Saturday, May 23, 2009

Has Jonathan Ross Lost His Self Repect?

Has Jonathan Ross lost all his professional self respect? The BBC decision to make him record his Saturday morning show on Radio 2 rather than riosk broadcasting it live is nothing short of insulting. If he had any self respect he's tell them where to stick their proposal, but it seems as though he has meekly accepted it. But frankly, that's not the main issue.

Live broadcasting has a degree of 'edge' to it. The adrenalin flows just that little bit more quickly. It makes you up your performance. If you are ore recording and you make a small error the temptation is to do it all again. It's a bit like watching a football match that you have recorded rather than seeing it live.


  1. Because you are clearly the new Jonathan Dimbleby now you have your own radio show aren't you Mr Dale?

  2. Jonathan Ross should have been sacked.I cannot see what people like about him,that smug grin makes me cringe.

  3. The Frankenfurter for King and countryMay 23, 2009 3:49 pm

    The bbc can't handle live debate, they have become an organization riddled in political correctness and dumbing down. They have to nanny everything and talk to us like children, a bit like lefty politicians.

    The beeb sucks and I'm sick of bankrolling them.

  4. Jonathan Ross is an asshole...end of story.He shouldnt even be employed anywhere near broadcasting. Put simply he is a man of little talent. He relies on innuendo,sex and lavatory humour. He isnt witty in the manner of comedians in the past but seems to think he is.

    I fundamentally object to this oxygen thief being paid out of public money as well.

    Iain the BBC is for once listening to public opinion and making sure this oaf can no longer offend until his contract is up and he can be kicked out. Cant wait

  5. Totally agree Iain.

    Ross has lost it and is in it for the money.

    Interestingly this corresponds with a blog posted earlier on TrueBlueBlood where the license fee is questioned and the case of Ross is used to highlight the waste of money.

    Great issue to debate---license fee...where do you stand Iain?

  6. Yes and I would for 6m quid :)

  7. Maybe its guilt on Wossy's part!

  8. Frankly you're missing the main point. Ross costs tax payers too much money. He's simply not worth it.

  9. Iain, who the f!!! cares.

  10. The **** never had any to start with.

  11. lavrentiy beriaMay 23, 2009 4:03 pm

    I expect he closed his eyes and thought of the money. May as well make the most of it, because there is surely no way the Beeb would dare to offer him another £16 million contract when the current one expires.

  12. Ross craves the oxygen of fame.

    You know, I work with and meet a lot of musicians. The overriding test of longevity is talent. People may come and people may go, they may be very very famous for a time, but talent is the characteristic of a long career.

    Ross has talent in deuces. He's a busted flush. A talentless drone, a boil on the bottom of a Brighton bum boy, with less appeal.

    It's the BBC. It's what we do.

  13. You miss the fact that by recording his output it does mean that any further errors can be picked up by the editor

    Thereby saving Ross, or internalising it...and if it doesn't work the editor goes too

    Much easier to listen to some other channel entirely

  14. I love Jon Ross....only because of the 4 poffs and a piano.

  15. Um... Iain, did you see the quote which prompted them to take this step?

    Ross attracted complaints about alleged homophobia after he joked, in reference to Hannah Montana-themed prizes on his morning radio show, that: "If your son asks for a Hannah Montana MP3 player, you might want to already think about putting him down for adoption before he brings his … erm … partner home."Whilst I share your general preference for live broadcasting, if Jonathan Ross can't stop himself making comments like that whilst going out live, I think it's probably for the best.

    And before someone leaps on me for being unable to tolerate "debate", Jonathan Ross is not on Radio 2 as a debate panellist, he is there as a presenter and therefore the BBC bears some corporate responsibility for him and the things he says.

  16. Iain, are you going to let Wrinkled Weasel's homophobia through, then?

    Jonathan Ross is a popular broadcaster. About that there's no doubt: just look at the figures. But management -- especially at Radio 2 -- are so scared of being humbled by the conflagration of an idiot mistake, weak management and the Daily Mail's vituperations again that they're making some utterly spineless decisions. Of course, Ross is in no position to argue, what with contract renewals etc coming up. I predict that the BBC, in a massive sop to the Daily bloody Mail, will ditch him.

