Saturday, May 23, 2009

Parish Notice: Writing for the GQ Daily Blog

I've just been appointed a Contributing Editor for GQ Magazine and will now be writing on their new GQ Daily blog two or three times a week, alongside Dylan Jones and other members of the GQ editorial team. Click HERE. Don't worry, it won't mean a lesser service here! To those who have missed the Daley Dozen over the last three nights, it will return tonight, and there will be some more Vlogs soon too. In case you were wondering...


  1. MacKay to stand down at next election.

  2. Good stuff Iain. GQ is a top publication.

  3. Good to hear. I've been missing the Daley Dozen!

  4. My God, Iain: ANOTHER job? Do you ever sleep? ;-)

  5. Congrats Iain.

    Does that mean you get to pose in classic suits.

    My only concern is that you are taking all these jobs on and this site will suffer. Your posts are feeling less meaty and more reporter than they used to be.

    As you can see some of the readers are getting annoyed at features slipping.

    But congrats are due and you are onbiously being very successful.

    You will have to find another blog to link to in the Daley Dozen given Nadine doesn't have one at the moment.

  6. Iain any truth in the rumour that you will be providing editorial contribution to 'Nuts' magazine, with a new political feature?
