be an underling of Lord Mandelson. That is an arrangement that will last only a few weeks at best.
    Two entirely conceited and arrogant men trying to work together.
    Mandy has a whole flock of Lords to control now and when Brown is away he will step in as PM. Quite unusual.

    However, I am delighted that Shaun Woodward who had almost disappeared up Brown's fundament this past week - got nowt. The brilliant Bob Ainsworth get the job the turncoat wanted and Balls is still Minister for Children.

  36. Some of us have been saying for years now that the Gordon is a sandwich or two short of a picnic.

    But since you don't read our blogs, I'm not surprised you're surprised. :o)

  37. Beyond parody is right! That things should have come to this. His first adjective to jar was "candid" and the audience made the most of it. Apart from the compulsive gabbling of all the reiterated spin crap (three more committees - what is the House of Commons for ?)and the sick-bag comments about his saintly father - when asked simple questions, he just lied. The ghoulish smile always indicates he's lying. And worse - even more unelected self-important unaccountable peers to take key roles in government. (Or did he just make that up about Glenys Kinnock to get out of a nasty corner ?)And finally the complete fairy tales about public spending will just go on rising and we'll all be happy, while Dave will cut everything by 10% every five minutes.

    Not sure we can rely on any of the cowardly parliamentarians to lead anything resembling a coup. They're all worried about losing another year's pay and expenses. So - who's going to organise the March ? Am I going to have to do it myself ???

  38. Trully amazed. I was driving down the motorway while listening to him on radio 5. I'm sure that if anyone had been watching me and not listening to the same station they would've been wondering why I was swearing at the top of my lungs. The man is lying fuckwit. He wouldn't know what the truth was if it came along and kicked him up the arse. It is now nearly three hours later and I'm still flabbergasted and very angry.

  39. The trouble is that this fuckwit thinks he is entitled to be the PM, its his toy and no nasty people are going to take it away from there..

    Listen anybody who brings Hain and Glenys Kinnocio into his circle of friends is well past even help from the men in white coats...

    Anybody got General Dannets phone number??????????

  40. Iain Dale talking about someone else being 'beyond parody'? You surpass yourself here, Iain - pomposity and self-regard of the highest order. Congratulations - you represent all that is wrong about today's shallow 'game' of politics.

  41. He's just barking mad. Plain and simple . The PLP need to get some bo -looks and reign in this buffon before he can do any further damage.

    The rest of the cabinet's lost all respect- hopefully we won't hear any more about plots. They had their chance.

    Toads .

    One crumb of comofort is that we can at least countdown to the inevitable Labour Landslide defeat .

  42. When Guido did his "Is Brown Bonkers?" post last August, I never realised just how much truth there was in it. The man is clearly stark raving mental.

  43. Gordon Brown = Richard Nixon.

    Reply about darling was incredible. Good for Tom Bradby

  44. Does Brown spend ALL day watching old Blair videos? He tries so hard to do it, but at best just looks like Nixon.

  45. "Never allow things to fester ..."

    It's true, you can't make this up.. What a beautiful patsy question from TalkSport radio. Beyond irony.

  46. Go on Iain, let it go: Call the PM a Hoon if you want to. You'll feel so much better afterwards :-)

  47. Yes, Disgusted, Brown looks like Nixon, but at least one could make a case that, the Watergate debacle aside, Nixon did a bloody good job. Brown is an unmitigated failure. No-one could ever write an opera about Gordon Brown.

  48. Thoroughly nasty stuff. I don't rate |brown particularly highly either, but to sink to these sort of depths does you no credit.

    It also does raise the question of how much the conservatives have really changed
