Saturday, May 23, 2009

Flint Mounts Chipmunk Rescue Mission

Caroline Flint signed her political death warrant in her interview with The Times this morning. She did the unthinkable and said that Hazel Blears should retain her job. Either this will mean that she too will lose her job - no doubt under the pretext that the European election campaign which she is in charge of is a complete disaster - because the Prime Minister will sack or demote her, or she will resign in sympathy with Hazel Blears, who is one of her best friends in politics.

And if Gordon Brown takes no action against either of them, it will tell us a lot about his own position. Which would be precarious.

Oh, and by the way, we still don't know the difference between what Blears has done and what Hoon and Purnell are accused of. If she gets sacked and they don't the laws of natural justice might as well be abolished.


  1. My feeling has been for some time now that, in Brown's Britain, the laws of natural justice have already been scrapped in deference to saving Brown's political skin, as the be-all and end-all of every government policy and action.

    It is rather obvious, and cannot be explained any other way. We are well past that stage now.

  2. Hazel Blears for Prime Minister....

  3. Brown is totally off his rocker now and couldn't find his arse with both hands, if He sacks Blears it could be the last staw with his many enemies in the party, thats most people now, so He'll probably just procrastinate and make pathetically inappropriate remarks, which is what He does anyway.

  4. iain, why have you ditched your VLOG's. They were the best new element to your site.

    Surely as you sit on your first class train to arundel you can do a Vlog.

    Also noticed that Daley Dozen has been axed.

    Love the radio show btw---very cool. Thanks for sharing---a little late for me as I have to be up at 5am for my job.

  5. One rule for the little people, one rule for Mp's and a final fluctuating set of rules for Gordon's 'friends'.
    Its worse than Italian accountancy laws!

  6. the real question is, who on earth could Gordon replace them with?!!!

  7. "If she gets sacked and they don't the laws of natural justice might as well be abolished."

    Agree with John M Ward - what natural justice?

    We lost that a long, long time ago...

  8. agree 100 persent brown shoud off sacked blears but hees got no self steam - i'ts tippical

  9. McKay stands down as MP.

    If he goes, then Julie must go too.

  10. The difference is that the ginger chipmunck, owing to the court of public opinion and a damascene conversion no doubt, paid the taxman the capital gains tax that he requires from ordinary mortals. The other two troughers haven't. Apart from that there is no difference except Haze wrote some disparaging stuff re mcBroon and also rubbished his You Tube video. I think that is a fair summation.

  11. Iain,

    Are you gagging for some chipmunk lovin'?

    Hazel, it would seem, has been morphed by your good self into the latest gay icon.

    This won't get published!!

  12. I think you're reading too much into Flint's remark. The Times article says...

    "Miss Flint leaps to the defence of Hazel Blears...

    It would, in her view, be wrong for the Prime Minister to move Miss Blears in a reshuffle. “I think she’s doing a good job and she should continue to do that."
    This does somewhat indicate that the interviewer specifically asked if she thought Blears should lose her job, in which case she was hardly going to say 'yes'. Far from signing her political death warrant, she actually gave a perfectly on-message answer.

  13. If Ms Flint is lobbed out on her ear, do we think she might take up vampy modelling?.....on second thoughts.......

  14. There has been little note taken of the fact that whilst Blears has offered to pay the CGT she is still keeping the rest of the profit on her taxpayer funded property portfol


  15. Can we get the slimy Gordon Brown to give us a detailed explanation that what Blears did differs from that of the other 2 wankers Hoon and Parnell?

    If you have a once of decency Brown you will fuck off into the night never to be seen again.

    Ulster Unionist & Conservative

    Ulster Till I Die!

  16. Yes, do you think that Blears will mount a leadership? The problem with the Labour Party now is that they have so many people in the frame for becoming leader that it's going to become a bloody battle to overthrow GORDON and then to STAB others in the back to get there.

    In my opinion Labour after BROWN goes are in deep trouble...

  17. @bardirect

    totally agree and a point I have made on several blogs. the CGT "liability" is clouding consideration of the whole.
    If I understood Ed Balls correctly on Any Questions he proudly stated that he and Yvette had paid THEIR £80k liability - meaning of course that they still pocketed £120k courtesy the taxpayers largesse!
    We should DEMAND repayment of ALL profit on ALL properties which have been funded by the public purse.

  18. When Shahid Malik wrote to the Fees Office to complain that he was not being paid in full for his TV/DVD/Home Cinema set up at a cost to the taxpayer of £2,500, he claimed it was a breach of "natural justice".

    It appears from this that, from Labour's perspective, "natural justice" is anything which: a) keeps Labour in power; b) feathers their nests;, c) condemns Tories as evil; or, d) all of the above.

    I contend there is no such thing as "natural justice". It is a concept invented by the Left to usurp the "Common Law" at the heart of which is a simple and beautiful concept, known, without a hint of self-importance, as the Golden Rule, namely, that where the law and equity clash, equity shall prevail.

    Entrusted to the judiciary in a system of separated powers evolved over centuries, this sufficed in England for hundreds of years, only laterly usurped by the EU, ECHR, Strasbourg and the creeping codification of our "rights", when in truth, these are simply restrictions of our freedoms.

    Caroline Flint, of course, would recognise none of this for she is a marxist, or a trot, or a commie, or a pinko or some other faction of the Left, forever believing that some "expert" can decide how we should live our lives, the ultimate expression of which was found in that great movie, Logan's Run, where the state provided for everything.

    It housed you, it fed you, it entertained you and, at the age of 30, it murdered you - all for the greater good!

  19. As you imply, having Caroline Flint supporting you is like having Goebbels offering to give you a puff on his blog.

  20. Natural Justice is a stranger to the Left and New Labour.

    Coercion, theft (i.e. redistributive taxes) are the stock in trade of the Left, if only sometimes reserved for their hate figures or in their wretched class war, and wither Natural Justice when theft and coercion is State endorsed and promoted?