  17. Andy, I suppose that comment is supposedly homophobic is it? Is that the argument? Funny how I, as a gay man, can see an amusing joke when I see it. Grow up.

    BJ, ditto.

  18. Wasn't the Sachs piece pre-recorded?

  19. Hmmm... What next? Dale boils egg, Blumenthal an overhyped fraud?!

  20. Did Jonathan Ross ever have any 'professional' self-respect?

    For once, the BBC has got it right - he's an embarrassment and they've probably rightly assumed that he's losing the license fee argument for them.

    I'd like to know what he claims on expenses.

  21. It's a sad indictment on our society that such a large proportion of the viewing audience find this asshole amusing.

    I tend to agree with Mirtha Tidville's comment above. He should never have been allowed back after the recent banning!

    As for self respect... I don't believe the Wussy has any understanding of the concept. I lost any respect I ever had for him (little as it was) when he openly spoke about the joys of buggering his wife on his peak viewing time show... and he was not joking... though he thought talking about this was amusing and witty. But then he does this, as others have already commented, 'lavatory and school boy' humour, all the time.

    Baaaah... get cretins like this off our tellies!!

  22. Throws hands up in the air in despair.

    I was using alliteration and humour for rhetorical effect, in order to villify a crapulous muscle who recommends that gay kids should be farmed out for adoption because they are gay, which, incidentally, for the record, I find a completely obscene idea.

    BJ read my blog.



    Please stop being so effing precious.

    The fact that I have to defend myself in this way against the thought police, is a sad reflection of these times.

    And, thank you Iain.

    WV hifist

  23. It's the money! Obviously. Artistic content, merit, ideology and all that struff is as frost on a summer's day compared to hard cash.

  24. The right wing blogosphere is so obsessed with the license fee its in danger of becoming as boring as the left. This post isn't even about BBC funding - yet the comments...

  25. No. With his MP-salary-beating contract, he's just not in a position-of-strength to negotiate.

  26. Currently in the US and their TV is now more more open than the stale UK channels which cannot offend anyone.

    Who have thought we'd have become more PC than the US !!!!

  27. Those who have no respect for others never have any self-respect. Ross appeals to a certain type of Londoncentric audience. As for the right's obsession with BBC funding, why is it rightwing to object to the partiality the BBC shows without ever showing the opposite viewpoint? The BBC's obsession with the "yoof" audience and offering no service whatsoever to the over-50's, who are the largest demographic group in the country, makes their claim to be a public service broadcaster completely unsupportable.

  28. I am amazed that anyone actually likes the "musicians" on his TV programme.

    He had Andrew Lloyd Webber on a couple of years ago and showed a short clip of the pained expression on his face as a contestant murdered a song on the early stages of one the talent shows.

    He had exactly the same expression as the "musicians" on the Jonathan Ross Show similarly murdered one of his compositions.

  29. What? Is this the same Ross who publically humiliated a 78-year old man for no reason other than to pump his own ego? He shouldn't be broadcasting at all, and I'm surprised there are thinking people who believe otherwise.

  30. Dick the PrickMay 23, 2009 7:37 pm

    Think Black Squadron's recorded too - I've earned my little rest and my bun. How's Steve doing?

  31. You're assuming that Ross had any self-respect to begin with.

  32. Ross the Toss has only got respect for his salary cheque, which is stupendously exaggerated for such low quality "talent".

  33. Iain: Surely it's possible to make a joke about a boy who likes Hannah Montana being gay, without suggesting that children who might be gay should be put up for adoption? Sorry, I just don't really see what's funny about the latter. I do see what's homophobic about it, even if you don't.

  34. I think you'll find that many of his past Radio Two Saturday morning broadcasts have been recorded. So this is not exactly sensational news. A great deal of Radio Two's weekend shows are recorded.
