Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vlog: Gordon's Credibility Is Shot to Pieces

To add your petition to the Downing Street petition calling on Gordon Brown to go click HERE.


  1. Great video, albeit with an unfortunate opening shot.

    At least you weren't grinning and gurning like an idiot Brown-style!

    (I suspect 'vlog' will become an oft-used part of our lexicon before too long. And there was me who had just got used to 'tweeting')

  2. Iain,

    You really are becoming a V Logger like Prezza aren't you mate. Make sure you don't share any scandals with Prezza!

  3. Iain,
    It's different this time.
    Always the excuse.
    You took a firm stance against petitions in your last vlog.
    Most of what you say about Gordon's credibilty being shot to pieces is good stuff.
    Then you shoot your own credibility to pieces.

  4. Very good Vlog, Iain of what has been a good day for parliament. My only advice would be to invest in a semi-decent lapel mic as the most important thing in these type of videos is the audio...oh and someone should have mentioned the tie. It's distracting the eye from all the product placement!

  5. He wont go. He'll have to be dragged, kicking and screaming and peeing himself, from Number Ten. Brown is bonkers. His only friend Mavis Boothroyd, can sit in the padded cell with him and talk about the good times and how together, they saved the world and convinced everyone on Iain Dale's blog how they did it.

  6. Hi Iain,

    Did you see Guido's petition on the rejected list of petitions? Same petition as the one up there, but they said it was "too party political". Interesting, huh?

  7. Iain you said that this is the "beginning of the end"

    Was the Glasgow East, Crewe by-election, McBride and the budget the beginning of the end? Or could you just say this for them:
    'this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.'

    Why doesn't do honorable thing and call a general election no one out side his cabinet(bunker) has any conference or faith in him as PM.

  8. You need to keep your right arm down during pieces to camera Iain.

  9. You really must re-think your ties.

    That is truly distracting from your message.

    PS I'd have done another take.

    Liked the little wave at the end.

  10. Isn't it ironic that the Gurkha motto is "Better to die than be a coward".....

    ....whereas Gordon Brown is a noted coward who wrote a book called Courage.

  11. I like the wave at the end - these vlogs are a great idea, a daley dose of dale - excellent! The product placement is also superb, you should pitch yourself to the Bond producers Iain!
    Enjoying this month's Maggie TP!

  12. Tom Harris has admitted he voted with the Government. I am surprised and saddened.

    He writes:

    "governments fall apart when discipline fails"

    I can see him now, in the bunker, with the cannons booming above..Mein Fuhrer..

  13. I do believe he's finally lost it....

  14. Good Vlog Iain.

    Petition signed.

    Did you buy the tie?

  15. You put more faith in the petition's value than I do. Even if it does get to no.1, it's a minor embarrassment at the most and easily waived off.

    Labour will never get rid of him and he'll never quit. It's just a case now of how low will Labour's morale be during the next campaign and how badly will this affect the end numbers.

    The only thing that could stop the the Tories winning now is if Alan Duncan makes another appearance on HIGNFY.

    Liking the vlogs so far... good balance between text and video on your site at this level of posting.

  16. ...and not to forget, there's another vote on Thursday about expenses...

  17. Glad I`m not a Nokia tonight then.

  18. The uncontrollable right hand is a disaster, Iain. Worse than George Allagayah on his spacehopper. Put it away.

  19. Ignore the tie insults - it's fine. Nor did I find the right hand distracting. However, I'd never noticed before how much you sound like Rick Stein.....

  20. WOW Iain, you have piled the weight back on.Hands out of the biscuit tin FATTIE.

  21. I hold no torch for Clegg but I do think it is likely that he went for this because he believed it to be the right thing to do, rather than just "seeing an oppotunity" and going for it.

  22. Spot on Iain!

    ps. Loved the tie!! :)

  23. I like it when you do these video pieces Iain, more please.

  24. It just shows us all how arrogant and out of touch this government and Gordon Brown has become.

    I think we should all write letters to the national and local press urging people to do this simple thing come election time -

    “Vote for the candidate most likely to defeat the Labour!”

  25. A powerful piece of blogging. I believe that the bloggers will finish this dreadful man but the New Labour Project will continue. David Cameron must cease his policy of appeasement and really attack the man as Clegg did today.
    The gloves must come off because Brown and his crew are seriously trying to ruin us. The case of the Gurkhas has exposed the New Labour project to their ultimate goal.

  26. ***whereas Gordon Brown is a noted coward who wrote a book called Courage.***

    What was it George Osborne said about Brown?

    You may find his name on the cover of a book about courage but you'll never find it in the index.

  27. Polly Toynbee's HairdresserApril 29, 2009 10:57 pm

    Poor Gordon McDoom.

    His political career at the highest level is founded upon bullying, smearing, threats, patronage of greasy little accolytes and fear.

    When he is required to operate openly and with a measure of consensus, he is hopelessly out of his depth, his political radar out of kilter.

    Obviously the moral issue is too deep and complex for him to comprehend.
    Letting Gurkhas settle in England, an outrage!

    Do yourself a favour Brown and call an election.
    Put yourself, and more importantly us out of your misery.

  28. Good to see that you're open-minded (given your anti stance to petitions) and that you can see an opportunity when it presents itself.

    Your vlog is a nice touch. Please keep 'em coming.

    (Nothing wrong with your tie).

  29. Blimey Ian. See your tie. That's Joey D's avatar on the WHU site In The Brown Stuff.

    It give me equally flicky eye.

    I'm sure the proud burghers of Jermyn St would clamber over themselves to provide a more videogenic alternative.

  30. I regret the number of fatuous comments on this entry.

    If you are correct - and there are plenty of knowledgeable commentators saying similar things - we could be witnessing the beginning of a real 'downfall'.

    What is more, the online petition could (as with McBride) be the catalyst which was needed to activate the traditional levers that had become blocked.

    It may not happen, but with local and European elections, the flagging economy, never mind the suicidal initiatives of number 10, there is a very reasonable chance that Brown becomes too damaged to continue.

    What will make this unique is that for the first time it will have been possible for the electorate to say "we have had enough" without having to wait to be offered a general election.

    This petition runs until October. One hesitates to predict what number of signatures it might have attracted by then but it could be too many to be ignored.

  31. I dunno. I tried to concentrate but I couldn't tear my eyes away from that tie.
    About a minute in I started getting flashbacks.

    Seriously, though: shouldn't you be "New Tech" Minister or something in the next government?

    Get a seat!

  32. The video is as good as the tie!¬
